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Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes,calm,character,opinion,struggle,protest,march,brilliant,keen,disaster,promote,commit,react,explore,personally,equal,skillful,compete,violence,injury,admire,in prison,in my opinion,on ones own,give up,come to,pull through,commit suicide,get on,come off it,get a point,far too,get involved with,lift off,compete against,come to an end,let out,millions of,judge by,too short to stay,is one of,while developing,spent,so that,重 点 单 词 1.equal adj.平等的,胜任的;n.(地位等相同的人;对手); vt.等于,比得上 【精讲拓展】 be equal to相等,胜任 be equal in在某方面相等 without equal无比,无敌 on equal terms with sb.与某人平等相处 equal pay for equal work同工同酬 equally adv.相等地,相同地 equality n. 平等,【典型例句】 He is a singer without equal. 他是个无与伦比的歌手。 朗文当代 John is quite equal to running the office. 约翰有足够的能力管理这个部门。 朗文当代 Eight times eight equals/is equal to sixtyfour. 八乘八等于六十四。朗文当代 They are equal in number.他们数量相等。 朗文当代 The good thing about her as a boss is that she treats us allasequals. 作为老板,她的优点就在于她对待我们一视同仁。 剑桥高阶,即学即用,翻译句子 所有的人生来平等。 我胜任不了那个职位。,All men are born equal.,Im not equal to the position.,2.struggle vi.抗争,努力,挣扎;n.斗争,拼搏 【精讲拓展】 struggle against与做斗争 struggle with与做斗争;与并肩斗争 struggle for为而斗争 struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来,【典型例句】 The poor girl struggled in the robbers arms. 那可怜的小女孩在抢劫犯的手臂里挣扎。 朗文当代 He struggled to control his temper. 他努力控制住自己的脾气。 朗文当代 He has been struggling for success in his business. 他一直为生意上的成功而努力。 朗文当代 For years she struggled with/against the establishment to get her theories accepted. 她与传统势力抗争多年,力图使自己的学说得到认可。 剑桥高阶,即学即用,People are struggling pollution. A.for B.against C.to D.on 解析:struggle against同做斗争;struggle for 为而努力。 答案:B,3.opinion n.意见,看法,主张 【精讲拓展】 in ones opinion=in the opinion of sb.按某人看法 have a good/bad/high/low opinion of对评价好/糟 be of the opinion that.主张,认为 give/express ones opinion on/upon对发表意见,【典型例句】 Please express your opinion on what he has said. 就他所说的请发表你的看法。 朗文当代 Although against my opinion,the old professor didnt come up with his own. 虽然这位老教授反对我的观点,但他并没有提出自己的观点。 朗文当代 Who,in your opinion,(=Who do you think)is the best football player in the world today? 依你之见,谁是当今世界最优秀的足球运动员?剑桥高阶 He has a very high opinion of himself(=thinks he is very skilled/clever in a way that is annoying). 他自视甚高。 剑桥高阶,即学即用,People have different about Karen,but I admire her.After all,she is a great musician. A.opinions B.thoughts C.attitudes D.ideas 解析:句意为:人们对Karen有不同的看法,但我敬佩她。 毕竟她是一个伟大的音乐家。thoughts思想;attitudes 态度;ideas想法。 答案:A,4.promote vt.提升,促进;促销 【精讲拓展】 promote sb.(to sth.)晋升某人 promote sb.from sth.to sth.把某人从提升到 promoter n发起者,赞助者 promotion n提升;提拔;晋升 【典型例句】 The organization works to promote friendship between nations.该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。 朗文当代 The company is trying to promote a new product. 这家公司在尽力促销一种新产品。 朗文当代 If Im not promoted within the next two years, Im going to change the job. 如果我在今后两年内得不到提升,我就换工作。剑桥高阶,即学即用 The company the rock groups new record by playing it often on the radio. A.promised B.promoted C.progressed D.proceeded 解析:句意为:公司在电台经常播放摇滚乐队的新唱片进 行促销。promise许诺,答应;progress进步,进展; proceed前进,进行。 答案:B,5.keen adj.热心的,渴望的 【精讲拓展】 be keen to do sth.想要做某事 be keen on(doing)sth.热衷于,非常喜欢 a keen mind敏捷的头脑 keenly adv.激烈地,热切地 keenness n. 渴望 【典型例句】 We were keen on going to the picnic. 我们很想去进行一次野餐。 朗文当代 Shes keen on football.她喜欢足球。 朗文当代 They were very keen to start work as soon as possible. 他们渴望尽早开始工作。 剑桥高阶,即学即用 Last week I saw a football match between the two powerful teams. A.eager B.anxious C.keen D.fierce 解析:句意为:上周我看了两支强队间激烈的足球比赛。 eager渴望的;anxious忧虑的;渴望的;fierce猛烈的。 答案:D,6.control n.&vt.控制,管理,克制(情感等) 【精讲拓展】 beyond control无法控制 in control of管理,掌握 in the control of被控制/管理 lose control of对失去控制 out of control失去控制 under control得以控制 without control任意地,【典型例句】 Hearing the news,he could hardly control himself. 听到这个消息后,他几乎控制不住自己的情感。朗文当代 He kept his temper under control. 他忍住怒气。 朗文当代 Shes in control of two departments at work. 她在工作单位管理两个部门。 美国传统 After the teacher left the room,the children got totally out of control. 老师离开教室后学生们简直无法无天了。 美国传统,即学即用 How is everything? . A.All the best B.Everything is under control C.Thats all right D.Its a pleasure 解析:句意为:“进行得怎样?”“一切尽在掌握之中”。all the best(祝酒、告别时说)祝一切顺利;thats all right 不用谢;Its a pleasure不用谢,别客气。 答案:B,7.involve vt.涉及,参与,牵涉,牵连 【精讲拓展】 be/get involved in卷入;专注于 involve.in.使卷入;使专注于 be/get involved with sb.参与,参加;与某人混在一起 【典型例句】 Several officials were involved in the matter. 好几个官员卷入这个事件中。 朗文当代 They were deeply involved in debt. 他们负债累累。 朗文当代 He was involved in working out a plan. 他在专心致志地制定计划。 朗文当代 By asking my opinion,he involved me in their argument. 他询问我的意见,结果把我卷入了他们的争论。 美国传统,即学即用 To help
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