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What did you watch just now?,Advertisements (ads),What do they persuade people to do?,Support the fight against AIDS,Advertisements,Unit 4 Reading,learning aims,1 to learn some basic knowledge about ads 2 How to read expository writing,Step One Lead in,Start Ahead.,Sales for computers.,Taking drugs means committing suicide slowly.,Try to divide them into two parts.,Ads for public issues Ads for sales,Project Hope,Say No to drugs,shampoo,computer,public service advertisements,commercial advertisements,Step Two Reading strategy,1 What is expository writing? Expository writing is meant to introduce you basic information on a topic. 2 What kind of format does it usually follow? It usually follows the same basic format: introduction of subject, supporting details, conclusion,Discuss the structure of the text,Para1,Para2-5,Para6,Step Three Fast reading,1) What do advertisements encourage people to do? 2) What does PSAs stand for? 3) What are PSAs meant to do?,To buy a product or service or believe in an idea.,Public service advertisements.,To educate people about health, safety or any other issue which affects public welfare.,Step Four Reading for details,Task 1 Detailed-reading,1 Where are the advertisements most commonly found? 2 What is the difference between commercial advertisements and PSAs?,They are most commonly found in newspapers and magazines, on billboards, the Internet, radio and TV.,A commercial advertisement is one which someone had paid for to promote a product or service, while a PSA is often placed for free, and is intended to educate people about issues which affect public welfare.,3 Why are some of the ads clever according to the article? 4 When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign?,Because although the ads do not lie, they do not tell you the complete truth.,In 1996.,1 Advertisements are found in many places. 2 PSAs are only found in newspapers. 3 All advertisements tell the complete truth. 4 PSAs and commercial ads use some of the same methods. 5 Commercial ads can give us valuable information about how to live our lives. 6 An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA.,not only,Not all,PSAs,T / F,Task 2,What are their similarities and differences?,persuasive exciting billboards Internet promote educate expense,Task 3 Task reading Fill in the blanks with right words,billboards newspapers magazines the internet radio television,persuasive,exciting,to _ a product or service,to educate people about health, safety or any other issue which affects public welfare,promote,“Bright-Teeth fights bad breath!”,“You are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food?”,“Yes to life, no to drugs”,“Knowledge changes life”,“Project Hope schooling every child”,“Smoking is committing a suicide slowly”,Examples,Step Five Consolidation,1.In the sentence “A commercial ad is one which someone has paid for to promote a product or service” , the word “promote” means _,A. to sell a product or service at a higher price B. to sell a product or service for free C. to help sell a product or service or make it more popular,2.What does the advertiser mean by saying “You are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food?”,Since you are good at cooking, you neednt buy the very freshest food. B. Because you are a nice cook, the very freshest food is your favorite choices. C. If you are satisfied with your cooking, you shouldnt buy the very freshest food.,3.Which of the following advertisements is different from the others?,A. Bright-Teeth fights bad breath B. Project Hope schooling every child C. Knowledge changes life,4. What is the authors attitude towards ads?,A. All ads tell the complete truth and we should believe them. B. ads dont tell the truth and we mustnt believe them C. Some ads offer inaccurate information and we should be careful about them.,Step Six Have a Discussion,Step Seven Summary,What have you learnt about ads in this passage?,1 Finish the article on Page 95. 2 List the difficult language points on your notebook.,Step Eight Homework,Thank you for joining us! Goodbye!,
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