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Module 7 Unit 21 Human Biology,重点单词,1digest vt.消化;领会,领悟 【精讲拓展】 digest food 消化食物 digest the important points 领会要点 have a good /poor digestion 消化能力强/弱 the digestive system 消化系统 news digest 新闻摘要,【典型例句】 As carbohydrates are digested,the body turns them into sugar and starch. 机体消化碳水化合物,并把它们转化成糖和淀粉。美国传统 Cheese doesnt digest easily.乳酪不易消化。朗文当代 It took me some time to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。朗文当代 He has a good digestion.他的消化力很强。朗文当代 Reporters must digest facts quickly in order to write their stories. 记者必须迅速弄清事实以便写报道。美国传统,即学即用,完成句子 读书不思考就像吃东西不消化。 Reading without reflecting is like eating without _. 油腻食物对你的消化系统有害。 The rich food is bad for your _ system. 答案:digesting digestive,2tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 【精讲拓展】 (1)tolerate (sb./ones) doing sth.容忍(某人)做某事 (2)be tolerant of /towards sb./sth.容忍某人/某事 (3)have no tolerance for jokes of any kind 容不得开任何玩笑 (4)the tolerable levels of pollution可接受的污染程度,警示误区 (1)tolerate常用于否定句。 (2)tolerate后接动名词,但不接不定式。 【典型例句】 I wont tolerate your bad manners any longer. 我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了。朗文当代 Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. 许多老年人对寒冷的忍受力很差。朗文当代 Try and show some tolerance. 努力表现得宽容些。朗文当代,【词语辨析】 abide/bear/endure/stand/tolerate 都可表示“忍受”的意义,但用法有所不同。 (1)在疑问和表示极不喜欢的否定句中,abide,bear,stand和endure均与can 连用,但endure只用于表示非常严肃的事情。 I cant abide/bear/stand black coffee.我喝不了浓的咖啡。 I cant endure talking to people who are racists . 与那些种族主义分子交谈,我可真受不了。 (2)表示忍受肉体上的痛苦也可用bear,endure和 stand,而endure 则指忍受长时间的痛苦。如: He bore /stood the pain as long as he could. 他尽可能长时间地忍着疼痛。 She had endured great pain for a number of years. 她已忍受了好几年极大的痛苦。 (3)表示容忍人或某行为用tolerate, 但它不能用于表示痛苦。如 I wont tolerate your rudeness.我不会容忍你的粗暴无礼。,即学即用,用所给单词的适当形式填空 I cant tolerate my son _(talk) at table. Perhaps you need to be more _(tolerate) of your neighbours. 答案:talking tolerant,3. doubtful adj.怀疑的,不肯定的 【精讲拓展】 be doubtful about对怀疑的 be doubtful whether/if.怀疑是否 in doubt 不肯定,不确定 without doubt 无疑,确定 I dont doubt that.我确信 I doubt whether/if.我怀疑 Theres no doubt that.毫无疑问,【典型例句】 He says he can do it,but Im rather doubtful(about it) 他说他能干这事,但我(对此)颇为怀疑。朗文当代 Im doubtful whether she will agree to this. 我不能肯定她是否会同意这点。朗文当代 I doubt if /whether we will make a profit out of it. 我认为我们不大可能从此事中获利。朗文当代 I doubt that well arrive on time. 我看我们可能无法准时到达。美国传统,【词语辨析】 doubt/wonder (1)doubt 指对其后所述的事实表示“怀疑,不相信”,后面可接名词或代词作其宾语;也可接宾语从句。接从句时,其肯定句一般接 whether或 if引导的从句;否定句和疑问句一般接 that 引导的从句。 I doubt if he will come 我怀疑他是否会来。 Do you doubt that he will come ? 你怀疑他会来吗? I dont doubt that it will rain today.我相信今天会下雨。 (2)wonder 表达“感到奇怪时”,其后接that从句、不定式等;当表达“想知道”时,其后接if或whether或why,when,where等词引导的从句。 Do you wonder that she speaks French so well?她法语讲得这么好,你觉得奇怪吗? I wonder whether he has come.我想知道他来了没有。,There is no doubt _ John will come on time. Aif Bwhy Cthat Dhow 解析:考查同位语从句。句意为:毫无疑问约翰会按时到 达。There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”,故答案为C。 答案:C,4oppose vt.反对 【精讲拓展】 (1)oppose A against/to B把 A与 B相对照或相比 (2)oppose oneself to反对 (3)opposed adj.相反的,对立的 (4)sb.be opposed to sth./doing sth.某人反对做某事 (5)as opposed to与相对;与成对比 (6)opposite adj.相对的,对面的n.对立的人(或物);对立面 警示误区:在be opposed to词组中,to为介词,后跟名词、 代词或动名词。,【典型例句】 The President opposes giving military aid to this country. 总统反对向该国提供军事援助。朗文当代 We are opposed to the use of pesticides. 我们反对使用杀虫剂。美国传统 This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory. 这是一本讲商业实务,而不是讲理论的书。朗文当代 Black is the opposite of white. 与白色相反的是黑色。朗文当代,【词语辨析】 oppose/object/resist oppose,object 和 resist 三者都含“反对”的意思。 (1)oppose 为及物动词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”,着重指动作,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。如 The father opposed his sons marriage.父亲反对儿子的婚事。 (2)object常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”,着重指“个人厌烦”和“提出反对意见”,为不及物动词,后常与to连用。如 I objected to his plan.我反对他的计划。 (3)resist 指“积极地反抗、对抗,用武力阻止的前进”。如 The villagers were resisting the enemy.村民们正在抵抗敌人。,即学即用,翻译句子 我将反对改变这个法规。 _ 该国无力抵抗侵略。 _ 答案:I will oppose changing the law./I will object to changing the law. The nation was unable to resist the invasion.,5contradict vt.与(其他事物)相矛盾;反驳,否认,顶嘴 【精讲拓展】 contradict sth.同矛盾/抵触 contradict sb.反驳某人 in contradiction to与互相矛盾 cotradictory statements矛盾说法,【典型例句】 If you contradict me once more,youre fired. 你再顶撞我一次,我就解雇你朗文当代 The witness gave information that contradicted previous testimony. 这位证人提供的信息与之前的证言不符。美国传统 Its a contradiction to say you support the government but would not vote for it in an election. 你说你支持政府,但又在选举中不投客观存在的票,这是自相矛盾的。朗文当代 Your behaviour is in (direct) contradiction to your principles. 你的行为与你的原则互相矛盾。朗文当代,即学即用,翻译句子 他不敢顶撞他的父母。 _ 他们的短期重点和长期目标互相矛盾。 _ 答案:He didnt dare to contradict his parents. Their shortterm priorities are in direct contradiction to their longterm goals.,6complicated adj.复杂的 【精讲拓展】 (1)complicate v使复杂 (2)to complicate matters further(插入语)使事情更难办的 是 (3)complication n复杂化;(使复杂的)因素
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