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2015届高考高三英语二轮专题练习:完形填空(30)A(改编自2013高考上海卷)Over the past few decades, more and more countries have opened up the markets, increasingly transforming the world economy into one free-flowing global market. The question is:Is economic globalization 1 for all?According to the World Bank, one of its chief supporters, economic globalization has helped reduce 2 in a large number of developing countries. It quotes one study that shows increased wealth 3 to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries as a result of integration (融合) of local economies into the world economy. Home to some three billion people, these twenty-four countries have seen incomes 4 at an average rate of five percent 5 to two percent in developed countries. Those who 6 globalization claim that economies in developing countries will benefit from new 7 for small and home-based businesses. 8 , small farmers in Brazil who produce nuts that would surroundings fields originally have sold only in 9 open-air markets can now promote their goods worldwide by the Internet.Critics take a different view, believing that economic globalization is actually 10 the gap between the rich and poor. A study 11 by the U.N.-sponsored World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization shows that only a few developing countries have actually 12 from integration into the world economy and that the poor, the uneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind. 13 , they maintain that globalization may eventually 14 emerging businesses. For example, Indian craftsmen who currently seem to benefit from globalization because they are able to 15 their products may soon face fierce competition that could put them out of 16 . When large-scale manufacturers start to produce the same goods, or when superstores like Wal-Mart move in, these small businesses will not be able to 17 and will be crowded out.One thing is certain about globalizationthere is no 18 . Advances in technology 19 with more open policies have already created an interconnected world. The 20 now is finding a way to create a kind of globalization that works for the benefit of all.1. A. possibleB. smoothC. goodD. easy 【答案】C【解析】possible可能;smooth顺利的,光滑的,平稳的;good好的,有益的;easy简单的。根据上一句的“increasingly transforming the world economy into one free-flowing global market”逐渐地把世界经济转变为了一个自由流动的全球大市场。很明显这是讲的市场开放的好处,因此后面提出问题,“问题是,经济全球化对所有人都有益处吗?”,故选择C项。2. A. crimeB. povertyC. conflictD. population4. A. remainB. dropC. shiftD. increase7.A. alternative B. opportunities C. advances D. expansion【答案】B【解析】新的机遇,而不是“选择,先进,扩展”。8. A. In additionB. For instanceC. In other wordsD. All in all10. A. findingB. exploringC. bridgingD. widening12. A. sufferedB. profitedC. learnedD. withdrawn【答案】B【解析】suffer遭受;profit获益、盈利;learn学习;withdraw撤退、收回。根据后面的“ the poor, the uneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind”可知,穷人、没有受过教育的人、没有技术的工人和当地人都会落伍,也就是说只有少部分人是从中(市场开放)收益的,即profit from sth,从中受益、获益。13. A. FurthermoreB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Otherwise【答案】A16. A. troubleB. businessC. powerD. mind17. A. keep upB. come inC. go aroundD. help out18. A. taking offB. getting alongC. holding outD. turning back【答案】D【解析】根据下文可知,随着科技的发展,还会有更多的开放政策,将会出现更好的全球化,因此可知,全球化是必然的,是没有回头路可走的,因此选择D项,turn back表示“往回走,回头”。take off(飞机)起飞,脱掉,(事业上)腾飞 ,get along相处,进展,hold out伸出,坚持。19.A. decorated B. combined C. coped D. endedB(改编自12013江苏宿迁市高三一模)Could the Internet be totally free and should it be? Should the Internet be regulated? The recent disorder in the Arab world _1_ by a disputed (有争议的) video damaging the image of Prophet (先知) Muhammad shows the United States, which is busy _2_ global Internet freedom, has paid a huge price _3_ the lives of its diplomats.In an unregulated Internet world, cheating, violence or rumors can _4_ serious consequences. Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors” _5_ by the Internet and social media.The USled West always promotes Internet freedom and _6_ any regulation as investigation, but it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “_7_ Internet”. Moreover, _8_ the Internet in the West _9_ to be free, with no obvious _10_ and no limited sites, isnt the structure of the main pages already handcontrolled, with selected press agencies and _11_ occupying clearly dominating (显著的) positions?The Internet has helped fight injustice, _12_ corruption in places so far apart as Indonesia, India and Latin America. But the Internet could be extremely _13_ as well. Various racist or separatist organizations are using then Internet sites to _14_ strong feelings. Those who are spreading hate are frequently using t
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