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Personalities and Jobs, ,Listening,Discussion,1. What job do you want to do? why? 2. What characteristics have you got that are good for this kind of job ? 3. What will have to do to get this job ? What skills will you need and what exams will you have to pass ?,Complete the sentence with a key words,1. A-person is sure that he or she can do something or deal with a situation successfully. 2. Someone-would care only about himself and not about other people. 3. Someone-is clever and good at understanding ideas and thinking quickly. 4. A-person can wait for a long time for something without getting angry or worried,confident,selfish,intelligent,patient,5. Someone-is good at producing new ideas. 6. A-person feels sorry for others who are suffering and wants to help them. 7. Someone-would continue to do something even though it is difficult. 8. A-person is friendly and fond of being with others. 9. An-person is confident and able to do things by himself in his own way, without help or advice from other people. 10. Someone-is able to talk easily to other people,creative,sympathetic,persistent,sociable,independent,communicative,Ex 6 Function File,What do you 1-when you leave school, Shuhui? Any ideas? I havent 2-. What about you? 3-!You could make or repair things. Yeah, I like being active. I dont like 4-doing nothing. Well, youre always 5-or making different things at home, arent you? 6-then,Informal,Want to do,Got a clue,Brilliant,Repairing things,Go for it,Sitting down,Formal,I think I am 7-when people are ill. I believe I will always 8-for my patients. That is most important. Do you 9-or do you interrupt when people are talking ? Thats 10-,sympathetic,Try my best,Listen attentively,splendid,Dear Jane, I must tell you about my new job. It came out of the blue. It was all so 1-. I read this ad in the newspaper last week. This new company was looking for experienced 2-and 3-people. You are always telling me I can deal with situations and I am good at putting everything in order so I read on. It said they wanted people who can produce new ideas. Yes, Im 4-,unexpected,confident,Well-organised,creative,I though. They also wanted someone with the following 5-, pleasant, 6-andvery-7-. I though, well, I am nice to people. I am a warm and 8-person, and I never give up. Anyway, I applied and they offered me the job. Isnt that great ? Best wishes, Walter,characteristics,sympathetic,persistent,caring,
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