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2015年高考英语一轮复习 典题精练4 新人教版选修7. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The worker is annoyed at the machine which is not_(operate)properly. 2. You cant see things clearly through a telescope unless it is_ (adjust)correctly to your sight. 3. The rest of the money we get is from_ (donate). 4. At present, the_ (distribute)of profits cannot satisfy most of the people. 5. They all_ (participate)in the debate. 6. What you say has no_ (relevant)to the subject. 7. It doesnt make any_ (different)whether he comes or not. 8. Attending the course is purely_ (volunteer). 答案: 1. operating 2. adjusted 3. donations 4. distribution 5. participated 6. relevance 7. difference 8. voluntary. 完成句子1. (2013陕西高考)Jim_ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank. 吉姆正在家里看午夜电影, 恰好演到一个惊险场面时, 电视没影像了。2. (2013安徽高考)Im calling about the apartment_. Could you tell me more about it? 我打电话是要了解一下你前几天登广告的公寓。你能告诉我关于它更多的情况吗? 3. (2013湖北高考)Poetry written from the perspective of the urban youth_ over a lack of sense of belonging. 从城市青年的角度写的诗歌往往揭示他们因缺乏归属感而焦虑的现状。4. (2012福建高考)We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we_ more places of interest yesterday. 我们在那个小村庄里迷路了, 否则昨天我们会参观更多的名胜。5. (2012辽宁高考)This machine is very easy_. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. 这台机器很容易操作, 任何人在几分钟之内都能学会使用它。答案: 1. was watching2. you advertised the other day 3. tends to reveal their anxiety4. would have visited5. to operate. 语篇完形Dear Rosemary, 1. _ was wonderful to hear from you. I know you are 2. _ (die)to know my life in PNG. The classrooms are made 3. _ bamboo and the roofs of grass. It takes some boys two hours or more to get to school. Students have no concept of doing experiments 4. _ there is no equipment, either. Sometimes, I wonder 5. _ relevant chemistry is to these students, most of 6. _ will be going back to their villages after 7. _ (graduate). I visited a remote village. The huts there were round and there were no windows. So it took time for my eyes 8. _ (adjust)to the dark inside. I could not participate in the conversation, for I couldnt speak much of the local English dialect. It was 9. _ a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family. I really enjoy the work 10. _ a volunteer teacher in PNG. 答案: 1. It 2. dying 3. of 4. and 5. how 6. whom 7. graduation 8. to adjust 9. such 10. as . 话题写作根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。1. 杰克的确在一个偏僻的小山村做志愿者工作两个月了。(remote, voluntary)2. 他的父母急切盼望收到他的来信, 但是信要过两个周才能到。(be dying to, hear from, fortnight)3. 杰克尽力适应那里的工作, 要不然早就写信了。(adjust, otherwise)4. 杰克打算说服其他人为需要帮助的人捐款。(donate, in need)5. 杰克的努力有了很大影响, 到目前为止, 很多人自愿参加到志愿者工作中。(make a difference, up to, participate)_【参考范文】Jack does have been to a remote village to do some voluntary work for two months. His parents are dying to hear from him, but it will take a fortnight to arrive. Jack is trying to adjust himself to the work, otherwise he would have sent a letter already. He plans to persuade other people to donate money to those in need. His efforts have made a big difference, and up to now, many people have participated in the work.
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