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完形填空4 04年高考福建卷Not too long ago ,an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatlyA guest 36 out of our Polynesian Village resort(度假胜地)at Walt Disney was asked how she 37 her visitShe told the front-desk clerk she had had a (n) 38 vacation ,but was heartbroken about 39 several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet 40 At that moment she was particularly 41 over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau , 42 this was a memory she especially treasuredNow ,please understand that we have no written service rules 43 lost photos in the park 44 ,the clerk at the front desk 45 Disneys idea of caring for our 46 She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of 47 film ,promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian LuauTwo weeks later the guest received a 48 at her homeIn it were photos of all the actors of our show, 49 signed by each performerThere were also 50 of the public procession(游行队伍)and fireworks in the park ,taken by the front-desk clerk in her own 51 after workI happened to know this 52 because this guest wrote us a letterShe said that 53 in her life had she received such good service from any businessExcellent 54 does not come from policy (政策性的)handbooksIt comes from people who 55 and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude36AworkingBcheckingCtryingDstaying37AexpectedBrealizedCpaidDenjoyed38AdisappointingBwonderfulCuncomfortableDimportant39AtakingBdroppingClosingDbreaking40AdevelopedBtakenCwashedDloaded41AsillyBnervousCcalmDsad42AwhenBwhereCasDwhich43AcoveringBfindingCmakingDkeeping44AExcitedlyBFortunatelyCThereforeDQuietly45AunderstoodBremindedCtrustedDdiscovered46AworkersBguestsCmanagersDclerks47AprintedBshotCunusedDrecorded48AfilmBcardCcameraDpacket49AfrequentlyBpersonallyCaloneDactually50ArulesBpicturesChandbooksDperformances51AcaseBworkCtimeDposition52AstoryBplaceCphotoDshow53AonlyBalmostCneverDnearly54AadviceBexperienceCqualityDservice55AcareBserveClikeDknow2Have you ever run in the rain?Itwasrainingoutside.Weallstoodnearthedoorofthe 41 ,waiting.SuddenlyIhearda sweetvoice.“Mom,lets 42 therain,”said a six-year-oldgirl, with beautiful red hair, who had been shopping with her mum in Wal-mart.“What?No,honey.Well_43_untilitstopsrainingsohard,”themotherreplied.Thegirl waitedaboutoneminuteandrepeated,“Mom,letsrunthroughtherain.”“Well 44 if we do,” the mother said. “No, we wont, mom. Thats not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she 45 out of her moms arm.“This morning?” “Yes, when you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!” The whole crowdbecame 46 . Wecouldnthearanythingbut 47 . Weallstood there silently. Her mom_48_foramomentandsaid, “Honey,youreright.Letsrunthrough therain. If God lets us get wet, well, maybe we just need _49_.”Then off they ran. Weallstoodthere, watching and smiling as they ran through the rain. They held their shopping bags over their _50_just in case. Yes, they got wet. Buttheywerefollowed bymany _51_ who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.Memory is a fortune, a precious gift. I believe that somewhere down the road in life, the mother will 52 herselflookingbackon thismomentandshewillsmile.SoDont forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories every day and take the time to run through the rain. 41. A. cinema B. school C. supermarketD. park42. A. runthrough B. go through C. look throughD. get through43. A. leave B. wait C. imagine D. jump44. A. get tired B. get confused C. get paidD. getwet45. A. pushed B. pulled C. carriedD. monitored 46. A. noisy B. calm C. silent D. thrilled47. A. her mum B. the girl C. laughterD. therain48. A. thought B.claimed C. askedD. cared49. A. running B. waiting C. walkingD. washing50. A. hands B. backs C. heads D. coats51. A. adults B. children C. parents D. drivers52. A. stop B. find C. makeD. impressWhen I was a law professor, a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points. He was 36 , and after thanking him for his honesty, I changed the grade in my 37 . His beaming (欢笑的) face turned to shock. “Youre 38 my grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have come in 39 ”He didnt fini
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