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I Have Seen Amazing Things,Unit3 Using Language,1. Do you think its possible for human being to have a time travel? 2. If you have the chance the take a time travel to the year AD 3005 as Li Qiang did, what places will you go to visit?,Discussion,Do you think there are alien creatures in outer space? What do you think they look like?,Task 1,Read the passage, then finish the following exercises,1. How many types of creatures are mentioned in the passage? What are they? 2. Where are they from?,Two types of creatures. They are the mu-mu and the dimpods,The mu-mu are a family from the Pleiades group of stars. The dimpods are from a galaxy near NGC 6240.,Read Para 1. and answer: 3. What is the space station like? 4. What do the alien creatures do with the human scientists?,It is an enormous round plate.,They work with human space scientists searching for new worlds.,Read Para2. and fill the blanks. 5. If you go to the stars where mu-mu live, you must wear _ on your helmets so that you can _, but the mu-mu wont _. 6 . Mu-mu have _ the discovery of planets round the _ star in the _.,red nightlights,see,be disturbed,assisted in,fourth,Pleiades system,Read Para3.Do the “True or False”. 7. Dimpods can build a new spaceship in twenty-four years. 8. Dimpods can produce a liquid which melts metal.,Read Para4 and answer: 9. Can humans communicate with these creatures easily?,Both of them eat food that contains carbon. The mu-mu drink a strange mixture of carrot juice and cocoa, while the dimpods drink lemonade mixed with herbs.,10. What kind of food do they eat?,Task 2,Read the first and and fill in the chart on page 22,Mu-mu,Dimpods,tall and thin,black and white,purple or blue,the size of a little cat,very friendly,one leg covered by shell,six,too many to tell,skip around fast,By shaking from side to side,small,a pointed head, shell-covered leg, black and white colour,interesting and lively,too many to tell,voice,whisper,shout,Food,mixture of carrot juice and cocoa,lemonade with herbs,1. a number of a great many a good many many a more than one a great deal of a great amount of plenty of a quantity of quantities of,+可数名词,+不可数名词,+可数或不 可数名词,1.extraordinarily adv. extraordinary adj.,异常地;非常 异常的,特别的,extra- 前缀:超出 ordin 次序,等级,ordinary adj. 平凡的 ordinarily adv. 平常地,她是个美丽非凡的姑娘,他的意志力非凡,She is an extraordinarily beautiful girl.,His strength of will was extraordinary.,2. So you can imagine how exciting that is!,我们简直不能设想没有电灯的生活,你能想像她成了飞行员吗?,We can hardly imagine life without electric light.,Can you imagine her becoming a pilot?,imagine + v-ing imagine + sb. doing/sb.s doing,imagination n. 想象力 imaginary adj. 虚构的,想象的,3. but the mu-mu wont be disturbed.,disturb interrupt He is speaking at the meeting. Dont _ him. 2. He is sleeping in his room. Dont _ him.,interrupt,disturb,干扰,困扰,打断,当老师讲课时不要打断他,Dont interrupt your teacher while he is talking.,4. assist. v. help 帮助,I will do my best to assist you He assists me with money. The police will assist you in finding her address.,assist sb. with sth,assist sb. in doing sth.,帮助某人做某事,help (sb.) (to) do help sb. with sth help with sth.,助手 assistance,5. require,All the students are required to take this examination.,要求所有的学生都参加这次考试,require sb. to do sb. is required to do,他要求我们干通宵,He required that we (should) work all night.,require (that) sb. (should) do,Its required that sb. (should) do,require demand,I _ that you leave this place at once. His health _ that he should go to bed early.,demand,requires,要求或命令,含有强硬的意味,6. depend on,万物生长都需要太阳,All living things depend on/upon the sun for their growth.,你放心,我会帮你的,You may depend on me to help you.,depend on sb. to do 依靠某人做某事,Exercise: He asked us to _ him in carrying through the plan. provide B. encourage C. assist D. persuade 2. When entering the park, all visitors _ to show their tickets. require B. will require C. are required D. be required 3. He is so careless that he is _ making mistakes in his homework. extraordinarily B. completely C. continuously D. constantly,单句改错 1)A good many of animals have died out in recent years. 2)Quantities of sand is piled in the corner. 3)The number of people attending the meeting are 500. 4)There is a plenty of snow in this winter.,are,is,
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