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Unit 14 Careers,Personality and job success,When you use or take personality tests, what are the factors,that lead to job success?,There are several personality factors that have been correlated with general success in jobs, although it has also been shown that too much of one factor can cause problems.,Key success factors,A couple of factors have been shown to be highly correlated,with success in jobs.,Intelligence,A number of studies have shown that general intelligence often correlates well with job success.Basically, it means that intelligent people are generally good at jobs. Hire bright people and they will be able to do what you ask them.,There may also be other related factors in this.For exam-ple, you could argue that intelligent people are able to understand not only the task factors required to succeed in a role but also the social,factors.Following the conjecture ( 推测), if you link intelligence to,education and a good upbringing, then values-based factors such as conscientiousness and agreeableness may also be seen as related.,Conscientiousness,Conscientiousness has also been shown by several studies as,being highly correlated with job success.,If a person is conscientious, he will work hard to complete work he has committed himself to doing.He can also be left alone without need for constant supervision.,小组讨论,1What career will suit your personality?,2What are the factors that lead to job success?,Warm-up & Lesson 1,Your Choice,Everybodys good at something! Do this personality test and find the right job for you. 1 A friend is having problems writing a plot summary for a book report.She asks you to help her.What would you do? a)Help her after school.Tell her to phone you if she needs any more guidance. b)Give her a model paragraph and tell her the names of some helpful books. c)Suggest ways to write a clear, accurate summary. d)Tell her to make a timetable so she can finish the plot summary and book report on time.,2 You are working for an institute that gives aid to the,poor in a small village.Your boss tells your team to repair an old pump near a river.What would you do?,a)Ask the villagers what they want.Ask them to give you,advice.,b)Choose a certain job that you think you could do well, such as collecting data.Then plan how you could do the job well. c)Try to improve the design of the pump.Look at the river and,see if there is a better place to build the pump.,d)Ask everybody in your team to do certain jobs.Make sure they know what to do.Choose one of the hardest jobs for yourself to set an example.,3 You are on a school trip and the coach has an accident,when a deer runs across the road.No one is hurt, but you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic.It is getting dark and it has started to snow.What would you do?,a)Talk to anybody who looks afraid or worried.Tell them not to,worry.,b)Keep calm.You know that the situation is not really,dangerous and somebody is going to get help.,c)Tell your friends a story, while you are waiting for help. d)Take charge of the situation.Ask a small group to go to the nearest village to get help.Tell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes to keep warm.,4 Last week your teacher asked your class to perform a,short play for the school.So far, nothing has been done and there are only ten days until the performance.What would you do?,a)Offer to take part and ask others to do the same.Help people,to learn their lines.,b)Organise some of the practical things, such as costumes,sce-nery and sound effects.,c)Think of topics for the play.Write the dialogue and show it to,the class.,d)Offer to direct the performance.Choose people for different,roles.,人各有专长!,做下面的性格测试,看看你适合做什么工作。,1一位朋友在为一份读书报告写情节摘要时遇到了一些困,难。她来向你寻求帮助,你会怎么做?,a)放学后帮助她。告诉她如果需要更多的指导就给你打电,话。,b)给她一段范文,并告诉她可以找到相关信息的书目。 c)提出写一份清晰、准确的摘要的方法。,d)告诉她制订一份工作时间表,以便能准时完成情节摘要,和读书报告。,2.你在一个小村子的为贫困户提供帮助的机构里工作,你的 上司要求你的团队去修缮一条河附近的一台老水泵。你会怎么 做?,a)询问村民需要什么,请他们给你提出建议。,b)选择一项你认为能做好的工作去做,如收集资料,然后,计划如何很好地完成这项工作。,c)尽力改进水泵的设计。勘察河流,看是否有更适合建造水,泵的河段。,d)给团队中的每一个人分配一些工作,并让他们明确自己,的工作。自己承担一项最艰巨的任务以作表率。,3.在一次学校组织的郊游中,长途车在躲闪一只冲过马路的 鹿时出了事故。虽然无人受伤,但车陷在了一条不能通车的林 间小路上。天渐渐黑了,又开始下雪。你会怎么做? a)和那些看上去恐惧焦虑的人交谈,让他们不必担忧。 b)保持镇定。你知道情况并不是真的很危险,并且有人正,在去求助。,c)在等待救援时给朋友们讲一个故事。,d)控制住局面。派一小队人去最近的村子求助,告诉车上,的人加穿衣服保暖。,4.上周老师要求你们班为学校表演一幕短剧。离演出只剩下 十天,但到目前为止,你们还什么也没做。你会怎么做? a)主动要求参加并请其他人也参加。帮助其他人记台词。 b)安排一些具体事宜,如服装、场景和音效。,c)为短剧出谋划策,编写对白并将其展示给全班同学。 d)主动要求担任导演,选择演员饰演不同角色。,一、阅读理解 1What does the phrase “learn their lines” mean?,ALearn how to be polite.,C,BLearn how to wait in line. CLearn words spoken by a particular actor. DLearn how to run. 2From the text, if you choose A in the first question, you may,C,be a(n) _ person. Areliable Cgenerous,Bconfident Demotional,3If you choose B in Question 2, which job fits you?,A,ATeller. CArtist.,BNurse. DManager.,4Since you are very motivated and strong, in the situation of Question 3, what will you not do?,ATake charge of the situation.,D,BAsk a small group to go to the near
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