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重点单词 1.risk vt.冒的危险,冒险干 n.冒险,风险;危险的人/事物 【精讲拓展】 risk sth.冒的危险 risk doing sth.冒险做某事 at the risk of doing sth.冒着的风险 take a risk(to do sth.)冒险做某事 take the risk of/in sth./doing sth.甘冒(做)某事的风险,Module 3 Unit 8 Adventure,【典型例句】 He risked his life to save the drowning boy. 他冒着生命危险去救那个溺水的男孩。 朗文当代 He who risks nothing gains nothing. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 朗文当代 Whoever you are,dont take the risk of doing a job like that. 无论你是谁,都不要冒险做那样一份工作。 朗文当代 He risked losing his house when his company went bankrupt. 他的公司破产时,他差点连自己家的房子都保不住了。剑桥高阶,即学即用 He thinks we shouldnt go ahead with this plan because of the _ of failure. A.future B.pressure C.worry D.risk 解析:句意:他认为我们不应该执行这个计划,因为失败的风险 很大。risk指可能存在的危险。 答案:D 2.differ vi.不同,有区别 【精讲拓展】 differ from.in.在方面与不同 differ (with sb.) about/on /over sth.(和某人)就某事意见不同 be different from sb./sth.in sth.在某方面不同于某人或某物 make a difference有影响,起主要作用 make no difference不起作用,没影响,不重要,【典型例句】 Economists differ on the cause of inflation. 经济学家们对通货膨胀的原因看法不一。剑桥高阶 His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见与我的意见完全不同。朗文当代 It makes a great difference to me.这对我很重要。朗文当代 Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?这两件东西在质量方面有显著的差别吗?剑桥高阶 即学即用 They are different_nature. A.in B.on C.of D.with 解析:句意为:他们本质上有区别。be different in表在 方面有所不同。 答案:A,3.tire vt.疲倦,(使)厌烦,(使)厌倦 【精讲拓展】 tire sb.out使某人筋疲力尽 tiring adj.引起疲劳的,累人的 tired adj.疲劳的,厌烦的 be tired of厌烦 be tired from/with因而疲倦 be tired out累坏了 【典型例句】 I am tired of living in the same area. 我厌倦了生活在同一地区。 朗文当代 I am tired from overwork.过度工作使我很疲倦。 朗文当代 Let the kids run around in the garden and thatll soon tire them out. 让孩子们在院子里跑跑吧,他们很快就会筋疲力尽的。剑桥高阶,即学即用 翻译句子 他助人不倦。 He never tires of helping others. 4.anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的 【精讲拓展】 be anxious about sb./sth.为而担心 be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事 be anxious for sb. to do sth.急于让某人做某事 with anxietyanxiously焦虑地,【典型例句】 I am anxious for/about his safety.我很担心他的安全。朗文当代 Im anxious to get home to open my presents. 我恨不得马上到家去打开礼物。 剑桥高阶 They were anxious that they (should) have everything they want. 他们渴望得到所有他们想要的东西。 朗文当代 We waited with great anxiety for more news about the accident. 我们忧心忡忡地等待着有关这一事故的更多消息。 朗文当代 即学即用 I am anxious_ the result of exam. A.about B.to C.with D.over 解析:句意:我急于想知道考试结果。 答案:A,5.patience n.耐心,耐性,容忍 【精讲拓展】 be/get out of patience with对失去耐心 lose ones patience with失去的耐心 have no patience with 不能容忍,对没有耐心 be patient with对有耐心 be patient of能忍受,容许 【典型例句】 Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little patience. 请耐心点,我会尽快调查此事。 朗文当代 Hes a good teacher,but he doesnt have much patience with the slower pupils. 他是个好老师,但对较迟钝的学生没多大耐心。 剑桥高阶,Be patient with hershes very young. 对她耐心点她年纪太小了。 剑桥高阶 即学即用 翻译句子 她是一位富有耐心和想象力的活泼的年轻妇女。 She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. 6.break vt.& vi.撕破;摔开;损坏 【精讲拓展】 break out(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)突然爆发 break away from逃脱;脱离(政党等);打破(陈套等) break down出故障;(计划等)失败;(身体,精神等)垮掉;(关系 或讨论)破裂;(化合物等)分解 break in闯入;打断,插嘴 break into.破门而入;突然起来 break through突破;冲破 break off折断;(突然)中止,结束 break up打碎;拆散,放假;(集合)结束,【典型例句】 He likes to break in when others are talking. 别人讲话时他喜欢插嘴。 朗文当代 The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations with each other. 这两个国家突然中断了外交关系。 朗文当代 Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然起火了。美国传统 即学即用 完成句子 The police broke up (驱散)the crowd. 解析:句意为:警察驱散人群。 It was wrong of him to break away from (断绝往来)all his old friends. 解析:句意为:他断绝了与他所有老朋友的往来是错的。,7.run vi.& vt.跑;开动(机器等);经营;伸展,扩散,流动 【精讲拓展】 run out结束,东西用完了(主语为物,无被动态);流出 run out of(人)用完了;从中流出/跑出 run across无意中碰到,遇见 run after追逐;追求 run into碰撞;偶然遇到 run over浏览;(车辆)碾压 run through浏览 【典型例句】 They soon ran out of their food.They soon used up their food. 他们很快用完了食物。 朗文当代,Let me know if you run across my keys. 如果你碰巧看到了我的钥匙,告诉我一声。 美国传统 His car ran into the fence.他的汽车撞上了围栏。朗文当代 Shes been running after him for years. 她追求他多年了。 美国传统 即学即用 Keep the machine_,and you will know how it works. A.run B.running C.to run D.runs 解析:句意为:让机器开着,这样你就可以了解机器的运行情 况。keep.doing让处于状态。 答案:B,8.carry vt.搬,抬,提,拿,背 【精讲拓展】 carry on从事,经营;继续做某事 carry out实施;贯彻;执行 carry through进行到底,完成 carry about/around随身携带 【典型例句】 We should carry out the plan to the full. 我们应该不折不扣地执行计划。 朗文当代 Despite powerful opposition,they managed to carry their reforms through.尽管遇到了强大的阻力,但是他们还是设法进 行了改革。 朗文当代 The debate was carried off without any difficulty. 辩论轻松地结束了。美国传统 He carried through the work.他完成了那件工作。 朗文当代,即学即用 I carried _my promise. A.off B.away C.out D.at 解析:句意为:我实现了我的诺言。A表“夺走”,B表“冲走,搬 走”。 答案:C We carried_the discussion. A.on B.off C.about D.at 解析:句意:我们继续讨论。
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