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Unit 1 Building the future项填空(本大题共5小题,共10分)-Are you pleased with what he has done?-Not in the least. It couldnt be _. A. so bad B. much better C. any worse D. the bestMark lives in a big pleasant room _ approximately 5 meters by 6 meters.A. measures B. measuring C. to be measured D. having measuredThe space suits can be adjusted so that the team can reproduce different levels of gravity as if they_in space.AareBhas beenCwereDhad beenA big crowd gathered _ him _. A. to hear ; speak B. hearing ; speaking C. to hear ; speaking D. hearing ; to speak【2013北京】28. Hurry up! Mark and Carl us.A. expectB. are expectingC. have expectedD. will expect一 、完形填空(本大题共1小题,共30分)Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing _36_ was something she picked up by herself. After her first_37_, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. _38_, writing stories was simply a _39_. interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商)._40_, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long_41_and paid Tracy a $ 50,000 advance. A pretty money, said the publisher, for_42_writer.” _43_Traeys characters(人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes_44_readem uneasy: those about the supernatural. My mother believed I could_45_the afterlife world, she told a close friend. She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago. Can I? I dont think I can, Tracy said with a laugh. But l do have_46_ when things come to me_47_. Once, she was wondering how to complete a _48_set in ancient (古代的) China. _49_the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese _50_. It came without her having _51_it. Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained _52_by her fame. She lives in the same _53_she lived 27 years ago - although in a mom comfortable home. There s more room for_54_in her life - and it wasnt just _ 55_.36. A. skill B. experience C. practice D. method37. A. duty B. effortC. jobD. task38. A. Instead B. NormallyC. Certainly D. Then39. A. general B. deep C. personal D. lively40. A. Interested B. AnxiouslyC. Seriously D. Encouraged41. A. film B. storyC. program D. article42. A. a foreign B. a popular C. an unusualD. an unknown43. A. Now that B. Even thoughC. Just becauseD. Except that44. A. find B. turn C.leave D. hold45. A. make up B. connect with C. controlD. explain46. A. events B. chances C. feelings D. moments47. A. for no reason B. from a distance C. by accident D. as gifts48. A. description B. pointingC. scene D. talk49. A. Surprisingly B. SuddenlyC. ExpectedlyD. Fortunately50. A. cooking B. historyC. play D. medicine 51. A. known B. sentC. realized D. ordered 52. A. unchanged B. excited C. determined D. unmoved 53. A. life B. cityC. house D. way 54. A. success B. work C. joy D. variety 55. A. writing B. reporting C. luck D. fun 二 、阅读理解(本大题共2小题,共20分)AIn the year 480 BC the Greek allies (联军) faced invasion by the King of Persia, Xerxes, who commanded a huge army of about half a million men. When the Persian army marched into northern Greece, the Greek states, led by Athens and Sparta, were ill equipped to deal with the threat. The Persians were well supplied with food and weapons. Their army included infantry, cavalry, and a large navy. It seemed that they would easily defeat the Greeks. The Greek allies decided to send 10,000 men northwards to slow down the Persians, while the rest prepared to defend their homelands. A group of 300 best Spartan soldiers were chosen to lead the force going north, with Leonidas in command. Leonidas realized that the only hope of slowing the Persians would be to block the narrow passage of land at Thermopylae. The Pass ofThermopylae was the route between the mountains and the sea, and was so narrow that only a few men could get through at a time. When the Persian army arrived at Thermopylae, they found Leonidas tiny army opposing them. The Persians attacked, but could not get through. They attacked again and again, but each time they were driven back by the Greeks, led by the fearless Spartans. Leonidas plan worked well until a Greek traitor called Ephialtes went m Xerxes. He told the Persian king about a goats path in the mountains that would take the Persian army past Thermopylae. When Leonidas saw the enemy crossing the mountains, he realized that he could no longer hold Thermopylae. He sent all
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