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Module 4 Carnival,Reading and Writing Cultural corner,Cultural corner 1 Warming-up (2m),What do you remember about carnival?,Cultural corner 2 Read the passage and answer the following questions (10m),How can we understand what carnival is all about? Why were slaves needed in America? How did black people go to America? How did carnival start in America? What was the possible reason why the slaves began to hold their own carnival? How was carnival changed when the slave trade was abolished? What role did carnival play in Caribbean islands?,What is the meaning of carnival?,Cultural corner 3 Fill in the blanks with proper words from the text. (5m),Carnival today is an international, _experience. Millions of people were taken _ from their homes in Africa and _ to the New World _ slaves. When the slave trade was _ in 1838 the former slaves _ the carnival. _ the passing of time, the white _ of the island began to take part in the carnival. Carnival became a way to _ different communities.,multicultural,by force,transported,as,abolished,took over,With,inhabitants,unite,Reading and writing 1 (3m)Read the e-mail and number the following topics:,_ what the writers doing the atmosphere at the festival _ the food _ what the writers going to do _ the music,4,1,3,5,2,Activity 2Underline the adj. used to describe (2m):,the atmosphere the music the food,noisy/colorful,great/exciting/relaxing,good/tasty,Reading and Writing 3.Vocabulary (5m) Try to think about more words to describe the subjects.,atmosphere,crowded happy noisy exciting attractive busy amusing warm ,food,delicious tasty colorful sour sweet bitter spicy ,music,traditional nice beautiful great powerful relaxing peaceful ,Reading and Writing 3. writing (15m) Read the article of Activity 4, Page 86. Then try to write a passage about one of Chinese festivals .,Activity 3 Write an e-mail from a Chinese festival (10m).,1. Pair work. (Describe a Chinese festival to your partner and make sure you include details about the atmosphere, the music and the food) 2. Write an e-mail about the Chinese festival you talked about.,请根据下面的汉语提示,以The Spring Festival为题,用英语向外国朋友介绍中国春节的习俗.,1.春节,又叫做阴历年,是中国最重要的传统节日. 2.根据中国一个古老的传说, “年”最初是一个怪兽的名字. 3.除夕夜全家吃团圆饭. 4.人们穿新衣服, 放鞭炮,贴对联. 5.走亲访友,许多孩子可得到“压岁钱”. 生词提示: 阴历的lunar 鞭炮firecracker 对联couplet,The Spring Festival The Spring Festival, also known as the lunar New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. According to Chinese legends, Nian was originally the name of a monster beast. On the eve of the Spring Festival, it is a folk custom to stay up late or even all night.A get-together banquet is usually a must for every Chinese family. The most popular food is jiaozi, or dumplings. People wear new clothes, set off firecrackers and post couplets on the gates. Moreover, people go out to visit relatives and friends. For many children, The Spring Festival offers them a special chance to receive “lucky money”,Reading and Writing4. Peer checking and rewriting (5m) Read your writing to your partner. Check and rewrite your writing according to the following. Then share it with the whole class.,Are you clear what happen(4Wand H) Do you know the writers attitude and emotion? Are there any good connecting words or phrases? Are there any good phrases or sentences? Are there any spelling mistakes?,Homework,Write a description of one of the Chinese festivals for visitors to China. Use your notes and illustrate it with photographs or drawings if possible.,Your notes may include: the origins and meaning of the festival where and when it is celebrated what happens during the festival costumes and food,
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