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第6讲 名词性从句经典精讲(下)题一: The commander ordered that his soldiers _at the foot of the mountain.A. should stop B. must stopC. will stop D. would stopThe teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven. A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished 题二: It was ordered that no smoking _in the library A. was allowed B. would be allowed C. be allowed D. had been allowedIt was demanded that we _before daybreak. A. setting off B. set off C. must set off D. will set off题三: Our teacher suggested that we _ proper exercise and enough sleeping hour.A. had B. should have C. ought to have D. will haveHis accent suggests that he _from Guangdong.A. is B. has been C. should be D. was题四: It was suggested yesterday that a meeting _ to discuss the matter.A. will be held B. would be held C. should hold D. be heldThe look on his face suggested that he _ quite satisfied with what I had done for him.A. will be B. being C. should be D. was题五: He insisted that he _ honest.A. was B. is C. should be D. had beenWe all insist that we_ rest until we finish the work. A. wont rest B. dont rest C. not rest D. neednt rest题六: The young man insisted that he_ nothing wrong.A. did B. had done C. do D. has done; He always insisted that he _Dr. Turner instead of Mr.Turner.A. will be called B. call C. have been called D. should be called题七: Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? Thats _the best jobs are.A. where B. what C. when D. whyThe little girl who got lost decided to remain _ she was and waited for her mother.A. who B. what C. how D. where题八: Have you finished the book?No,Ive read up to_the children discover the secret cave.A. which B. what C. hat D. whereId like to buy some sports clothes. I learned that they are on sale.The mens department is on the third floor. Thats _the prices are the best.A. when B. how C. where D. why题九: 选择题:This meat tastes as if it_bad. A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. goesShe loves the children as if he _ their motherA. has been B. was C. were D. areHe talks as if he _for ages. A. is living there B. was living there C. has lived there D. had lived there 填空题:用be going to或will 填空I _sell this old car and buy a new one. Come to supper. OK, thanks. I _ bring a bottle.Tomorrow _be April Fools Day.He is seriously ill. He _die.题十: 选择题:It looks as if it _ clean enough to swim here. A. arent B. hadnt been C. werent D. isntWang Ling, one of my friends, is very good at English. He speaks English as if he _ an Englishman. A. were B. would be C. have been D. had been Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_ yesterday.A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened填空题:用be going to或will 填空Kate is in hospital.Yes, I know. I _see her this afternoon.Kate is in hospital.Oh, really, I didnt know. I _go and see her at once.He _be twenty years old next year. What bad weather. It _snow tomorrow.题十一: The news _ he told me is true.The news _ he has just died is true.A. that B. which C. what D. /题十二: The problem _we are facing now is how we can collect so much money. They expressed the hope _ they would come to visit China again.A. which B. / C. that D. how 题十三: It is possible _ he misunderstood what I said. It was twelve oclock at midnight _ they got to a lonely village.It is three years _her father passed away.It was some time _ we realized the truth. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A. what B. / C. since D. after E. when F. beforeG. that题十四: It is announced _ all the schools will reopen soon. Did your father come back early last night?Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.What was the party like? Wonderful. Its years _I enjoyed myself so much. How long do you think it will be _China sends a manned spaceship to the moon? Perhaps two or three years. Was it in 1949 _ the American astronaut succeeded in landing the moon?A. / B. what C
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