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限时训练第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Which of the twin brothers is easier to get on with? younger one. He is most humorous man.AA; aBA; theCThe; aDThe; /22What do you usually do in summer vacations?I usually travel around the country, but this year, I will do some voluntary work a change.AwithBinCtowardDfor23Invention can be as it may suddenly begin just by noticing something usual.AaccidentalBcarelessCnecessaryDimaginative24Why did you leave him as he was?But what otherwise? He never listens to me.Acould I doBshould I doCcould I have doneDmust I have done25Do they want to remove all those ruins?No, they have been stopped. They can tell us!AWhich BWhoCHowDWhat26In the job interviews job applicants often find themselves unexpected questions, some very difficult to answer.Ato askBaskedCto be askedDasking27As is widely acknowledged, playing outside helps children learn through curiosity, which promotes creativity.Ain briefBin turnCin conclusionDin return28With the new machines put in place, our hopes to complete the task in time .AroseBfadedCliftedDescaped29What did you first do in the factory?As soon as we arrived, we were to see the production line.Ataken in Btaken upCtaken backDtaken off30What has made him look like lacking sleep? his wife is ill and he has to get up several times a night to attend to her.AForBBecauseCThatDWhat31Life be very hard for people living in the north of Canada as it is very cold there in the winter.Yes, the weather there be as low as 60 below zero.Amust; canBshall; mustCwill; shouldDhas to; can第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Thousands of brush lines went into the original great works, but one artist has reproduced some of the worlds most famous paintings with just one line. Designer Chan Hwee Chong creates spiral(螺旋形的) illustrations inspired by some of the most 36 works in history. The Singaporean artists work is so 37 that if he makes a single mistake he starts all over again. He has recreated Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa, Van Goghs self-portrait and Johannes Vermeers the Girl with the Pearl Earring in his own unique 38 .The 33-year-old father-of-two said: “ 39 , the brief was to show the precision and control of the pens.Right from start, we 40 ourselves, is there an idea that can bring to life the promise of these pens in a 41 , powerful way? Inspired by line-art drawings, we thought we could 42 precision and control in a simple idea that involved only one single line.” He 43 putting together the impressive drawings to a spider spinning a web. Mr Hwee Chong added, “It wasnt as easy as we thought. We went through many rounds of 44 and error, painstaking drawing the masterpieces in one 45 line, by hand. As you can imagine, every mistake meant we need to start from the very 46 . This project not only involved skill 47 lots of resilience and patience, much 48 a spider spinning its web.”The Singaporean is an art director at German 49 studio Kolle Robbe in Hamburg. In his spare time he works 50 installation art and on graphic design. “At work, I deal 51 with art direction and ideas. Outside of work I like playing with spaces - 52 different ways of provoking our senses in an immersive(拟真的) fashion.”Mr Hwee Chong, who lives in Hamburg with his wife Carolyn, said the three pieces took several months to complete due to the fact that every mistake meant a complete restart.“I dont really have an 53 to how long each drawing took but the whole project took us many months. 54 , my favourite is Mona Lisa as it was the piece we started doing first. All three pieces were hard work but I worked with a team which really 55 . We solved problems we had together and it was great fun.”36ApopularBeffectiveCpracticalDrealistic37AsuccessfulBpreciseCstrictDflexible38AlanguageBgestureCstudioDstyle39ABasicallyBFortunatelyCThankfullyDSimilarly40AremindedBtoldCaskedDwondered41AtraditionalBsimpleCdirectDpare42ApresentBchangeCinventDlose43ApracticedBsuggestedCconnectedDcompared44AtrialBactionCsuccessDrisk45AshortenedBbrokenCcontrolledDdivided46AendBtopCheadDbeginning47AyetBbutCandDthen48AlikeBoffCafterDagainst49AfilmBmusicCdesignDphotography50AforBonCwithDof51AmainlyBonlyCcloselyDnervously52AmakingBexploringCfeelingDforcing53AhonourBattentionCentranceDanswer54AProbablyBPersonallyCRecentlyDPreviously55AimpressedBownedCapprovedDhelped第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AMany parents want to find the most common names, so they seek to lists like the one being released today by the
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