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Section Pronunciation,Function and Speaking,Everyday English;Writing & Cultural Corner,Step One:Fast reading Read the text (P19) quickly and answer the following questions. 1In which European countries is the relationship between teachers and students more relaxed? _ 答案: In northern European countries and Britain.,2Whats the main difference between state schools and private schools? _ 答案: State schools are paid for by the government,but in private schools,the parents pay for the education of their children.,Step Two:Detail reading .Read the text (P19) again and choose the best answers. 1From the text we can know that_. Amost Russian students go to private schools BAmerican parents neednt pay for state schools CGermany is the only country that has state schools Dthe private schools in America are not good 答案: B,2Lucy is now studying in the United States,she finds_. Aher teachers have big problems with discipline Bstudents talk with their teachers like friends Cit is important to respect teachers and keep good discipline Dthe relationship between teachers and students is formal 答案: B,.Read the passage on P19 and tell the following statements True (T) or False (F) 1The relationship between teachers and students is quite formal in many European countries,including France and Britain.( ) 2In America,students and teachers are very relaxed with each other.( ),3There are only private schools in Germany.( ) 4Britain,America,Germany and France have both state and private schools.( ) 5In France,the private schools are very good.( ) 答案: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F,Step Three:Summary It is interesting to look at 1._between schools in different countries.One difference is the 2._between teachers and students. In many European countries,the relationship between teachers and students is quite 3._,4._it is much friendlier and more,5._in northern European countries.Even in Britain,relationships are so relaxed 6._teachers can have big problems with 7._.Another important difference is 8._ schools are state schools or private schools. 答案: 1.differences 2.relationship 3.formal 4.while 5.relaxed 6.that 7.discipline 8.whether,(课文原句P19),where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important. ,在这些国家,纪律和对老师的尊重被认为很重要。 I dont consider him the best person for the work. 我认为他不是这项工作最合适的人选。,(2)v.考虑 consider (doing) sth.考虑(做)某事 His brother is considering studying abroad. 他哥哥正考虑出国留学。 We will consider his suggestion carefully. 我们将仔细考虑他的建议。,1.Charles Babbage is generally considered_the first computer. Ato invent Binventing Cto have invented Dhaving invented,解析: consider sb.to do sth.表示“认为某人做某事”,且题干中the first computer暗示invent的动作发生在consider之前,因此用不定式的完成式,表示不定式动作发生在谓语动作之前。 答案: C,relaxed adj.轻松的,松懈的,宽松的 (课文原句P19)In Britain,relationships are quite relaxed,but teachers can have big problems with discipline.在英国,师生间的关系很宽松,但是老师们在组织纪律方面会遇到很大困难。,You look very relaxed today. 你今天看上去很轻松。 He is relaxed about this exam. 他对于这次考试感到很轻松。 Many parents are relaxed about their childrens clothes. 许多家长对孩子的衣着要求不严。,relax v轻松,放松,休息 relaxing adj.舒服的,轻松自在的,让人感到轻松的 A hot bath will relax you after a hard days work. 经过一天辛苦工作,洗个热水澡会使你轻松舒畅。 This summer,we had a quiet and relaxing holiday. 今年夏天,我们度过了一个安静、轻松的假期。,2.完成句子 He appeared_(轻松的) and confident before the exam. 答案: relaxed,3After the exam,the children felt happy and_. Arelaxing Brelaxed Cdisappointing Ddisappointed 解析: 该句意为:考完试后,孩子们感到轻松、愉快。 答案: B,be up to sb. 由某人决定 (课文原句P18)Its up to you.由你来决定。 Where shall we meet next time? 我们下一次在哪儿见面? Its up to you.由你决定。,Its up to sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的职责或义务/由某人决定某事 Its up to you to make the decision. 这事由你来做决定。 Its up to us to help those in trouble. 我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。,4.Shall we go to the exhibition in the museum this Sunday? _. AIts up to you BIts by you CIts your turn DIt goes to you 解析: Its up to you.由你决定,为习惯搭配。 答案: A,be true of(某种情况)适用于,适宜于,合乎事实 (课文原句P19)This is true of France,Germany and Spain,where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important. 法国、德国和西班牙的情况都是如此,在这些国家,纪律和对老师的尊敬被认为是非常重要的。,The food is good and the same is true of the services. 饭菜质量很好,服务也不错。 I like listening to pop music and it is true of my classmates. 我喜欢听流行音乐,我同学也如此。,5.完成句子 I like listening to pop music and it_ _ _(同样如此) my classmates. 答案: is true of,6The streets become more and more crowded since most families own cars in my city. It is true_my hometown. Awith Bto Cin Dof 解析: be true of sb./sth.为固定结构,意为“也是这种情况”。 答案: D,We can either do some revision or we can do some translation. 我们或者复习,或者做些翻译练习。,either.or.表示在两种可能性中任选一种,意为“或者或者;要么要么”,用来连接并列的句子成分,可以是并列词组也可以是并列句子。 Either you are wrong or I am. 不是你错就是我错。 Ei
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