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,“ Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly possess.” Socrates( 469BC-399BC),welcome,Task1 Warm up,Hi, my name is pan, how about yours?,Lesson Two,listening,speaking,Guessing Game,guessing game,Listen to the description of a name in our class, Guess who it is refers to,Guess the meaning of names,李春节,成龙,兴安岭,Who he or she is,Whoever guess the name first will get a chocolate.,group work (Discussion),Can you think of the names of other expectaton or other origins? Four students a group, one student take notes and report it. The group which think out most deserve prizes as well.,discusssion :the origines of Chinese names:,酉生,明辰,菊月,小霜 飞虎,大龙,小马 盼弟,招娣,若男,胜男,超男 望财,小强,建发 三元,四喜,三条四 拥军,向东,捍文 牛贝,牛京,牛欢,牛迎,牛妮 刘夏,Time of birth,Animals showing 12- Year cycle,Parents expectation,hobby,Special times,Surname of both parents,Culture Linking,Task three,Culture input: The Origins of English Surnames,Robertson, Jackson, Thomson,Richardson,Roberts, Willians, richards,2, Cook, Smith, Baker,Gardener,3. Hill, Field, Wood,4. White, Red,Stout,1.occupation,2.Location or Physical feature,3.Fathers name,4.characteristics,Task two: listening,Listen to three students talking about their names,specific significance abnormal vivid hardship pillar violinist discourage,2.not normal,3.difficult situation,4.Sth that is used to support(支撑) others,5.to make sb lose courage,9. someone who plays the violin,6.bright and clear,7.importance,8.clear and bright,1.Detailed, not general,New words,Listening strategies: Before listening, predict the meanings of the three names in the picture. Get to know the general idea of each part in your mind. Take down notes.( Key words) to get as much information as possible.,Nan,A type of wood used to hold up the roof in the construction,“to be pillar of society”,“Jiannan” Sounds like,As strong as any boy,built in the south (建南),Part one about Wang Jiannan,Wang Jiannan,Healthy boy (健男),Take down some notes,Part Two about Heather Smith,1. Smith is somebody who works with _. I guess I have one _ who was a smith.,Heather is a purple _ in my hometown. My mother was _ to have a baby girl but also _ because her mother was ill and couldnt come to see us. Her mother named her Heather to _her_ home.,metal,ancestor,flower,remind,of,delighted,discouraged,T or F Isaac is a common traditional name that doesnt ( ) stand out anywhere. There is no special story to it 2. My grandfather left his farm in northern Wales and finally settled in Manchester. ( ) 3. My parents named me after a famous politician called Itzhak Perlman. ( ) 4. When I listen to Itzhak Perlmans music, it inspires me, so I became a musician too. ( ),T,F,F,F,about Isacc Evans,Pay attention to details,speaking,About a persons name,Pair work (Discussion),Whats your name? What does it mean? And why did your parents give you the name?,What to say,How to say:,I guess I believe I suppose,Question cues in Ex10 in Page 9 2. names based on: time of birth expectation Hobby your hometown Famous person ,1.Research: find out about the differences and Similarities of the origins of Chinese and English names 2.Search the website for VOA special English: Words and their stories 3. Finish the self-assessment and hand in tomorrow,homework,Thanks for your attention Happy Thanks Giving Day,
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