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,Lesson 41 After an Accident,Have you ever seen an accident? What happened?,Group work Have a talk,What caused some accidents? What should you do if you see an accident happen? 温馨提示: 1.drink too much, drive too fast ,be very tired ,be careless ,dont obey(遵守) the traffic rules. 2.help him/her at once ,call 120 .,Safety First! 安全第一,On our way to school we must be careful ,not go too fast and obey the traffic rules.,Listen and answer,Jenny,Brian,Danny,Answer the questions,Whats the meaning of victim? What will Danny say to Jenny when she has an accident? What is Brian in this play? Keys: 1.The victim is the person who is hurt. 2.He will say to Jenny, “Are you badly hurt, Jenny? Heres my jacket. It will keep you warm. Dont be scared. The doctor will be here soon.” 3.A reporter.,Ask and Answer 1 What are they talking about? 2 Who does Brian tell Danny to pretend to be? 3 What does Danny want to say to Jenny at first? 4 What does Brian tell Danny to do?,They are talking about accident acting.,Brian tells Danny to pretend to be Jennys friend.,“Why didnt you listen to my warning? Now youve had an accident.”,Brian tells Danny to be a nice friend and not to be mad.,5 If you are Jennys friend, what will you say to her? 6 Danny doesnt listen to Brians warning at last, does he? Is Jenny angry?,“Are you badly hurt? Dont be scared. ”,No,he doesnt.Yes, she is.,Language Notes,act v.表演 , 行动 He acted a doctor. acting n.表演,扮演 accident acting 事故表演 actor 演员, 男演员 actress 女演员,Now youve had an accident.,accident n. 事故, 意外 have an accident 出事故 昨天他们出了事故,但不严重. They had an accident yesterday, but its not serious. by accident 意外地,偶然 He cut his hand by accident.,I dont have to pretend.,pretend to do sth. 假装做 当老师进来时,他假装在读书. He pretended to read when the teacher came in. 他假装没看到我. He pretended not to see me. The thief pretended to be a relative of his.,pretend that + 从句 He pretended that he didnt know about that. 他的儿子经常假装生病. His son often pretends that he is ill.= His son often pretends to be ill.,Dont be scared.,scared adj. 害怕的,恐惧的,吓坏的。 【拓展】 1. be scared of sb /sth 害怕某人或某物 He is scared of his father. 2. be scared to do sth 害怕做某事 The little girl was scared to go home because she didnt sell out the match.,I told her to stop, but she refused.,refuse sth. 拒绝 Mr. Li 拒绝了 Miss Zhang 的邀请. Mr. Li refused Miss Zhangs invitation. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 她拒绝吃药. She refused to take medicine.,Did you see how this accident happen?,happen v.发生 1. Sth. happened to sb某人发生了某事 A car traffic happened to the old man. 你发生了什么事? What happened to you ? 2. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 I happened to meet Mike in the street last week. I happened to be there.,Danny ,dont be mad.,be mad at sb/sth 对很愤怒,很生气 (be angry with.) 老师对我很生气,因为我没有完成作业。 The teacher was mad at me, because I didnt finish my homework. I am mad at the car driver, because he drives too fast.,Test yourself,一)、根据汉语及首字母提示写出相应的英语单词。 1. He hurt his legs in a car_ yesterday . (事故) 2. Whats your father ? He is a news _.(记者) 3. Lu Yi is not only an _ but also singer. (演员) 4. Let that be a _ to you . (警告) 5. Li Yang was _ hurt in that accident . (严重地) 6. The v_ is the person who is hurt .,accident,reporter,actor,warning,badly,ictim,7. Dont be s_ . The doctor will be here soon . 8. You will p_ to be a doctor in this play . 9. My mother is m_ at me because I am always watching TV at home.,cared,retend,ad,单项选择 1、 Why dont you to be Dannys friend ? A. pretend B . pretended C. was pretended D. is pretended. 2. Put on this jacket , it will keep you . A. warmer B. cold C. warm D . cool 3. Danny is old enough to himself . A. taking B. looking C. take care of D. take care . 4.They are of that flood. A victim B. person C victims D man 5. Jenny was by the big fire . A. scare B. scaring C scared D . to scare,A,C,C,C,C,Homework,With a small group of classmates, you will pretend that someone has had an accident. Each person in your group will pretend to be someone different. the victim someone who saw the accident a doctor a reporter Dont forget to show your classmates: how the accident happened what happens next,Life is only once for us . We must cherish /teri/ it ! 我们必须珍爱生命, 因为生命只有一次。,Thank you!,
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