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Unit one Friendship,What is Friendship? I want to find out the answer to the question- What is friendship? When it rains, I feel friendship is a small umbrella. It can give me a piece of clear sky. When Im crying, I feel friendship is a white handkerchief. It can wipe the tears stains dry. When I am sad, I feel friendship is some warm words. It can bring me happiness again. When I am in trouble, I feel friendship is a strong hand. It can help me to escape my troubles. When I sit in a quiet place, I feel friendship is a very wonderful feeling. It cant be pulled and torn, because it is in everyones heart. It is here from the beginning to the end of our lives.,1. Brainstorming,Friends,share,personality,play,quarrel,study,trouble,dependable,humorous,helpful,Take your things away without telling you,Dont keep a promise,lie,What qualities and behavior make a good friend?,brave,funny,beautiful,strong,rich,Make a list of the qualities a good friend should be.,Make sentences about your own friends, using the given adjectives. Example:,My friend Alan is . He once saved the life of a little girl who had fallen into a lake.,My friend Bob is . He wouldnt talk to Charles whom I dont like at all.,honest,brave,loyal,My friend Jack is . He never tells lies.,My friend David is . He always gives me the best advice.,My friend George is a boy, but he doesnt like to study and always dreams of becoming a model.,My friend Harry is a student. He always asks good questions in class.,wise,handsome,smart / clever,Say something about your best friend.,I have a good friend. He is always dressed neatly and cleanly.,He looks like Zhou Runfa. He never tells lies, or he is always ready to help. He is not afraid of danger or difficulty. He always has very clever ideas when others do not know what to do.,Good friend,honest,kind,friendly,helpful,humorous,responsible,loyal,patient,The qualities of a good friend,Self-introduction and make friends I think I am _, _and _. I think he / she is _, _ and _.,Not a friend,selfish,tricky,dishonest,Bad tempered,lazy,impatient,Narrow-minded,mean,Some qualities of a person who would not make a good friend,gossipy,1418 Wow! How faithful and generous you are! Congratulations! You are always ready to help your friends. Whenever they have any difficulty, youll try your best to do what you can to help them without hesitation.,congratulations!,come on!,4-8 You are always thinking about yourself. You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and dont consider others feelings, you wont make more friends and keep friendship for long.,9-13 You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered. Youd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.,How to make friends with others?,Read the letter on page 7, and think about how to make friends? Act in groups of two: one acts Xiaodong, and the other gives him advice.,Pre-reading,Why do you need friends? around us upset in trouble do something wrong,happy / wont leave me alone calm down / comfort you help me / solve Tell you the truth / help me to correct,Main Problems with Friendship: 1 Friends dont know how to say something without getting mad with each other. 2 Friends dont know exactly how to apologize after a fight. 3 Some friends dont know how to keep secrets from becoming rumors. Discuss these with your friends then look at our solutions (解决办法). Our Solutions to Problems with Friends :,Keep your promises.,Share things with your friend.,Keep secrets that are told to you.,Tell your friend the truth.,As a good friend, what should you do?,Help him/her when he/she is in trouble.,Share each others good mood and bad mood,Often play and meet together,Respect each other,enjoy it,Homework,复习本课内容并写一篇有关 朋友的短文 2.预习任务: Whos Anne Frank? (用英语介绍) Whats her friend? 3.预习课文新单词并完成 page4,Ex1练习,Friendship I met a good friend, Who came from another land. I couldnt speak his language, But we sang together, And had a lot of fun! Singing is a language, You can speak with anyone.,I have a few good friends, but I think Miki is my best friend. We both read a lot and were very interested in films. We spend a lot of time watching videos and talking about films and books. She works hard. She is very helpful. Whenever I am in trouble, she will help me out-,Friendship,Can you descript your friends?,Task1:,1个人活动:收集资料,设计版面,以小报形式介绍自己的一位好朋友; 2小组活动:介绍朋友,推选最佳朋友; 3班级活动:以墙报形式展示各组推选出了的“最佳朋友”,全体学生选择自己最想认识或结交的朋友,并通过有关同学认识他或她或它。 Supporting languages: She/He likes /doing Her favourite She is fond of,Basketball Game,Task2 : Introduce one of your best friends. Requirements: What is your friend like? What does he/she like? Why is he/she your best friend? What does he/she do to make you feel that he/she is your best friend?,Does a
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