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Introduction Desmopan is Bayers trade name for thermoplastic polyurethanes(TPU). The Desmopan range of grades has been adapted to the many special requirements imposed by Desmopans broad range of applications.It takes in six general-purpose grades,based on different raw material groups,and three series of special-pur-pose Desmopan grades. Overviews Table 1: Property comparison of the Desmopan grade series(for preliminary material selection) Table 2: Overview of grades,arranged according to Shore hardness and raw material base Table 3: Reference value table Nomenclature Desmopan sales products are designated by a three-digit ccode.The first of the three numbers shows the grade series to which the product belongs and thus defines rhe basic properties of the product .The two orher numbers whow the approximate Shore hardness.Figures above 75 denote the Shore Ahardness and Snadditipnal “U” denores UV stabilisation. Trial Products are denoted by *KU or*KU2-ant afour-digit code.They are listed in the grade series in the product range overview on the basis of their hardness.(In the case of Kuproducts,ester products start with the number 87.The C4-ether products have a code of between 8600and 8649,and the spe-cial-purpose ether products a code of between 8650 and 8699.)If trial products have the letters A or D in addition to their code,then the last two digits denote the approximate shore hardness in S or D. The letter E means that the product has been developed for extrusion,but is also suitable for injection moulding. KA Trial Products are consecutively numbered in chronological order. 介绍:介绍: Desmopan 是拜耳公司热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)的注册商标。 Desmopan 的品级范围通过其广泛应用已被证明能满足许多 特殊用途的要求。Desmopan 的产品范围包括基于不同组成原 料的六个通用品级系列以及三个特殊用途品级系列。 总览:总览: 表 1:Desmopan 品级系列的性能比较(用于材料的初步选择) 表 2:不同肖氏硬度和组成原料的品级总览 表 3:参考数据表 命名:命名: Desmopan 商业品级以三位数字代码来命名。第一位数字表示 品级系列,并表征品级的基本性能,后两位数字表示肖氏硬 度的大约值,大于 75 的数字,表示肖氏 A 硬度,小于 75 的 数字,表示肖氏 D 硬度。 带后缀 U 的品级表示紫外线稳定品级。 发展中的产品以*KA 或*KU2 加 4 位数字来命名。 根据硬度的 不同,将其列在产品范围中相应的品级系列中。 (用 KU 表示 的产品, 聚酯型产品用前两位数字 87 来标识, 用聚醚型产品, 其产品,代码间于 8600-8699。 ) 如果试用产品的代码有 A 或 D 后缀,则其后两位数字分别表 示硬度的大约值。 带后缀 E 的品级,表示该品级适合于挤出成型,当然这类品 级也适合于注射成型。 KA 试用产品年代顺序以连续数字表示。 命名举例:命名举例:/Nomenclature examples Desmopan 3 85 Desmopan 9 55 U 原料系列 300(聚酯型) 900(聚醚型) Raw materials series 300(Ester) 900(Ether) 硬度 85 肖氏 A 55 肖氏 D Hardness 85 Shore A 55 Shore D 紫外线稳定 UV-stabilised *有关发展中产品:请看第 23 页的说明 *Development product, see page 23 1 性能/Properties 系列 邵氏硬度范围 简要描述 Series shore hardness short description range 耐磨性 Resistance to abrasion 动态负载能力 Dynamic loadbearing capacity 耐热变形性能 Heat deflection 抗油脂性能 Resistance to oil and grease 耐水解 Resistance to hydrolysis 耐热空气 Resistance to hot hair 耐光性(黄变) Fastness to light (yellow) 抗微生物侵蚀 Resistance to Microbial attack 低温韧性 Flexibility at Low temperatures 100/ester 65A-50D 具有高机械强度的注射品级,适用于耐磨制品 聚醚 injection molding grades with a high mechanical strength + + + + 0 + 0 - 2) + 200/ester 82A-92A 可以用于食品接触用途的注射和挤出品级 聚酯 Injection molding and extrusion grades may be used for food contact applications + + 0 + - + 0 - + 300 /ester 82A-73D 注射和挤出品级,具有高的机械性能,改良的抗水解性能和低温韧性 聚酯 Injection molding and extrusion grades with a high mechanical strength, improved hydrolysis resistance to grease and oil + + + + + + 0 - 2) + 400/ester 80A-58D 注射品级,具有低的压缩率,高的耐热温度和良好的抗油脂性能 聚酯 injection molding grades with a low compression set, a high heat deformation temperature and good resistance to grease and oil + + + + + + 0 0 2) + 500/ether-ester 77A-92A 注射和挤出品级,采用低成本方法结合了聚酯型和聚醚型品级的优点 聚醚/聚酯 injection molding and extrusion grades which combine the advantages of ether and ester grades in an inexpensive manner 0/+O 0 + + - 0 + + 700/carbonat 88A-43D 注射和挤出品级,具有良好的抗微生物侵蚀和耐水解性能,以及低的水溶涨性 聚碳 Injection molding and extrusion grades, resistant to microbes and hyrolysis, with low swelling in water + + 0 +/+ 1) + 0 0 + + 800/aliphaten 85A-56D 改性的注射和浇注成型品级,在紫外线下不会变黄 脂肪族 modifier, injection molding and slush molding grades which do not yellow under the action of UV light + 0 0/+ +/+ 1) +/- + -/+ 1) +/+ 1) 900/ether 70D-73D 注射和挤出品级,具有极好的抗微生物侵蚀和耐水解性能、更好的低温韧性和冲击改性 聚醚 injection molding and extrusion grades with very good resistance to microbes and hydrolysis Highly flexible at low temperatures + O 0 + - 0 + + Impact mod. 50D-66D 用于需具备高刚性和良好低温冲击强度的鞋梆产品和类似产品的特殊品级 Ester special grades for shoe shells and similar applications with a high rigidity and 冲击改性聚酯 good low temperature impact strength + + 0 + + 0 0 + 2 + = 非常好/very good + = 好/good 0 = 满意/satisfactory - = 一般/moderate 1)只限于该类型 2)随硬度提高而提高/improves with increasing hardness 产品范围/Product range产品范围/Product range 品级系列/Raw material group 聚酯 ester 聚酯/聚醚 Ester/ether 聚碳 carbonate 脂肪
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