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人教版新课标2012届高三英语一轮复习基础知识核查课件系列:必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,知识点1. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. (Page 17) Ill bring up your children as mine. 我一定会把你的孩子当自己的子女看待,把他们抚养成人。 用法归纳 bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出 bring back 带回;归还;使恢复 bring out 拿出;推出(新产品) bring in (into) 带入;引进,对应训练 (1)They have _(抚养)five children to stand on their own feet. (2)I intend to _(提出)the matter at the next meeting. (3)She _ (提出这个问题)at the meeting. (4)她养育了五个孩子。(汉译英) _ 知识点2. He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Page 17) If you live in Asia, you can find these adventures right in your own backyard. 如果你居住在亚洲,你可以在你的“后院”很容易找到冒险经历之所在。,She brought up five children.,brought up,bring up,brought up the question,用法归纳 adventure n. 奇遇;冒险;冒险经历 adventure vt.历险 adventure on 探险 对应训练 (1)No man would _ (冒险)it. (2)Students brave enough to take this _ (历险) course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (3)Those explorers bravely _ (探险)on unknown seas. (4)他总梦想在南极洲进行冒险尝试。(汉译英) _ 知识点3. At this moment,they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house. (Page 17) I saw him entering the hospital. 我看见他走进了医院。,He always dreams of adventuring in Antarctic.,adventure,adventure,adventured,用法归纳 see sb.doing 看到某人正在做某事 see sb./sth.done 看到某人或某事被 see sb.do 看到某人做了某事 对应训练 (1)I could see the bus _ (come) in the distance. (2)You can see many problems _(settle) by this means. (3)I saw a boy _ (enter) the shop just now. (4)The boy was seen _(fall) from the tree, dead. 知识点4. At this moment,they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house. (Page 17) After wandering around, we found ourselves back at the hotel. 四处徘徊后,我们竟然回到了旅馆。,to fall,coming,settled,enter,用法归纳 wander vi. 漫游;散步;漂泊 wander along/through/in 漫游;漫步;漂泊 wander vi. 精神恍惚 wander与wonder 词形相似,注意不要混淆。 对应训练 (1)The children _ (漫步)in the woods. (2)The river _ (蜿蜒流过)through beautiful country. (3)His mind is wandering.(英译汉) _ (4)She _ (正在街上 徘徊) aimlessly. 知识点5. Permit me to lead the way, sir. (Page 18) Visitors are not permitted to take photos. 游客不能拍照的。,was wandering up and down the street,wandered,wanders,他神志不清。,用法归纳 permit vt.& vi. 许可;允许;准许 permit n. 通行证;许可证;执照 permit sb.to do 允许某人做某事 permission n. 允许 without permission 未经允许 对应训练 (1)Do you _ (准许)your children to smoke? (2)She wont _ (准许狗在屋里). (3)Circumstances do not _(许可)me to help you. (4)你不能在此处吸烟。(汉译英) _ 知识点6.Go right ahead. (Page 18) Go ahead. Help yourself to some cookies. 请便,自己拿些饼干吧!,You are not permitted to smoke here.,permit,permit dogs in the house,permit,用法归纳 go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 go ahead 干吧 go about 到处走动,走来走去 go along 进行;继续 对应训练 (1)May I leave a little earlier? _(去吧)! (2)They are going ahead with the plan.(英译汉) _ (3)The building of the new bridge will _ _(按计划进行). (4)Start now? Yes, _ (开始吧).,go ahead,Go ahead,他们正在积极实行这项计划。,go ahead as,planned,知识点7.As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. (Page 18) The gun went off by accident. 那枪意外地走火了。 用法归纳 by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心 by chance 偶然,意外地 对应训练 (1)I met Jacob _ (偶然)in the cinema. (2)It was in this small town that I met him _ (碰巧). (3)She found some old photos by accident in her drawer.(英译汉) _ (4)我偶然遇到了他。(汉译英) _,I met him by chance.,by chance,by chance,她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。,知识点8. .(his eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner on the table) (Page 18) Many eyes stared at you with admiration. 无数双眼睛仰望着你。 用法归纳 stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 stare at 盯着看;凝视 stare into the distance 凝视远方 fix ones eyes upon 专注;凝视 glare at 怒目而视 对应训练 (1)She _ (瞪)him into silence. (2)Standing still, he _ (凝视远方). (3)He _ (盯着)at the word trying to remember what it meant.,stared,stared into the distance,stared,(4)我们惊奇地注视着他。(汉译英;in amazement) _ 知识点9. I went to the American embassy to seek help, but.(Page 18) If you think someone is having a stroke, you should seek help immediately. 如果你发现有人患上中风,你应该立刻寻求帮助。 用法归纳 seek vt.& vi.(sought,sought) 寻找;探索;寻求 seek vt.=ask for 请求 seek to do 设法做某事 seek for/after 搜寻;寻找;寻觅 对应训练 (1)Dick went to London to _ (寻找)his fortune.,We stared at him in amazement.,seek,(2)You should _(征求建议)from a lawyer about what to do next. (3)They are still _ (设法)to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. (4)政治家仍然在寻求和平解决的方法。(汉译英; politician, peaceful, solution) _ 知识点10. Well, well have to take a chance. (Page 22) Anyhow he had to take a chance. 无论如何,他只能孤注一掷了。 用法归纳 take a chance 冒险 take
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