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Unit 1 Festivals around the world Learning about language,高一人教新课标版必修三,Discovering useful words and expressions,1 Which of these words can become adjectives with the ous or al ending? Which can become nouns with the (a)tion ending? Choose the correct ending for each word then write the new word. Use the dictionary to help you.,religious,religion danger humour courage culture nation,season origin produce educate celebrate predict,dangerous,humourous,courageous,cultural,national,seasonal,original,production,education,celebration,prediction,as though, belief, celebration, Christians, custom, have fun with, origin, religious,2 Complete the passage below with the words and expressions in the box.,Many people think that Christmas is a western _, but in fact it is really a worldwide holiday. Christmas actually as a _ festival celebrated by _ around the world. Its _ is around the 3rd or 4th century AD, when the _ of remembering Jesus birth on December 25th first started. Today, of course, many people celebrate Christmas _ it were just a holiday to _ family, rather than a holiday about a _.,celebration,religious,Christians,origin,custom,as though,have fun with,belief,custom, admire, feast, harvest, trick, belief, starve, gather, gain, look forward to,3 Complete each of the sentence with a suitable word or phrase from the box in its correct form.,Dont _the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you know youll be dead. Tennessee Williams 2. A dog _ at his masters gate predicts the ruin of the state. William Blake 3. I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by _. Gerry Spence,look forward to,starving,custom,_ you rosebuds while you may, old time is still a-flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying. Robert Herrick 5. However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to _ him. Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux 6. _, then, is the great guide of human life. David Hume,Gather,admire,Belief,Other peoples _ are always the best _, but ones own children are always the best children. Unknown 8. There is no _ on earth does not end in parting. Unknown,harvests,harvests,feast,9. Everyone has some _ they can do, but each has his own way of doing them. Unknown 10. Those who can lose shall _ ; those who wish for _shall lose. -Unknown,tricks,gain,gain,Grammar,Modal verbs,情态动词(一),情态动词主要表达说话人的看法、态度 等。从用法上来说,有这样几个特点: 一是情态动词自身都有一定的意义, 但不能表示正在发生或已经发生的 事情,只表示期待或估计某事发生。 二是情态动词除ought和have外,后 面必须接不带to的不定式。 三是情态动词没有人称和数的变化, 也没有非谓语形式。,只作情态动词的: can/could, may/might, ought to, must 可情态可实义的: need, dare/dared 可情态可助动词的: shall/should, will/would 相当于情态动词的: have to, used to,1. must, cant 1) must 表示必须、必要, must表示主观多一些 而have to则表示客观多一些。回答must引出 的问句时, 如果是否定的回答, 不能用mustnt, 而要用neednt或dont have to。如: Must we hand in our exercise books today? Yes, you must. (No, you dont have to.) 2) cant在口语中代替mustnt时,表示禁止 或不准。如: You cant play football in the street.,3) must 表示推测时, 只能用于肯定句。 There must be something wrong with the computer. 这个电脑肯定出了问题。 You have worked hard all day. You must be tired.你努力学了一整天了,一定累了吧。 4) must +be doing/do 表示对现在的动作进行 肯定推测。如: 他现在一定在看小说。 He must be reading novels now. They have bought a new car. They must have a lot of money. 他们买了一辆新车, 他们一定很有钱。,5) must +have done 表示对过去发生的事情 作出的肯定判断。 他们在玩篮球,他们一定已经完成了作业。 They are playing basketball, they must have finished their homework. 路是湿的, 昨天晚上一定下雨了。 The road is wet. It must have rained last night.,2. can, could 1) can /could 表示推测时, 只能用在否定句 或疑问句中。 Its so late. Can Tom be reading? 这么晚了, 汤姆还在看书吗? It cant be Mary. She has fallen ill. 这个人不可能是玛丽, 她生病了。 She couldnt be telling lies. 她不可能在说谎。,2) can/could have done 对过去发生行为的可能 性进行推测: 刚才我还看见他了,所以他不可能出国的。 I saw him just now so he couldnt have gone abroad. 门是锁着的,所以她不可能在家。 The door was locked. She couldnt have been at home.,3) can/could have done “本可以, 本来可能 已经” 用于肯定句中, 表示对过去发生的事情做出 的判断。 你本来可以考的更好。 You could have had a better mark.,3. may/might 1) may/might表示推测时, 只能用于陈述句, 表示对现在或将来要发生的动作把握不大。 她们明天可能会到这里来。 They may come here tomorrow.,他们可能还在等我们呢。 They may be still waiting for us. 2) might 可用于指过去的行为或者表示可能性 更小。 他也许在作功课吧。 He might be doing his homework now. 我问他我是否可以离开。 I asked him if I might leave. I asked him “May I leave now?”,3) might/may have done, 表示对过去发生的动作 进行可能性推测。 他可能去医务室了。 He may have gone to the clinic. 他可能已经从报纸上知道这个消息了。 He might have read about the news in the newspaper.,Will /Would you do? 表请求, 意志, 愿望, 决心。 would 表过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向 “总是,总要” used to 表过去常常(现在已没有这种习惯) “过去常常” used to 可与状态动词连用, would不可以 e.g. He used to be a quiet boy. ( ) He would be a quiet boy. ( ),4. will/would,1) 表示请求、建议等, would比will委婉 客气。 Would you pass me the book? 2) 表示意志、愿望和决心。如: I will never do that again. They asked if we would do that again.,5. shall, should 1) 在一、三人称的疑问句中, shall用来 询问对方的意愿。如: Shall we begin our lesson? When shall he be able to leave the hospital? 2) 用于二、三人
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