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Revision,Unit Two-Module 7,Step One 课文回顾,Listen to /Read the first passage again and fill in the table below.,1.medicines,use/plactice,contained,4.chemicals,pain,Preventing,levels,bacteria,painkiller,contemporary,Step Two 词汇检测,Important words,1.处方,食谱n. 2.内科医师n. 3.药剂师n. 4.药片 5.畅销的adj. 6.止痛药n. 7.阻塞,阻挡vt 8.当代的 adj 9.应用,申请n. 10.使净化v.,Recipe Physician Chemist Tablet Bestselling Painkiller Block Contemporery application purify,Important words,11.数量n. 12.长度n. 13.效力大的 14.减轻,缓解 15.潜在的adj. 16.基础的,根本的 17.劈开vt 18.每年的 adj 19.安排n. 20.可调节的,Quantity length Powerful Relief Potential Fundamental Split Annual Arrangement ajustable,短语互译,打开 大量地 批量生产,大量生产 由制成 接通(电话) 由做出决定 参观,四处看看;环顾 推迟,推延 出现,到场,到达,open up,in large quantities,mass production,be made from,put/get through,decide on,look around,put off,turn up,划分开来,分割;分裂,分手,split up,少数的,少量的,a handful of,记下,记录,take down,放出,发出,let out,heart attack,心脏病发作,数百万的,大量的,millions of,fill in,填写(表格等),Step Three 考点点拨,1. block,1. v. 阻塞,阻挡;妨碍;拦截 2. n. 块 (+of);楼;街区;一组, 一批,a block of ice/stone 一方冰一块石头 an office block 办公大楼,2.note,vt. 发现,注意到;记录,n. 便条;记录;注释;笔记;纸币,注意到,note sth./ that clause,记录,记下,note down,以见称/闻名,be noted for/as,交换意见,compare notes,take note of =pay attention to,注意,【走近高考】,It is worth _that the most successful companies had the lowest prices. A. taking note of B. taking notes of C. noting D. to note,C,3.name,vt. 命名,给取名,n. 名字;名义;名声,给某人取名为.,name sb sth,以某人的名字命名,name sb/sth after sb,任命某人为.,name sb as sth,名叫的,by the name of,以的名义;凭的权威,in the name of,谩骂某人,call sb. names,The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. A. after B. with C. by D. from,A,4.Quantity n. 量,数量,大量,in quantity,大量地,in large quantities,许多., 大量的.,quantities of / a quantity of,质量,quality,a quantity of 和quantities of 既可修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。 但a quantity of+ n作主语,谓语动词与of后的名词保持一致 而quantities of +n 作主语,谓语动词一般用复数。,注意,Large quantities of food _wasted. A. is B. are C. has D. have,B,Buy vegetables _, and youll be given a very good discount. When young at college, dad bought books _, for life was too hard.,in large quantities,in small quantities,大量,少量,Large quantities of goods _ been stored for the winter.,have,Large quantities of food _ been stored for the winter.,have,A large quantity of beer _ been sold.,has,5.wonder,n. 奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇,惊讶,v. 想知道;对感到奇怪,adj. 非凡的,奇妙的,奇特的,,对感到惊讶,wonder at / about sth.,想知道.,wonder+疑问词+to do sth.,想知道.,wonder +wh-宾语从句,wonder +if/whether宾语从句,难怪., 并不奇怪,(It is) no wonder (that).,惊奇地,in wonder,好奇怪呀!,What a wonder!,【走近高考】,-Do you know Lily has gone to London? -Oh. _I havent seen her these days. A. No wonder B. No doubt C. Naturally D. Of course,A,6. pleasure.,n. 愉快,快乐(u);乐事(c),不客气,不用谢。(“感谢” 的应答语),Its a pleasure. / My pleasure.,(客套话) 很高兴做.,Its a pleasure to do sth,有的荣幸,have the pleasure of,为享乐,为消遣,for pleasure/fun,愉快地,高兴地;当然可以,很乐意(用以表示客气的接受或同意),with pleasure,【走近高考】,1. -Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight. -_. A. Its my duty B. Its all right C. Its my pleasure D. Its nice to say so 2. -Would you like to take care of my cat while I am away? -_. -Thank you for helping me. -_. A. With pleasure B. Its a pleasure.,C,A,B,7.points,n. 点; 分数; 尖端; 观点;,v. 弄尖;指, 指向;瞄准;对着,做某事没有意义,There is no point in doing sth.,即将做某事;正要做某事,on the point of doing sth.,指向.,point to / at,(向某人)指出.,point sth. out to sb.,我正要睡觉时来了电话。 1. I was _going to bed when the telephone rang. 他用笔指着小孩问:“你叫什么名字?” 2. “Whats your name?” he asked, _ the child with his pen.,on the point of,pointing at,8.Relieve,vt 减轻, 缓解;救济,救助,替拿重物;帮助减轻(负担),relieve sb. of sth.,relief n. (痛苦,负担等的)减轻;解除; 宽心; 救济物品,使某人感到宽慰的是,to ones relief,relieved adj. 感到宽慰的,放心的,我最庆幸的是没有迟到. _, I wasnt late. 2. 新来的秘书会减轻一些我们文案工作的负担。 The new secretary will _ us _ some of the paperwork.,Much to my relief,To my great relief,relieve of,9.put you through,接通(电话),做成,完成(工作、计划等),put sth. through,把放在一边;储存备用,put aside,放下;记下;平定;镇定,put down,举起;建造;搭起;为提供食宿;住宿;张贴,put up,Were trying to _a few hundred dollars every month toward our vacation. A. put off B. put aside C. put out D. put down,B,Put out ,put off,10.Due to,The flight will arrive late due to the heave fog. When is the next train due? Please let me know when the rent is due in advance. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday.,因为,由于,预期的约定的,到期的,应付的,按规定计划做某事,11.take place happen occur,Great changes_ in the rural areas in the past few decades. have taken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening 2. I_ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident_. went, was occurring B. went, ocuured C. was going, occurred D.was going,had occured,3. I _ be at the station when he arrived occurred to B. happened to C. took place D. are happening 4. An excellent idea _me when I wake up this morning.,occurred to,It o
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