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The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors,Module 3,Work in pairsLook at the picture and discuss the questionsUse the words in the box to help you,army battle clay column emperor expression hairstyle soldier tomb underground uniform,Now please read the passage. Number the topics in the other you read about them. ( a ) the discovery of the warriors ( b ) the men who made the warriors ( c ) description of what the warriors look like ( d ) why the writer is at the site ( e ) Emperor Qin Shihuang and his tomb. ( f ) how the soldiers were made The key:,1. ( d) 2. ( e ) 3. (a ) 4. ( c) 5. (f ) 6. (b),Answer the questions. 1.In which part of China is the underground tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang? 2.How were the terracotta warriors discovered? 3. How many terracotta warriors are there? 4. Why were they made?,The northwest of Chinas Shanxi Province.,By farmers digging a well.,7,400,Because Emperor Qin wanted an army to protect him in the next life.,Read Part 1 again and choose the correct answer. 1.The writer is working on the _ of Emperor Qin Shihuangs Tomb . ( a ) area ( b) site ( C) province 2.If archaeologist enter Qin Shihuangs Tomb, they _. ( a) will be robbed ( b) may be attacked ( c) will find treasure 3.6.000 clay warriors were found by _. ( a) peasants ( b) archaeologists ( c) soldiers. 4.The site was _ a long time ago. ( a ) visited (b) discovered ( c) buried,Read part 2 again and choose the correct answer. 1.The warriors look _ ( a) strange (b) tall ( c) quite real 2.The soldiers _ show their position in the army. ( a) names ( b) uniforms ( c) weapons 3. The legs of each figure are _ (a ) hollow ( b) glued together ( c) heavier than any other part. 4. The name of _ is written on each figure. ( a) each other ( b) the man who made the soldier ( c) the Emperor.,Answer the questions 1. But Ive never had so much fun in my life. Why is the writer having fun? 2. There are rather worrying ancient descriptions of crossbows hidden at the tombs entrance. Why are the descriptions worrying? 3.As the whole world knows, when the archaeologists started digging, they found 6,000 clay warriors How do you think the whole world knew this?,Because he is very lucky to be an archaeology student working on the terracotta warriors site.,Because if anyone tried to enter , they might be killed.,It was reported in the newspapers on television.,4. It seems that Emperor Qin Shihuang had ordered the soldiers to be made in order to protect him in the next life. What does this tell us about Emperor Qin Shihuang? 5. I wonder if they were any help? What does the writer mean by this?,That he was worried about what would happen to him after death.,He doesnt know what happens to people after death and wonders if the army really did protect the Emperor.,6. In the half light its easy to imagine that they are a real army. Why is it only a half light? 7. . I too feel so proud to be connected in some small way with Qin Shihuangs great barmy. In what way is the writer connected with Qin Shihuangs army?,Because it is underground , and also if the lighting were too strong it might gspo;i the figures.,He is working on the archaeological site where they are.,DISCUSSION What do we learn about Emperor Qin Shihuang from this passage? What do we learn about his personality? 2. What do we learn about the writer? What do we learn about his personality?,That he unified China over 2.000 years ago; he became king aged 13. he was a brilliant ruler, but very cruel.,That he is an archaeology student from London; hes very lucky to have been chosen to work on this site; he seems very enthusiastic and happy.,Thankyou,
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