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Unit 3 Life in the future 课堂考点清障 考点1. I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year. (Page 17) We need to encourage more people to take up the profession. 我们需要鼓励更多的人来从事这项职业。 用法归纳 take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续 take over 接受;接管;接任 take in 收留;吸收;收容(某人) take away 拿走;夺走;拆去 take on 雇佣 take off 起飞;成功,对应训练 (1)He called on the people to_ (拿起武器). (2)She_ (开始从事)her first teaching post in 1950. (3)The runners_ (占据)their positions on the starting lines. (4)Im going to_ (着手处理这件事) with my lawyer. 考点2. However, my friend and guide, Wang Ping, was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which helped a lot. (Page 18) The guide conducted us round the museum. 导游带领我们参观博物馆。,take up this matter,take up arms,took up,took up,用法归纳 guide n. 指导;向导;导游 guide vt. 指引;指导 guide adj. 由向导/导游带领的 对应训练 (1)The government will_(引导)the country through the difficulties ahead. (2)In earlier times sailors were_(引路)by the stars. (3)You_ (需要一个导游)to show you the city. (4)向导带领我们到河边。(汉译英;lead) _ 考点3. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. (Page 18),The guide led us to the river.,need a guide,guide,guided,The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。 用法归纳 主语+be+adj.+ vt. 相当于it+be+adj.+vt.+宾语 对应训练 (1)Nevertheless,some observations_ _ (难以解释). (2)Except this one, the other articles _ _(是很容易懂理解的). (3)It is hard to make football fans calm down.(用football fans作主语,句型转换) _ (4)这块石头抬起来很重。(汉译英) _,The stone is heavy to lift.,were difficult to,are easy to,Football fans are hard to calm down,explain,understand,考点4.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. (Page 18) Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration. 紧张和疲劳常使人精力不集中。 用法归纳 lack vi.& vt. 缺乏;没有 lack n. 缺乏;短缺的东西 lack for/in 缺乏 A (the) lack of 缺乏;没有;缺少 对应训练 (1)Hes certainly not_(缺乏)in intelligence. (2)Money is still_ (缺乏)for the new hospital. (3)A _(缺乏)of food forced many people to leave their homes.,lacking,lacking,lack,(4)她似乎缺少成功的信心。(汉译英;succeed) _ 考点5.These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat, you can move swiftly. (Page 18) The grass had been pressed down in places where people had been lying. 在人们躺着的地方草坪上的草都被压倒了。 用法归纳 press vi.& vt. 按;压;逼迫 press n. 按;压;印刷;新闻 press down 往下压 the press 新闻界,报界 pressed adj. (被)压制的,She seems to lack the will to succeed.,pressing adj. 紧迫的;压迫的 pressure n. 压力;强制 对应训练 (1)Ive_(熨了)your trousers with the iron. (2)The power of_ (新闻界)is very great. (3)Well let you know if anything_(紧急). (4)He_(按了门铃). 考点6. Wang Ping fastened my safety belt and showed me how to use it. (Page 18) She fastened the name list to the blackboard. 她把名单贴到黑板上。 用法归纳 fasten vt. 系牢;扎牢 fasten the belt 扣紧安全带 tie vt. 拴;系,pressed the doorbell,pressed,the press,presses,对应训练 (1)I examined the rope carefully to make sure that it _ (系牢). (2)She_(贴到)the notice to the board. (3)The door will not_ (锁上). (4)你开车时必须扣紧安全带。(汉译英) _ 考点7. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. (Page 18) The ship went to the sea and soon we lost sight of it. 轮船驶向大海,很快我们就看不见它了。 用法归纳 lose sight of. 看不见 in sight 可见;看得见,You must fasten your belt when you drive.,was well fastened,fastened,fasten,at the first sight 第一眼看到 out of sight 看不到;不被看到 catch (have, gain, get) sight of 看到 对应训练 (1)We must not_(看不到)the fact that he is just ten. (2)She was swallowed up by the crowd and _ _(我们看不到她了). (3)I watched the train leave fast_ (直到 看不见为止). 考点8. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. (Page 18) Her eyes flashed with anger. 她眼中冒出了怒火。,until I lost sight of it,lose sight of,we lost sight,of her,用法归纳 flash vt.& vi. (使)闪光;(使)闪现 flash vt.& vi. 飞驰 flash n. 闪光;闪光灯 in a flash 刹那间;立刻,一瞬间 对应训练 (1)A light_(闪过)in the distance. (2)A driver is not supposed to_ (闪灯)his lights at the coming vehicles. (3)The cars flashed past.(替换) _ (4)这个念头掠过他的心头。(汉译英;mind) _ 考点9. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. (Page 18),The idea flashed into his mind.,flashed,flash,flew/sped,Dont forget to switch off when you have finished. 用完后不要忘记关掉开关。 用法归纳 switch n. 开关;转换 switch vt. 转换 switch on (turn on) 把开关打开 switch off (turn off) 关掉 switch over 转换频道;转变 对应训练 (1)Theres been a_(改变)in our plans. (2)After several months we even_ (更换教 科书)and I started it all over again. (3)It was getting dark, so we_(打开了灯). (4)我的电话关机了。(汉译英) _
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