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专题滚动检测(二十三)(限时:30分钟语法填空2篇阅读理解1篇任务型阅读).语法填空ALast week, in an unusual way, a stranger treated me with generosity. At an Asian grocery store on a busy evening, I was shopping for the items I needed 1._ my voluntary work of cooking breakfast on Saturday at a shelter for the homeless in San Jose. I went to the store 2._ (buy) tofu and vegetables. As I 3._ (wait) in line to finish the purchase, the lady next to me approached me to find out 4._ I was going to consume the big box of tofu I was buying. Enthusiastically, I replied that I was buying food to cook breakfast for homeless people.While I was getting ready to pay the bill, to my 5._ (amaze), she offered to pay for everything.Despite multiple requests for 6._ name, she responded that she felt good because I was doing the kind of community work which her parents once received help from 7._ they came to this country as refugees. Hence she wanted to take 8._ opportunity to show her gratitude.It was the 9._ (good) reward I had ever received for my voluntary work, 10._ began three years ago. In a strange way we are all connected and we feel for each other. Thats what I call being a “human”BInterviewer: I wonder 1._ you could tell me something about your stampcollecting, Mr. Gibbon.Gibbon:Id be pleased 2._.What kind of things would you like to know?Interviewer:How old were you when you started 3._ (collect) stamps?Gibbon:Id just started secondary school, so I might be 12.Interviewer:And how many years have you been collecting stamps?Gibbon:Well, Im 40 now, so Ill leave you to work that 4._!Interviewer:OK. How did you start collecting? I mean,where did you get your first stamps?Gibbon:My father used to collect stamps, and I was 5._ (interest) in his collection. He gave me my first packet of stamps, and 6._ were British. Interviewer:You 7._ (collect) stamps for all these years. How many would you say youve got altogether?Gibbon:Thats not easy to answer, but 8._ Id say about ten thousand stamps.Interviewer:Thats a lot! How much do you think theyre worth?Gibbon:Ill guess.perhaps.about D|S15,000.Interviewer:Hmm! And which is the oldest stamp in your collection?Gibbon:Thats easy to answer! Ive got one of the worlds first stamps the Penny Black, 9._ was sold in Britain in 1840.Interviewer:Do you only collect British stamps or stamps from all over the world?Gibbon:No. I specialize in Great Britain, and also China and Finland. Ive got quite a good collection of these 10._ (country).阅读理解(2014黑龙江鹤岗一中模拟)People tend to have one of three beliefs about the meaning of work and which category you fall into largely depends on your parents, according to the new research from the University of Michigan.Workers who are joboriented are those just trying to make a living who much prefer the activities they pursue outside of the office. Careeroriented adults your typical “workaholic” value the social status and reputation that comes with professional achievement, and gain much of their identity from their jobs. Callingoriented people do work that they are passionate about because they want to have a positive impact on the world.In the first empirical study into how these orientations originate, researchers found that how teenagers view their parents work ethic is central to the development of their own work attitudes.Its not a straightforward transfer of values. People who perceive their father to have a strong careerorientation are more likely to be careeroriented themselves, but careerdetermined mothers have no effect on their kids work orientation. The researchers attributed this to generational gender norms. When the studys participants were teenagers, mostly in the 1980s, men were more commonly employed outside of the home and were more likely than women to hold “career” jobs with opportunity for advancement.Mothers do have a notable effect on whether children have a joborientation mentality. Teenagers who are close to their mothers are less likely to view work as just a job when they grow up, probably because theyve been raised to value social, rather than instrumental, life experiences.Having both parents display the same work ethic has an amplified influence, but only in the case of callingoriented children. As our society favors money and professional achievement, a child with two callingoriented parents is more likely to have the confidence to ignore these social pressures and pursue his dreams.Children can affect their parents work ethic, too. Allowing people to bring their children into the office has been shown to improve efficiency and productivity and could help raise that next generation of careeroriented workers.1If you are proud of being a teacher, and you are enthusiasti
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