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Unit 1Living well.单项填空1(2014陕西西北九校联考)May I have a word with you Shelly?Of course._?AWhats the problemBI beg your pardonCCan I help youDWhy do you ask2(2014衡水中学模考)Have you seen_English film?Yes,I have.But I really want to see it_second time because it is so fantastic.Aan;theBan;aCthe;aDthe;the3(2014太原一模)She was looking for her three nephews,but they were nowhere_,which made her worried.Ato be foundBfoundCseenDto see4(2014杭州一检)The films ending follows a set pattern,but,_,it is worth seeing a second time.Aon the other handBin other wordsCall in allDin the meanwhile5(2014长春外国语学校摸底考试)There is thick snow on my car and now the engine simply_start.AcantBmustntCwontDshant6Whatever background you come from,you can be_successful with your hard work like many others.AequallyBmerelyCmostlyDhardly7House prices are usually high_famous schools lie.AwhenBsinceCwhereDif8(2014莱州一中月考)She is a wellknown doctor now,but she_as a cleaner at the hospital for five years.Ahas workedBworkedChad workedDworks9Developing science and technology must_people rather than harm them.AsupportBbenefitCconsiderDserve10(2014云南玉溪月考)Mr President,do you plan to educate your two daughters to be officials?To tell you the truth,I hope they can do whatever_their interests.AfitsBmatchesCsuitsDneeds11(2014日照模拟)We seldom have a meeting on Friday,_there is something important to discuss.AifBwhenCunlessDsince12(2014商丘高三质检)Would you like to be my close friend?Of course!Lets share in our troubles_in our joys.Aas ifBas well asCas soon asDas long as13(2014郑州高三质检)On November 16,American President Obama_Chinese President on his success in election.AcelebratedBexpressedCcongratulatedDobserved14(2014曲靖一中高三模拟)It is because of a long_from school that I am a bit behind the other classmates.AlackBlossCabsenceDfailure15(2014湖北荆州中学一检)He graduated from a key university with great honors and I think he is_to the job.AdelicateBcompulsoryCadequateDsuitable.完形填空建议用时15(2013山东省济南市高考模拟)What is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right?Perhaps you dont even try any more because you think what you do is not_1_enough.Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time,_2_however hard we work,it seems that there is_3_someone else who can do it much better.I have always enjoyed music and it is_4_to me that every musician has a_5_of their own.My father_6_several instruments and when he played with others,it was not difficult to_7_his sound in a group.Whether it was a guitar or another instrument,he had his own_8_sound.I_9_heard of a music teacher who commented to a discouraged student,“_10_else can make the sound that you make.” The sound that you make may not be the same as anyone elses,but who is to say which is_11_.It is said that_12_is in the eye of the beholder (观看者)Perhaps it could be said that a delightful sound is in the ear of the_13_!Every person has a different tone of voice that_14_only to them,_15_we all know people with an unforgettable laugh or a way of _16_that is unique to them.It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all.It_17_be the way you whistle or the sound of your footsteps.Each person has a(n)_18_on the world in some way.Someone else can do what you do,but they cannot do it_19_in the same way that you do it.The next time you feel_20_,remember nobody else can make the sound that you make.1.Aeasy BgoodCsimpleDhard2A.because Balthough Cwhen Dif3A.seldom Balways Cnever Dsometimes4A.satisfyingBconvincingCinspiringDinteresting5A.giftBsound Clife Dsong6A.played Bdesigned Ccreated Dchecked7A.turn downBcall up Cpick outDgive off8A.loud Bpowerful Cperfect Dspecial9A.once ByetCevenDstill10A.AnybodyBSomebody CNobody DEverybody11A.bigger BbetterCdeeper Dlower12A.beauty Binterest Cpatience Dhonesty13A.speaker Breceiver Clistener Dlooker14A.devotes Badds Cadapts Dbelongs15A.but Byet Cand Dfor16A.runningBwalkingCjumping Dspeaking17A.must Bmight CwouldDcould18A.choice BopinionCduty Deffect19A.exactly BcarefullyCcautiously Dseriously20A.annoyed BpuzzledCdiscouraged Dbothered.阅读理解(2014日照模拟)Worldfamous violinist Itzhak Perlman was stricken with polio as a child.As a result,he wears braces on both legs and walks with the aid of crutches.At_concerts,getting on stage is no small achievement_for_him. He slowly
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