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云南省富民县第一中学2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题第一部分 听力部分(四个大题 20分)I.听句子或对话,选出与之相符的内容。注意听两遍。(每小题一分,共5分)( )1.A.cat B.key C.quilt( )2.A.dog B.girl C.notebook( )3.A.pencil B.pen C.friend( )4.A.eraser B.sweater C.picture( )5.A.English B.watch C.motherII.听对话,选出恰当的应答语。(每小题一分,共5分)( )6.A.yes,she is B.No,it isnt C.Its a key( )7.A.Its a computer B.Its his watch C.Thats her ruler( )8.A.Her name is Alice. B.Its name is Mimi C.His name is Alan.( )9.A.W-H-T-C-A B.W-A-T-C-H C.T-C-A-W-H( )10.A.NBA B.7611-5927 C.No.III.听短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 (每小题一分,共5分)( )11.Dave lost his schoolbag.( )12.The schoolbag is yellow.( )13.An ID card is in the schoolbag.( )14.His telephone number is 9878-6166.( )15.Some books are in the schoolbag.IV.听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案。(每小题一分,共5分)( )16._is Graces father.A.Tim B.Jack C.Eric( )17.Jack is _.A.five B.seven C.nine( )18._looks nice.A.Kirn B.Cindy C.Grace( )19.Kim and Halen are _.A.mother and daughter B.sisters C.cousins( )20._people (人) are in Graces family.A.Four B.Five C.Six第二部分 笔试部分(七个大题 100分)I. 选择填空 (25分) ()21. My_is a teacher. A. parents B. grandparents C. parent D. fathers( )22. Whats your telephone number? _ 555778.AThis BThat CItDIts(23. My _ are all teachers.A. friend B. sister C. grandparents D. mother()24. Thanks _your family photos, they are very nice. A. to B. in C. for D. at()25. 下列各组字母中不含元音字母的是 。 A. b h k l B. a e I n C. g i n r D. a b m n ()26.- Is this _ car ? -No, Its_. A.your, yours B.your, my C.his, he D.her,she()27. She is a student and _ name is Kate. A.she B.her C.hers D.his ()28.Your mothers brother is your _. A.father B.grandfather C.cousin D.uncle ( )29. How do you spell ring? _.AIts a ringBriNgCRING Da ring()30. This _ my sister and those _ my parents.A.is, is B.is, are C.are, is D.are, are()31.Here_ his family photo.A.are B.am C.be D.is()32. - _? - No, it isnt.A. Is this your aunt B. Whats thisC. Whos this D. Is he your son()33. This is Mr. Black and _ my English teacher.A. this is B. she is C. he isD. it isnt()34. _ are in the same class.A. Helen and IB. I and Helen C. I, you and she D. These()35. Is _ your aunt? Whats _ name? Ahe,his Bshe,her Che,her Dshe,his( )36. The girls name is Maria Smith, so her _ names Maria.AlastBfamilyCfirstDmother( )37Lucy, you speak Chinese very well.Oh, really? _.AThank you BIm sorry C. Thats OK DYoure welcome( )38找出含有不同因素的字母。 A. Hh B. Aa C. Ee D. Jj ( ) 39-Is Guo Peng your brother?- _. AYes,it is BNo,it isnt CYes, she is DNo,he isnt( )40.Anna is not my sister. _ my cousin. AHe BHes CShe DShes ( )41.We have eight _.A. watch B. a watch C. watches D.watchs( )42. Hello, Miss Chen. _?Fine, thank you.ANice to meet youBHow do you doCHow are youDAre you Miss Chen( )43.This is _ ID card and that is _ ring.A. a;aB. an;anC. an;aD.a; an( )44. What color is it ? . A. Its a red B. Its red C. It red D.Is red( )45. Whats this _?Ain englishBIn EnglishCof EnglishDin EnglishIII阅读理解(25分)A 阅读短文,然后根据其内容判断正(T)误(F)(5分)Come to meet the family. This is a picture 0f my family. The man is my father. He is a policeman. The woman is my mother, She is an English teacher. They have a son and a daughter. The son is me. My name is Lin Tao. Im eleven. Im a student. Im at school. The girl in a hat is my sister. Her name is Lin Ying. Shes eleven, too. Were twins. We look the same. Were in the same class. I look like her. We are good students. We like our family. ( )56This is a picture of Lin Yings family. ( )57Lin Tao and Lin Ying are twins. ( )58Lin Taos father is a policeman. ( )59Lin Yings mother is a Chinese teacher. ( )60Lin Tao and Lin Ying are in different(不同的) classesB 阅读下面两幅“失物”与“招领”广告,选择正确答案。(10分)Found:New watchIs this your watch?Please call Relsey.Phone 1232058Lost:My
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