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Unit 2 Working the land,Warming up & Reading,Have you ever grown any plants? Do you know the steps of how to grow rice?,select the weeds,plough the soil,turn over the soil,sow the seeds,remove the weeds,fertilize,farming steps,The Peasants lot,Farmers weeding at noon, Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, Due to their toiling day.,By Li Shen,Father of Hybrid Rice,A Pioneer For All People,A Pioneer for all People,Pioneer n. person who is the first to study a new area of knowledge.,Young Pioneer,?,Task 2 Skimming,Find out the main idea of each paragraph.,Match the following main ideas with the right paragraphs.,A Pioneer for ALL People,Paragraph 1,Yuan Longping thinks he is a _ as well as a scientist. He has _ face and arms and a _, _ body. He works hard and grows super _ rice. In 1974, he became a pioneer to grow rice that has a high_ .,farmer,sunburnt,slim,strong,hybrid,output,Appearance,Achievement,Careful reading,Brown, (1990s),China wont feed themselves because of its large population!,We can solve the problem and we can help world to solve the problem!,Super hybrid rice (Special strain of rice),Yuan Longping has struggled for the past five decades.He is circulating his knowledge in many countries.,How to rid the world of hunger?,Paragraph 2,Born in a farmers family,Southwest Agriculture College,Hunger was a disturbing problem. Saw the great need for increasing the rice output,200 million tons produced,Circulating his knowledge,Only fifty million tons produced,Means?,22% 7%,UN rid the world of hunger,biography,a. He was born into a poor farmers family . b. He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college. c. Chinese farmers produced fifty million tons of rice. d. He became the first agricultural pioneer e. He searched for a way to increase rice outputs without expanding the area of fields. f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed countries. Proper order:,a,c,b,e,d,f,2.Put the following sentences in right order.,1930,1953,1950,1974,as a young man,now,Paragraph 3,Topic sentence? Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life. He doesnt care about _ and _. He likes freedom for his search and hobbies.,fame,money,.,Personality,listening to violin music,reading,playing the violin,playing mah-jong,swimming,Which of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true? A. He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous. B. He cares little about money and fame. C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life. D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.,Paragraph. 3 Dr Yuans personality,He doesnt like money and fame.,What is Yuan Longpings attitude towards money? A. The more, the better B. Too much will cause a lot of troubles C. Money is of no use,Which of the hobbies below is the one that Yuan Longping doesnt do now? A. swimming, reading B. playing mah-jong C. playing violin and walking to his rice fields,His dreams,Paragragh 4,1) The first dream,2) The second dream,Produce a kind of rice that could feed more people,As huge as a peanut,The first dream,As tall as sorghum,As big as a corn,The second dream,To export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe,A Pioneer for all People,Pioneer n. person who is the first to study a new area of knowledge.,Young Pioneer,?,He is the father of super hybrid rice!,Exercises time,Understand the text and know the pioneer for all people Dr Yuan now? Do some exercises and test yourselves.,True or False,1. Dr Yuans kind of rice is the most suitable for Chinas farmland. 2.Dr Yuan would rather relax than work.,F,T,_ 1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer,for thats how he regards himself. A.He thinks of himself as a farmer. B.The other people think of him as a farmer,A,choose the right meaning,_ 2. Dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. A.Dreams are free,you can imagine what your future would like. B.You should spend some money on dreams.,A,You are a lucky dog. No queston! Congratulations!,And you can do more exercises.,Yuan Longping is a great man, for he has (奋斗) for human race for a long time. His attention is (集中) finding ways to grow more green rice, which will not (导致) illness. (use) his special rice ,farmers can produce harvest twice as large before without (使 变大) the area of the fields. (多亏) his research, Chinese (使摆脱) themselves of (饥饿). (因此), he is called “father of hybrid rice”.In addition, he is (对满意)his life. He (宁愿)keep time for swimming, which (增强) his strength.,(知识再现与巩固), 短文填空,struggled,focused on,lead to,Using,as,expanding,Thanks to,rid/ridded,hunger,Th
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