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高中英语第八册(外研版选修8),Module 48 The Tang Poems,第四十八讲 Module 6 The Tang Poems,Module 48 编读互动,设置“课前热身”,目的是让学生用8分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。“知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,share,prove,caution,reflect,expense及其拓展是重点,需要重点讲解。take on短语是高考热点, 尤其要注意其意义的多变和活用。本单元词组较多,在课前预习时提醒学生要反复识记,以备做题时使用。 建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业(包括评讲)一课时,共计两个课时。,Module 48 课前热身,.单词拼写 1His economic policies paved the way for industrial _(扩张). 2The doctors did not _(揭露) the truth to him. 3This experience caused him much _(精神上的) suffering. 4Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in _(混乱).,expansion,reveal,mental,disorder,Module 48 课前热身,5The poems provide a _(渠道) through which they can communicate with the world,and express their feelings. 6Poor health may be a b_ to success. 7We d_ the house for Christmas. 8Young people want i_ from their parents. 9_(向来),he would come in late and then say that he had to go early. 10. The new fashion soon lost its _(吸引力).,channel,arrier,ecorated,ndependence,Typically,appeal,Module 48 课前热身,.词语翻译 1与齐头并进 _ 2标志着时代的开始 _ 3认为是 _ 4抓住 _ 5立即,不假思索地(回答等) _ 6在方面很糟糕 _ 7请说吧 _ 8记住 _ 9又一想,转念一想 _,go hand in hand with,mark the beginning of,think ofas,take hold of,off the top of my head,hopeless at sth/doing sth,fire away,learn sth by heart,on second thoughts,Module 48 课前热身,10. 无论还是 _ 11. 给自己表达的机会 _ 12. 为筹集资金 _ 13. 对入迷 _ 14. 呈现出新的活力 _ 15. 与相关 _ 16. 满足的要求 _ 17. 与通信 _ 18. 每几个月 _,whetheror,give oneself a voice,raise funds for,be addicted to,take on a new life,have associations with,cater for,correspond with,every few months,Module 48 课前热身,19形成对生活的积极态度 _ 20. 动力和成就感 _,develop a positive attitude to life,a sense of motivation and achievement,Module 48 课前热身,.完成句子 1直到11世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。 It was only in the 11th century _. 2诗可以帮助我们认识和探究我们的问题,并帮助我们培养积极的人生态度。 Poems can help us to _our problems and to _a positive attitude to life. 3通过写下你的情感,你可以更好地理解自己,而且如果感觉自己被忽视了,你可以通过诗给自己一个表达的机会。,that his poetic genius was recognized,recognize and explore,develop,Module 48 课前热身,_,you can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored. 4电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。 TV must _many different tastes. 5你可以拿最适合你戴的帽子。 You can take _suits you best.,By writing down your feelings,cater for/to,whichever hat,Module 48 单词点睛,1 share n. 一份,份儿;股份 v. 共用;分担;分摊;分享 share sth(out) (among/between sb) 将某物平均分配 share sth (with sb) 与别人分享(某物);与别人共有或合用(某物);在(某方面)有共同之处 share (in) 分享,分担 share ones opinions/interest 与某人有共同的观点/兴趣 share ones story 告诉别人的故事,Module 48 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)_ the sweets _the children. 把糖分给孩子们。 (2)He told us that he was ready_. 他告诉我们说他愿意把他的故事讲给我们听。 (3)I will _with you. 我愿与你分摊费用。,Share,among,to share his story,share (in) the cost,Module 48 单词点睛,2 prove v. 证明,证实;link v证明是;原来是 proof n. 证据 prove sth to sb 把证明给某人 prove (to be)n. /adj. 证明是 【易错警示】 prove表示“证明是,原来是”时是系动词,不能用被动语态。 【活学活用】 The task _than wed thought. 这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。,proved (to be) more difficult,Module 48 单词点睛,3 caution v. 警告;劝小心 n. 小心,谨慎 cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的 with caution 小心地 caution sb not to docaution sb against doing 警告某人不要做(此处caution相当于warn) caution sb about sth 警告某人某事 be cautious about 对谨慎,Module 48 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)He is very _spending money. 他用钱很仔细。 (2)He _the forest at night. 他警告他们夜晚避开森林。,cautious about,cautioned them to avoid,Module 48 单词点睛,4 reflect v. 反映,反射;显示;表达;思考,反省 reflection n. 反映,反射;映象,倒影; 深思,反省,思考 reflect on/upon 仔细想,考虑;反省 on (upon) reflection 经再三思考 【词语辨析】 reflect和react react 反应,作出反应 reflect 反射;表达;反映 如:,Module 48 单词点睛,You never know how he is going to react. 你根本不知道他会作何反应。 Does this letter reflect how you really think? 这封信是否表达了你真实的想法? 【活学活用】 (1)_,I saw that she might be right,after all. 我考虑再三,认为她可能最终是对的。 (2)He _his past mistakes. 他反省了他的过错。,On further reflection,reflected on,Module 48 单词点睛,(3)Her sad looking _the thought passing through her mind. 她悲伤的表情反映了她的想法。 (4)How did they _to your suggestion? 对于你的建议,他们有何反应?,reflected,react,Module 48 单词点睛,5 expense n. U花费;代价;pl.花费的钱 no expense(s) spared 不惜费用 (all) expenses paid (由雇主等)已付费用的 meet/cover the expenses of 支付的费用 at sbs expense 由某人付费 at the expense of sth 以为代价,Module 48 单词点睛,【活学活用】
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