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4.City and Country & Cultural Corner,.短语翻译 1at the moment_ 【答案】 此刻,目前 2over the years _ 【答案】 数年间 3fast food restaurants _ 【答案】 快餐店,4make notes of _ 【答案】 做笔记 5古典音乐 _ 【答案】 classical music 6下棋 _ 【答案】 play chess 7弹钢琴 _ 【答案】 play the piano 8集邮 _ 【答案】 collect stamps 9在远处 _ 【答案】 in the distance 10天气预报 _ 【答案】 weather forecast,.完成句子 11把窗户关好,不然就太冷了。 Shut the window,_itll get too cold. 【答案】 otherwise 12我们就在附近停下吃饭。 We will_ _for lunch. 【答案】 stop nearby,13他走得真快,我跟不上。 He walked_ _ _I couldnt keep up with him. 【答案】 so fast that 14我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。 I could see the bus coming_ _ _. 【答案】 in the distance 15我听了天气预报。 I listened to the_ _and knew that it would snow the next day. 【答案】 weather forecast,Usually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.这儿平时非常拥挤,我连坐的地方也找不到。,so.that.通常引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以致”。常用句型如下:,It is so good a film that I like to see it a second time. 这部电影如此好,以至于我想再看一遍。 Can you believe that such a little animal can eat so much food at a time?如 此小的动物一次能吃这么多的食物,你能相信吗? Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over. 我跌了这么多跤,以至于浑身青一块紫一块。,so that可引导目的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词通常和can,may,should等情态动词连用。另外,so that也可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果”,其前通常有逗号。 They set out early so that they might arrive on time. 他们早早出发为的是按时到达。(目的状语从句) He did not plan his time well,so that he didnt finish the work on time.他没有把时间计划好,结果没按时完成工作。(结果状语从句),1.Everyone said “no”,_the plan was turned down. Ain order that Bin order to Cso that Dso as to 【解析】 本题考查so that 引导的结果状语从句,表达“结果,以 至于”。 【答案】 C,I spend all morning checking numbers. 我花费整个上午的时间核查账目。,spend vt.花费 spend time/money on sth.花费时间/钱做某事 spend time/money (in) doing sth.花费时间/钱做某事 I spend much time on my plan. I spend much time (in) doing my plan. 我花了很多时间在做计划上。,英语中有多个词表示“花费”,注意区分每个词的用法: (1)cost金钱,主语是物; The coat costs me thirty dollars.这件外套花了我三十美元。 (2)pay金钱,主语是人; I paid a lot of money for this house. 为了买这座房子,我花了好多钱。 (3)take时间,主语是it或者物。 It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday. 昨天我花了两个小时写作业。,2.Although we invited him to the party,Mr Smith decided to_another late night_the computer room. Aspend;in Btake;for Ccost;on Dspend;on 【答案】 A,I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise. 我需要做这些,因为如果不这样,我得不到充分的锻炼。,enough作形容词,意思为“足够的;充分的”, 多放在名词前作定语。 I have enough time to help you. 我有足够的时间来帮助你。 You must get enough sleep to stay healthy. 要保持健康,你必须保证足够的睡眠。,enough其他用法: (1)enough还可用做副词,意思是“充分地;足够地”,常放在所修饰词 的后面。 They cant walk fast enough.他们走得不够快。 (2)enough 还可作名词,意思是“充足;足够”。 Enough has been said on how to learn English well. 如何学好英语已经说得够多了。 (3)enough后面还可接不定式结构,但不可接that 从句。 He is not old enough to go to school. 他还不到上学的年龄。,3.The man is_to carry the stone. Aenough strong Bstrong enough Cenoughly strong Dstrongly enough 【解析】 enough作为副词,放在它修饰词后边。 【答案】 B,I have to make sure they are free of sickness. 我得确保他们不出毛病。,make sure “肯定,确信,有把握设法做到”,后接 宾语从句。 He made sure that he had enough food for the journey. 他设法为旅途备足了食物。 Please make sure the house is locked. 务必确保房门已锁上。,make sure 后还可接of 或about.,指“弄清;搞明白”。 Have you made sure of the time of the train? 你搞清楚火车的时间了吗? 另外,不能用Its sure that.句型,应用Its certain that.。 Its certain that he will win.他一定会成功。(不能用:Its sure that he will win.),4.I think the doors locked,but Id better go and_(核实) 【答案】 make sure (it is locked),Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning.现在我正通过 远程教育学中文。,distance n距离;间距 Whats the distance from New York to Beijing? 纽约离北京有多远?,distance有关的短语: at a distance隔一段距离;距离稍远一些 in the distance在远处 keep ones distance from避开,不接近 keep sb.at a distance对某人保持疏远 within/out of distance (of) 在的范围内/离太远,达不到 There stands a high mountain in the distance. 远处有座高山。 His house is within walking distance of the hospital. 他家离医院只有几步路。,5.Place the rod at a_of 40 mm from the light source. Adistance Bpace Crate Dprice 【解析】 句意为“把棒放在离光源40毫米的地方”。a distance of.相 隔多少。pace步速;at a steady pace稳步;rate比例;price价格,如:at a cheap/high price 廉(高)价的,at a high price以高价。 【答案】 A,At the moment Im studying medicine at a university.目前, 我正在一所大学里学习医学知识。,at the moment此时此刻,那时 At the moment I am working.此刻我正在工作。 I am busy at the moment,but I will do it later. 我现在很忙,但是我稍后会处理这件事的。 I havent got time to write to him at the moment. 我此刻还抽不出时间给他写信。,for the moment暂时 in a moment立刻 at any moment在任何时候,随时 for a moment一会儿 If you have any questions,come to me at any moment. 你若有什么问题,随时来问我。,6.Im sorry I cant see you immediately;but if youd like to take a seat, Ill be with you_. Afor a moment Bin a moment Cfor the moment Dat the moment 【解析】 句意为“很抱歉我不能马上见你,但是如果你愿意坐下来等我 的话,我过一会儿就可以见你”。for a moment “片刻;一会儿”,强调动 作的延续;in a moment过一会儿;for the moment目前,暂且;at the moment现在,此刻。
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