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Making Guesses about People,Grammar Modals for guessing,Objectives, distinguish different forms and functions of modals for guessing; use modals to guess the present situations or past events.,At the end of this lesson, youll be able to:,Revision,Why does the speaker think the French tutor might know one of the students? tears running down her cheeks, give her a hug 2. How do people feel about the accident? upset, wait anxiously, worried, cant believe, a real relief when they are found,Revision,3. What might be the cause of the accident? separate from, couldnt hear when the thunder started; fall behind, take the wrong path; go exploring, lost their way back,Revision,4. What might be their present situation? shelter; empty cottage; food, water; bleed, a broken arm or leg 5. What might they feel at present? frightened, freezing,Look at the dialogue and complete the gaps.,I think my French tutor _ know They _ be so frightened! They _ have been separated from Or they _ have gone exploring They _ be there. they _ have any water.,might,must,may,could,cant,may not,Discovery,What meaning do the sentences in Ex. 3 express:,a) decision? b) advice? c) guesses?,Discovery,Which modals express the following?,Strong belief/true Strong belief/ not true Possibility/ true Possibility/ not true,may, might, could,must,cant,may not,Summary (meaning),I think my French tutor might know them. 2. They might be sheltering in a cave. 3. They might have fallen behind.,unlimited present time,Decide what they are talking about.,something happening now,past event,Discovery,Summary (form),情态动词 + do / be,情态动词 + be doing,情态动词 + have done,1 2 3 4 5 6,might not / cant have,may /might / could,cant,must / may,Practice,may /might / could,must / may,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8,must be relaxing,may / might / could have arrived,cant have failed,may / might not like,cant be,may / might / could be living,may / might / could have lied,could not have won,Practice,Try to guess the peoples present and past situations.,Language in use,Pair work,A,B,C,D,Try to guess the present situations,A,B,C,D,Try to guess what happened in the past,Make a dialogue,A: Look at the boss. Hes so angry. B: The clerk must be frightened. I wonder what makes the boss so angry? A: The clerk must have done something wrong. He might have destroyed some very important documents. B: Or maybe the boss is a bad-tempered man.,Homework,Read P92 Grammar Summary 2 2. P582, 3, 4,!,
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