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Lesson 3 Weddings,Objectives,Understand the words related to weddings. Find out the key information related to the weddings in Indonesia and Greek. Practise using some modal verbs. Design your best friends wedding.,Words related to weddings,Brain-storming,The definition of the words,Teaching Steps,Step 1,Step 2,Practice,I,II Some skills to memorize the words,Indonesian Weddings,Wedding styles,Teaching Steps,Step 3,Step 4,Reading,Greek weddings,Dos and Donts in the Indonesian weddings,The activities before / during / after the wedding ceremony,Reading exercise,Culture corner,-Wedding vows,Step 5,Step 6,Homework,When we talk about wedding, what words can you think of ?,Brain-storming,bride,groom,Bridegroom,Bride,Best man,Maid of honor,Bridegroom,Bride,Maid of honor,Flower girl,Ring bearer,Best man,groomsmen,Bridesmaids,Wedding ceremony,banquet,Wedding reception,crown,entrance,a) a friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremony b) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people c) a door or gate you go through to enter a place d) a woman who is about to get married or has just got married e) an important social or religious occasions f) a man who is about to get married or has just got married,6 wedding reception,3 best man,4 ceremony,1 bride,2 bridegroom,Match the words to their definition:,5 entrance,3,5,6,2,1,4,Some skills to help you to memorize words: bride, bridegroom, best man, bridesmaid, ceremony, wedding reception,Words can be connected in different ways and the diagram below shows you one example.,wedding,main characters,bride &bridegroom,friends of the bride&groom,bridesmaid&best man,activities,wedding ceremony,wedding reception,Have you been to a wedding Party?,What kind of wedding party have you been to?,wedding styles,Guessing game,Brainstorm,traditional Chinese weddings,modern Chinese weddings,collective weddings,sky weddings,ocean weddings,western weddings,royal weddings,church weddings,Read the Internet page carefully and try to remember as much information as you can!,Indonesian Weddings,What to do:,What not to do:,I can go without an invitation.,I ought not to go to the ceremony without asking first.,I can attend the reception after the ceremony.,I ought to put money into the box at the entrance of the reception.,I dont have to contribute a lot of money.,I cant drink alcohol at the wedding reception.,Indonesian women dont have to cover their heads.,Indonesian Weddings,can,ought to,dont have to,cant,can,dont have to,ought not to,Watch a selection of a film and get to know about: Greek Weddings,Greek Weddings,Greek Weddings,Greek Weddings,Greek Weddings,before the wedding ceremony,during the wedding ceremony,after the wedding ceremony,The groom has to ask the brides father for his daughters hand in marriage.,The best man should help put crowns made of flowers on the heads of the couple.,A long silk ribbon has to link the crowns to symbolise a happy and long life for the couple.,The guests can attend a wedding reception.,The party can last through the night.,Guests can throw dishes on the floor and put money to the brides dress for good luck.,has to,should,has to,can,can,can,Decide which ones are true(T) and which ones are false(F). 1. Indonesian families only invite people they have known for a long time. 2. The reception is before the wedding. 3. Guests usually give money as a present 4. In Greek culture , the bridegroom has to ask for the brides hand in marriage. 5. The bride and bridegrooms wedding crowns are made of gold. 6. A piece of ribbon links the wedding crowns together.,F,F,T,T,F,T,Western wedding ceremony,“I (name), take you, (name), to be my wife (husband), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part; as God is my witness, I give you my promise”.,Wedding vows(婚誓),Friends. Family. We are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of Ross and Emily. I Ross Take thee, Emily as my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death parts us. Emily, place this ring on Rosss finger as a symbol of your bond everlasting. Ross, place this ring in Emilys hand as a symbol of the love that encircles you forever.,从今天开始, 无论顺境、逆境;无论贫穷 还是富有;无论健康 还是疾病,都不能将我们分开,直到生命的最后一天。,Writing: Make a plan for your future wedding. (Use the modal verbs and new words we have learnt.),
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