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2015年春七年级英语下学期期中测试2. 根据句意及图片提示写出相应的单词。 1题图 2题图 3题图 4题图 5题图1. You can see a large _ in the tower. 2. Look! The house is on _. Lets help put it out (把它扑灭). 3. My uncle gave a new _ to me on my birthday last week. 4. Look! The cat is playing with a _ under the desk. 5. The two children always do the _ on weekends. . 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1. Class, please be quiet. I have something _ (重要的) to tell you. 2. At last, he _ (意识到) some of his own problems. 3. What are you going to be in the _ (未来)? 4. Listening and reading are two different _ (技巧) in learning a language. 5. A ball _ (击中) the window a few minutes ago. . 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。 1. Li Ming is not good at math and he is looking for a good way to i_ it. 2. Mr. Li t_ us Chinese last year. He was a good teacher. 3. The bike is too e_. Id like to look at some cheaper (便宜点的) ones. 4. Mr. Li will a_ in Beijing at 10:00 tomorrow morning. Who will meet him?5. Helen and her friends are in the same g_ but in different classes. 根据句意及英文释义写出所缺单词,并注意使用其适当形式。每空一词。 1. He is usually _ (not busy) on Sunday afternoons. 2. A girl _ (show the way to) us to the museum yesterday. 3. They found the _ (something very expensive) in the old house last year. 4. We need a boat to _ (go across) the river. 5. The weather today is _ (very very bad)! Lets stay at home. V. 选词填空。 1. He opened the fridge, but found _(anything / nothing) to eat. 2. Who knows _ ( somewhere / any-where) else? Please tell me. 3. _ (Thousand / Thousands) of people took part in the cookie sale. 4. The blouse is a little big for me. Could you show me _ (other / another)? 5. Do you want to _ (relaxed / relax) with a cup of milk or some music? VI. 根据句意,从下列选项中选出与划线部分意思相近的短语。( ) 1. Greg finished the work on his own. A. of himselfB. by himselfC. for himself ( ) 2. In the end, he thought of a good idea. A. looked forB. went well withC. came up with ( ) 3. My sister likes English and does well in it. A. is good atB. is close toC. is new to ( ) 4. Drinking too much is bad for you. You should drop the bad habit (习惯). A. get backB. find outC. give up( ) 5. I want to go mountain climbing with you this afternoon.A. have toB. would love toC. am free to VII. 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。 1. We all laughed when Bob _ _ _ (讲了个笑话). 2. Last week, they _ _ _ _ (周末玩得愉快). 3. We can use paper to make _ _ _ (不同种类的) things. 4. Brian likes to _ _ _ (网上冲浪) at home on weekends. 5. Its time to _ _ (吃午饭). Set the table, Linda. 6. You should get lots of exercise every day to _ _ _ (保持体型/保持健康). 7. Can you help me to _ _ _ (照像)? 8. There was an apple tree in front of my house _ _ _ _ (很久以前). 9. With some experience, you can _ _ _ (有所作为) in your work.10. Can you pass me _ _ _ (一张) paper?VIII. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 凯特在上周的游泳比赛中赢得了一等奖。Kate _ _ _ in the swimming competition last week. 2. 在上学的路上,我打算去趟书店。_ _ _ _ school, Im going to a bookstore. 3. 李明喜欢交朋友。他有很多朋友。Li Ming _ _ _. He has a lot of friends. 4. 我妈妈经常在做家务的同时听收音机。My mother often does the housework and listens to the radio _ _ _ _. 5. 他很小的时候就辍学了。He _ _ _ _ when he was very young.IX. 对下列句子中的划线部分提问,每空一词。 1. Li Hong likes playing the violin. _ _ _ Li Hong like playing? 2. They had to cross the river on boats._ _ they _ to cross the river? 3. Lily goes to the library twice a week. _ _ _ Lily go to the library? 4. It is about 10 kilometres from here to the zoo. _ _ _ _ from here to the zoo? 5. I am going to visit the Great Wall this weekend._ _ you going to _ this weekend?X. 根据对话内容及首字母提示,填写单词使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Bob. Do you know a lot about China?B: Yes. I (1)v_ China last year. A: Really? B: Yes. It has a long history and rich (2)c_. I want to learn more about it. A: Which city did you visit last year? B: An (3)a_ cityXian. It has a long history. It has lots of places of (4)i_, like the Drum Tower and the Terra Cotta Warriors. A: Did you travel around Xian by youself? B: No. A tour guide (5)l_ us there. I learned a lot from him. A: How exciting!
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