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Unit 15 The necklace,.重要单词聚焦 1 vt. 识别;认出 2 vt. 解释;说明 3 vt.& vi. 继续 4 n. 债务;欠款 5 adj. 肯定的;积极的 6 vt. 赚得;挣得 7 adv. 此外 prep. 除之外,recognise,explain,continue,debt,positive,earn,besides,8 adv. 想必;确实;一定 9 n. 珠宝;首饰;珠宝类 10 adj. 好看的;可爱的 11 adj. 宝贵的;贵重的;珍爱的 12 vt. 出席;参加;上(大学等) 13 n. 演讲;讲课 14 n. 轮廓;要点;概要 15 n. 品质;质量;性质,surely,jewellery(jewelry),lovely,precious,attend,lecture,outline,quality,.重点短语扫描 1 访问;号召;邀请 2 日日夜夜地 3 至多 4 提出;追上 5 从事于,占据(时间、空间) 6 毕竟;终究;别忘了 7 拿回来;使恢复 8 还清(债务等);付清 9 把表演出来;把付诸行动,call_on,day_and_night,at_most,come_up_with,take_up,after_all,bring_back,pay_off,act_out,.课文原句突破 1It got dark before they could get home,so the friends have to spend the night in the old Black Tower on the mountain. 信息提取 before连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“还没来得及就”。 例句仿写 我还没来得及接电话,她就挂断了。 She hung up the telephone_ _ _ _ _. 【答案】 before I could answer it,2Im_sorry,but I dont think I know you. 信息提取 Im sorry,but.是一个固定句式,表示说话人的委婉语气。 例句仿写 对不起,我有一重要会议要参加。 _ _ _I have an important meeting_ _. 【答案】 Im sorry but;to attend,3Years of hard work,very little food,only a small cold room to_live_in and never,never a moments rest. 信息提取 to live in是不定式作定语,修饰room,并存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以in不能省略。 例句仿写 你最好离开他,他很难相处。 Youd better stay away from him.He_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 【答案】 is very hard to get along with,4I was the_only person in my office who was invited.Ive written to accept the invitation. 信息提取 在定语从句中,先行词受the only修饰,后面定语从句中的谓语为单数。 例句仿写 她是当众受表扬的唯一学生。 She was the only one of the students_ _ _ _ _. 【答案】 who was praised in public,recognize vt. (1)认出,辨出 He has changed so much that I can hardly recognize him. 他变化了这么多,以至于我几乎认不出他来。,(2)承认,认可,公认 He is recognised to be one of the greatest poets in the 20th century.他被公认为是20世纪最伟大的诗人之一。 After the accident,he recognised that he was not fit for the work. 事故发生后他认识到自己不能胜任这项工作。,【know,recognize与realize】 (1)recognise是及物动词,意思是“认出;识别出”,表示能够认出原先所认识的人或事物,为非延续性动词,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。 The town has changed so much you wouldnt recognise it. 这个城镇变化太大了,你会认不出来的。,(2)know是及物动词,意思是“知道”,侧重于客观事实,指认识某人或熟悉某地,表示一种状态,为延续性动词。 I want to know how to get in touch with him. 我想知道怎样同他取得联系。 (3)realize是及物动词,意思是“意识到;实现(理想、梦想等)”。 I didnt realize how late it was.我不知道有多晚了。,1Jack looked at the envelope and_Jennys handwriting immediately. Aattracted Badmitted Cignored Drecognized 【解析】 句意为:“杰克看了看信封,马上认出是珍妮的笔迹。”recognize认出。attract吸引;admit接受,承认,容许;ignore忽视,不理。 【答案】 D,2Oh,its you.I _ you. Ive just had my hair cut and Im wearing new glasses. Adidnt recognise Bhadnt recognised Chavent recognised Ddont recognise 【解析】 解答本题时要注意上下文,从上文its you 可知“认出”这个动作相对现在说是一个发生在过去的动作,故应用一般过去时。 【答案】 A,explain v解释,说明,I didnt understand that at all,but Mr Wang wouldnt explain to me.我对那一点不懂,但王先生不愿向我解释。 Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗? Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it. 请向我说明从哪里开始以及怎样做。 She explained that she had been ill and in hospital for two months.她解释说她病了,在医院里住了两个月。,explanation n说明,解释;辩白;真相,原因;事实 Not much explanation will be necessary.不需要太多的说明。 What is your explanation for being late?你迟到的理由是什么?,3Thank you very much for_me what the two words mean. Aexplaining to Bexplaining Cexplaining for Dexplained 【答案】 A 4I tried to_the problem to Mary,but she was so angry that she_listen. Atalk;wouldnt Btalk;shouldnt Cexplain;wouldnt Dexplain;shouldnt 【答案】 C,5An increase in the price of drugs has_the rising cost of medical care. Aexplained to Bcontributed to Cresulted from Dkept up 【答案】 B,continue (1)vt.继续,持续 They continued their journey after the rain,hoping to see him soon.雨后,他们继续旅行,希望尽快见到他。 (2)vi.继续,延续 The fighting continued for a week.这场战争持续了一星期。 (3)continue to do/doing sth.继续做某事 He continued working/to work as if nothing had happened. 他继续工作,仿佛什么都没发生。,(4)continue后可接“to beadj.”,意为“继续处于某种状态”,此时to be可省略。 The weather continues to be cold and wet.天气仍然又冷又湿。 The weather will continue fine till this weekend. 到本周末天气将仍然很好。 My father continues in good health.我父亲依旧身体健康。,6According to the weather report,the weather will_fine. Ago on Bkeep on Ccarry on Dcontinue 【解析】 continue后可直接跟形容词,表示“继续处于某种状态”。 【答案】 D,attend vt.& vi. (1)出席;参加;上(大学等) How many people attended the meeting?有多少人参加了会议? She was sick so she didnt attend school.她生病了,所以没上学。,(2)vt.& vi.照料(某人),看护(某人) attend on/upon服侍,照料;陪同;随从 The queen had a good doctor attending on her. 女王有一个好医生在照料她。 (3)vi.专心,努力(于工作等),处理 attend to注意;关心;照顾;处理 Are you attending to what is being said? 你有没有注意听别人说的话? Business has to be attended to.生意是必须要料理的。,【高效记忆】,7Would you like to_my birthday party this Saturday? Sorry,I have an important meeting to_. Aattend;join Btake part in;attend Cjoin;take part in Dattend;attend 【解析】 join后要接团体、集体、组织等与人有关的名词;take part in与政治活动或体育、文娱活动有关;attend侧重于指上(课),参加(晚会),照顾病人等意义。 【答案】
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