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Unit 14 Have you packed it yet? Section B Period 1,Backstreet Boys,Which is your favorite band? Have you seen them in concert yet? Do you know their names? What songs do you like best?,2a Listening,What can you see in the picture?,I can see some people sitting around and talking. Can you guess what they are talking about? I think they are talking about music.,Bands name: _ How long theyve been together: _ Number of concerts theyve done: _,Apple Ice Cream,About a year,Six,_written original songs _won an award _had concerts _made a music video _been in TV,A sample conversation: A: Whats your favorite band? B: My favorite band is Beyond. A: Have they been on TV? B: Yes, theyve been on TV lots of times.,Please ask and answer questions about your favorite bands in pairs.,Pairwork,According to the chart , make up new dialogues.,Lion Band,Have they had concerts?,Yes, theyve had three concerts.,Thank you for listening!,
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