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选修 9,Unit 1 Breaking records,考点要求,.写出下列必考单词 1.跨栏运动 n. _ 2.翻筋斗 n ._ 3.刺,跃进,前冲 n.&v. _ 4.呕吐,呕吐物 n.&v. _ 5.使着迷,入迷 v. _ 6.沉思,冥想 n. _ 7.完成,实现vt. _ 8.催促,力劝vt. _ 9.灵魂,心灵 n. _ 10.后悔 n. _ 11.美德 n. _,hurdling somersaulting lunge vomit fascinate meditation accomplish urge soul repentance virtue,12.出价,投标 n.&v ._ 13.会计 n ._ 14.内衣n. _,bid accountant underwear,写出下列单词的变化形式 1.近似的,大概的(adj.)_;近似地,大概地(adv.)_ 2.习俗,常规,惯例(n.)_;习俗的,传统的(adj.)_ 3.精神(n.)_;精神上的(adj.)_ 4.成为动机,激发,激励(v.) _; 动机(n.)_ 5.聪明的(adj.)_;智慧(n.)_,approximate,approximately,convention,conventional,spirit,spiritual,motivate,motivation,wise,wisdom,6.经济学(n.)_;经济的(adj.)_ 7.法律(n.)_;律师(n.)_,economics,economical,law,lawyer,活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1._by her teacher who was good at _her students,the boy determined to study harder to catch up with his classmates.(motive) 2.He was so _ a person that we all admired him for his _.(wise),3.Interested in the _situation in the world,he decided to major in _.(economy) 4._by the _toys,little Tom was looking at the shop window.(fascinate) 5.Her dream to become a _came true after she studied _for three years.(law),答案:1.Motivated;motivating2.wise;wisdom3.economical; economics4.Fascinated;fascinating 5.lawyer;law,.翻译下列必背短语 1.打破纪录_ 2.敦促某人做某事_ 3.注定(失败/死亡等)_ 4.对入迷_ 活学活用 根据括号中的解释,选择适当的短语完成句子。 1.It was reported that Tackson _ in 800 metre race.(set a new record) 2.He _ the girl,s beautiful appearance and was cheated easily.(be attracted by),break the record,urge sb. to do sth.,be doomed to failure/death,be fanscinated by,3.My teacher always _ to learn English well.(give me encouragement),.重点句型 There is no limit to people,s physical abilities.(P2) 人的体能是没有局限的。 There is(no)limit to.(没)有的局限/限制。 活学活用 将下列句子译成英语。 (1)人的能力是无限的。 _ ,1.has broken the record2.was fanscinated by3.urged me,(2)这个工厂对工人的身高有严格的限制。 _,答案:(1)There is no limit to people,s ability. (2)In this factory,there is a strict limit to the height of the workers.,.单元重点动词,vomit urge regret doom bid appreciate accomplishfascinate,活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 I wanted to buy the famous painting with 100,000 yuan,but another couple _against us. 2.He never did such a job before,so the plan he put forward _to failure. 3.I really _ your helping the old lady for ten years.,4.The first part of the plan _and we can have a break now. 5.My father always _me to do my work well and I always try my best not to make him disappointed.,答案:1.were bidding2.was doomed3.appreciate4.has been accomplished5.urges,.语篇领悟 根据课文The Road Is Always Ahead of you完成下列短文 Ashrita Fuman is a sportsman (1) likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records.He (2) (break)93 Guinness records over the last 25 years.The sports he does are not the conventional ones like swimming or soccer (3) the imaginative events, (4) as hula hoping,pogo stick jumping under water and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon. (5) this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete.He was not at all (6) (interest)in sports in his childhood.As a teenager,he began searching for a deeper meaning in,life,and then became one of Sri Chinmoy,s students who is an Indian teacher.The teacher once said that it is just as important for people to develop their body (7) it is to develop their minds.He believes that there is no limit (8) people,s physical (9) (ability).So he refused to accept any physical limitation and broke the records over (10) over again because he believes in his teacher,s words:“There is only one perfect road.It is ahead of you,always ahead of you.”,答案:(1)who (2)has broken (3)but (4)such (5)Yet (6)interested (7)as (8)to (9)abilities (10)and,.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 自三年前受伤以来,刘军就没有参加比赛。上个月,他又报名参加长跑比赛。他的对手都认为他会失败。比赛中,刘军觉得左腿刺痛,可他不断鼓励自己:“快点! 再快点!”他向终点冲刺,最终获得了他运动生涯的第十个冠军。比赛结束后他呕吐,他说不后悔跑长跑,因为他迷上了长跑。他的粉丝热烈鼓掌、欢呼雀跃,以此表达对他的喜爱和对他的决心及出色表现的赞赏。 _
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