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选修8Unit 4 Pygmalion能力演练一、语法填空Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi.A short while 1 ,however,he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it.He is finding his new work 2 exciting.When he was driving along Catford Street recently,he saw two thieves rush 3 of a shop and run towards a 4 (wait)car.One of them was carrying a bag 5 of money.Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves.The one with the money got 6 a fright that he dropped the bag.As the thieves were trying to get away in their car,Roy drove his bus into 7 back of it.While the battered(撞得变了形的)car 8 (move)away,Roy stopped his bus to telephone the police.The thieves car was 9 (bad)damaged and easy to recognize.Shortly afterwards,the police stopped the car and both men 10 (arrest)二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A little Scotch boy was sitting in his grandmother,s kitchen.He was 1 the red flames in the wide open fireplace(壁炉)and quietly wondering about the 2 of things.As a matter of fact,he was 3 wondering and always wanting to know.“Grandma,”he asked,“what makes the fire 4 ?”This was not the first time he had 5 his grandmother with questions that she could not 6 .So she went on with her preparations for 7 and paid no attention to his 8 .Above the fire an oldfashioned teakettle(茶壶)was 9 .The water within it was beginning to bubble(沸腾).A thin cloud of 10 was rising and soon the lid(盖子)began to11 .Yet when the boy peeped(窥视)under the lid he could see 12 .“Grandma,what is in the teakettle?”he asked.“Water,my child.Nothing but water,”answered his grandmother.“But I know there is something else in there.Something that 13 the lid and makes it shake,”he said.The grandmother laughed,“Oh,thats only steam.”The boy lifted the lid and looked 14 again.He could see nothing but the bubbling water.The steam could not be seen 15 after it was out of the kettle. “How strange”he said.“The steam must be very strong to lift the heavy iron lid”1.A.watching B.makingC.playing D.showing2.A.results B.basesC.causes D.excuses3.A.never B.alwaysC.hardly D.seldom4.A.burn B.growC.change D.live5.A.surprised B.interestedC.frightened D.confused6.A.accept B.rememberC.answer D.offer7.A.party B.supperC.study D.play8.A.question B.behaviorC.clothes D.expression9.A.hanging B.risingC.flowing D.moving10.A.water B.fogC.ice D.steam11.A.leap B.ringC.shake D.turn12.A.something B.nothingC.anything D.everything13.A.touches B.pullsC.covers D.lifts14.A.up B.forwardC.inside D.outside15.A.though B.untilC.because D.so三、阅读理解专题训练(九) 议论文的阅读In America,seldom do you go anywhere without hearing a principle called WINWINIt sounds strange to me at first because throughout my childhood,I have always been taught to try everything possible to win an upperhand,rather than to help other people winHowever,as time goes by,I have gradually comprehended the essence(真谛)of WINWIN principle:it is the attitude of seeking mutual benefitWhen I was little,I used to play Chinese checkers(跳棋)which include two basic tactics(战术):One is to create paths for yourself;the other is to block the passages of your rivalPlayers may apply these two totally different approaches in the game,but the key for the player to win is to continuously create paths for him even if his opponent may take advantage of itFinally he can always reach the destination(目的地)a few steps ahead of the other playerMeanwhile,some player may take another approach to prevent his opponent from moving forward at all costsBy this he may get a shortterm benefit,but couldnt fix attention on the final goal,thus he would never truly develop furtherIn the 1990s,a strategy called WINWIN became widespread in the western worldIts core is to achieve yourobjectivewhile giving other people some benefits,so there is no real loserOne example of applying the WINWIN principle is the voluntary system in USMost Americans advocate(提倡)JP3the spirit of social service and voluntary contributionIn US,schools and children organizations usuallyencourage and support kids to be engaged in community service so that the voluntary spirit can be enrooted in their minds from childhoodMoreover,a crucial(决定性的)standard for universities to judge new students is whether they have worked for the community or notIn China,it is quite usual that some people are too selfish and never take ot
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