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高中英语第三册(外研版必修3),Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia,Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia,Module 4 编读互动,设置“课前热身”,目的是让学生用8分钟的时间快速浏览本模块知识内容。知识讲解部分重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型。 本模块中,concern的非谓语动词形式作状语、定语是难点。give, think短语是高考高频短语, 尤其提醒学生注意give out (用光,用完)的含义。 建议课时:讲练一课时,课时作业(包括评讲)一课时,共计两个课时。,Module 4 美文佳句,诵美文 下图描述的是全球环境问题。请仔细观察这幅漫画,用英语写一篇短文,阐明漫画中所反映的问题,并提出解决此问题的方法(至少三点)。,Module 4 美文佳句,注意:1仔细品味图中文字的韵味,可以适当发挥想象,不要做简单描述; 2词数120左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数; 3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 From the picture, we can see that_,Module 4 美文佳句,From the picture, we can see that pollution is posing a threat to our earth, which comes in many ways. Millions of chimneys of the factories are pouring heavy smoke into air, which causes serious air pollution. A large amount of waste water from the factories pollutes water, making our rivers fishless and our water unfit to drink and swim in. Furthermore, a lot of trees have been cut down without proper plans, which contributes to the soil being washed away. It seems that we really have no clean place to live in.,Module 4 美文佳句,The pollution is so serious that we have to find effective solutions to it. As far as I am concerned, the government should make laws to reduce polluted air. Some measures should be taken to purify the water before it is poured into the rivers or the seas. We should plant more trees to keep the soil in place. Whats more, people should be further educated to realize the importance of environmental protection. Thus, we will have a clean and tidy environment.,Module 4 美文佳句,背佳句 1From the picture, we can see that pollution is posing a threat to our earth, which comes in many ways. 从图中我们可以看到,污染从方方面面构成了对我们地球的威胁。 赏析 该句是图画作文的万能开篇句,用现在进行时形象地描述了图画的内容,为了提高句子的表达档次,还使用了一个which引导的非限制性定语从句。,Module 4 美文佳句,2A large amount of waste water from the factories pollutes water, making our rivers fishless and our water unfit to drink and swim in. 工厂排出的大量废水污染了水源,使我们的河流里没有了鱼,我们的水不能饮用也不能在里面游泳。 赏析 该句使用了现在分词短语做结果状语,生动地描绘了污染的严重后果。 3The pollution is so serious that we have to find effective solutions to it. 污染是如此严重,以致我们必须找到行之有效的解决方案。,Module 4 美文佳句,赏析 该句使用了“sothat”结构,that引导的是结果状语从句。 4Whats more, people should be further educated to realize the importance of environmental protection. 此外,应该进一步教育人们,使其意识到环境保护的重要性。 赏析 该句使用了含有情态动词的被动语态,使用了“educate sb. to do sth.”结构的被动语态。,Module 4 课前热身,.单词拼写 1The weatherman has _(预报) that it will be foggy tomorrow. 2I think that maybe your schools are better in training for _(市民). 3She was a bit f_at the sight of a snake. 4She belongs to an organization which protects the _(环境).,forecast(ed),citizens,rightened,environment,Module 4 课前热身,5The chemical factory is p_the river nearby more and more seriously. 6Reforming the education system will be a difficult p_. 7Some g_in our daily life can be recycled. 8When c_to school yesterday, he was knocked down by a car. 9“You are a_right” means “You are completely right”. 10. One m_environmental problem is cars, because they pollute the air with carbon dioxide.,olluting,rocess,arbage,ycling,bsolutely,ajor,Module 4 课前热身,.词语翻译 1突然地遭遇(暴风雨等) _ 2砍倒 _ 3作为的结果;由于 _ 4醒来后(发现某种情况) _ 5阻止某人做某事 _ 6接受;理解;吸收 _ 7分发;发出;用完;耗尽 _,be caught in,cut down,as a result of,wake up to,prevent/stop sb (from)doing sth,take in,give out,Module 4 课前热身,8忍不住做某事 _ 9简言之;概括地讲 _ 10. 改善环境 _,cant help but do/cant but do,in a nutshell/in short,improve the environment,Module 4 课前热身,.完成句子 1我们应该想办法阻止工厂污染河流。 We should think of ways to prevent/stop the factory (from) polluting/keep the factory from polluting the rivers. 2昨天他的叔叔碰上了大雪。 Yesterday his uncle _a heavy snow. 3沙尘暴来的时候我正在城外,很高兴我错过了沙尘暴。 I was out of the city when the sandstorm came. I was very glad_.,was caught in,to have missed it,Module 4 课前热身,4我忍不住为他的健康而担忧。 I _ about his health. 5简单地说,它不合我的胃口。 _it was not my cup of tea.,cant help but/cant but feel concerned/worried,In a nutshell/In short,Module 4 单词点睛,1 campaign n. 战役;运动;政治竞选活动 vi. 参加运动;从事活动 【词语辨析】 campaign,war,battle和action (1)campaign 指在某一地区所做的一连串有固定目的的军事行动或为达到某一特殊目的所做的一连串有计划的活动。 (2)war 指的是战争的全过程,具体包括campaign和 battle。 (3)battle 指战斗或会战。 (4)action指军事行动(战争中的小事件)。,Module 4 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)The government wanted to_at all costs. 政府拟不惜一切代价避免战争。 (2)The city hall is planning to _ against smoking. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动。,avoid war,start a campaign,Module 4 单词点睛,2 strength n. U力量;力气;体力;意志力;坚强; C,U优点; 长处 strong adj. 强壮的;牢固的; 坚强的;强烈的,浓的 strengthen vt. 加强,巩固 with all ones strength 用上全身的力气,Module 4 单词点睛,【词语辨析】 po
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