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重庆大学版 高一 (3) Unit 5,1. Leonardo de Vinci was a master of design, engineering, science and invention, as well as a master of art.,1) master,名词 n. C 主人; 雇主; 户主 The dog ran to its master. 那狗向它主人跑去。,能手, 名家, 大师; 师傅,The young writer learned a great deal from the works by masters in literature. 这位青年作家从文学大师的作品中学到了许多东西。,及物动词 vt. 精通,掌握,Russian is a difficult language to master. 俄语是门难以精通的语言。,2) design,及物动词 vt. 设计; 构思 ; 绘制,Architects design buildings. 建筑师设计房屋。,n. 图案;花纹C,I like the design of that rug. 我喜欢那地毯的图案。,designer,名词 n. 设计者; 构思者; 时装设计师C,Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer. 她的结婚礼服是由一位非常著名的时装设计师制作的。,3) invention,The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。,invent vt. 发明;创造,Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 你能告诉我是谁发明了电话?,Inventor 名词 n. 发明家, 发明者; 创作 者 Albert Einstein was an inventor. 艾伯特爱因斯坦是位发明家。,4) as well as,一、分清本义与引申义 用于本义 as well as用于本义,可视为asas 结构与well的自然搭配,其意为“与一样好”,在否定句中可用not so well as代替not as well as。如: He speaks English as well as she. 他说英语说得跟她一样好。 She plays every bit as well as the men. 她打得一点不比男人们差。,用于引申义 用于引申义,表示“不但而且”“既是也是”“而且”“还”。如: He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花。 She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。 They have a flat in town as well as in the Country. 他们在城里有一套公寓,在乡村还有一所房子。,注:有时还可译为“除之外, 还”, 与besides, in addition to的用法相似。如: As well as learning to swim he has been taking Spanish lessons this summer. 今年夏天,他除了学习游泳外,他还在上西班牙语课。,二、弄清强调重点 A as well as B这一结构强调的重点是A不是B,即A as well as B=not only B but also A, 注意体会以下例句的译文: She is clever as well as beautiful. 她不但漂亮,而且聪明。,He speaks Spanish as well as English and French. 他不仅会说英语和法语,而且会说西班牙语。 Actors have to learn their cues as well as their own lines. 演员不仅要记住台词,还要记住其他演员的暗示。,三、把握主谓一致 当as well as连接两个成分作主语时, 其后谓语的单复数形式通常要与前面一个主语保持一致。如: Tom as well as his parents is going to London. 汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦。 The captain, as well as the other players, was tired. 队长和其他队员都累了。,as well as连接动词时, 常用-ing形式 如: She has got a cleaning job at night, as well as working during the day.,辨析:,as well 用法: A. as well常用作状语, 作“又;也”解, 相当于too或also, 常位于句末, 无须用逗号与句子分开。如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well(going, too). 我要到伦敦去, 我妹妹也要去。,B. as well 在口语中也可用于句中, 作“也好, 也行”或“倒不如”解, 用来缓和语气。如: You may as well go. 你去也好。,You feel _ you did yesterday, dont You? A. as good as B. as well C. so good D. as well as,练一练:,D,Im sure I was right. It is just _ I didnt lend him the money. A. so well B. as well as C. as well D. the same as,C,2.Yet, most people only recognize Leonardo, one of the greatest artist of the Renaissance as the painter of the Mona Lisa.,1) the Renaissance 文艺复兴,The Renaissance era encompasses Western music history from 1400 to the beginning of the 1600. This period in time marked the rebirth of humanism, and the revival of cultural achievements for their own sake in all forms of art, including music. The word “Renaissance“ in itself is defined as a “rebirth“ or a “reconstruction“.,During this time, artists and musicians produced works that displayed more artistic freedom and individualism. This creativity allowed artists to abandon the stricter ways of the Medieval Era. Their art forms rediscovered the ancient Greek ideals. The great masters of the Renaissance were revered in their own lifetimes (rather than after their deaths), which was different from most of their Medieval predecessors. With the new printing techniques, music and musical ideas were able to be preserved and distributed to the people.,A painting during the Renaissance,2) painter (油)画家,She didnt think much of him as a painter. 她对他作为一位画家评价不高。,paint vt. 画,绘画,The boy is painting a tiger. 那男孩在画一只老虎。,3. what we call its expression rests mainly on two things.,1) expression 表情; 脸色;声调 C U,There was no expression on her face. 她脸上毫无表情。,express vt. 表达, 陈述;表示,Really, I hardly know how to express my gratitude. 我真不知道如何表达我的感激之情。,2) reston 依靠,The bridge rests on stone arches. 这座桥靠石拱支撑。,4. Now it is exactly these parts that Leonardo has left indistinct on purpose by letting them fade into a soft shadow.,1) exactly,副词 ad. A. 确切地, 精确地; 完全地 Tell me exactly where she lives. 确切地告诉我她住哪儿。,B. 恰好地, 正好地 Thats exactly what I expected. 那正是我所期待的。 C. (用于答语)一点不错 “Do you mean that we are stuck here?“ - “Exactly, my dear.“ “你的意思是我们被困在这儿了?“ “一点儿不错,亲爱的。“,exact 形容词 adj. A. 确切的, 精确的 It was difficult to tell her exact age. 很难说出她的确实年龄。,B. 精确无误的, 精密的 The scholar is an exact thinker. 这位学者思维严谨。 C. His memory is very exact; he never makes mistakes. 他的记忆非常准确, 从不出错。,2) indistinct,形容词 adj. 不清楚的, 模糊的 an indistinct image 模糊的影像 indistinct sounds 不清晰的声音 His indistinct speech makes it impossible to understand him. 他口齿不清, 无法听懂他的意思。,3) on purpose 故意地; 有目的地,He did it on purpose. 他故意的。 I came here on purpose to see you. 我特地来这里看你。 I sometimes think that all his supposed mistakes are made on purpose just to annoy me. 我有时认为他
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