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【名师伴你行】2016届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 Art对点练习 新人教版选修6.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1I wish everyone _(be) rich so that there would be no fight for food again.2Danny is their _(adopt) son.3It_(predict) that house prices would continue to fall.4If I _(set) off a little earlier,I would have caught the train.5I_(aim) at the tree but hit the car by mistake.6I find the ending of the film very _(convince)7Many people expressed a strong _(prefer) for the plan.8We have already bought the house but we will not take _(possess) of it until May.答案:1.were2.adopted3.was predicted4.had set5was aiming6.convincing7.preference8.possession.短语填空on the one hand.on the other hand,a great deal of,in the flesh,by coincidence,concentrate on,as a consequence1_,Mary and Jim were going to Beijing on the same train.2Lucy wont go hiking with us._,she is not feeling well;_,she doesnt like outdoor sports.3This is a difficult project because it requires_time and energy.4My father smokes heavily;_,he coughs frequently.5The fans were very excited for they saw the superstar_at the theatre.6A person who constantly watches the clock can never_his work.答案:1.By coincidence2.On the one hand;on the other hand3a great deal of4.as a consequence5.in the flesh6concentrate on.完成句子1We werent_(拥有,占有) the new house located in the suburban district until July.2David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam so that he could be sure of passing it_(第一次尝试)3Doctors believe that smoking may_(导致) lung cancer.4_(碰巧) I met the person wed been discussing the next day.5I want to sell the house,but_(另一方面) I cant bear the thought of moving.6Advertising is intended to_(吸引,投合的兴趣) consumers,but it does not force them to buy the product.7I cant_(理解) why he quit his job.8I think the problem may_(在于,因为) the fact that no attention has been paid to this matter.答案:1.in possession of2.at his first attempt3.lead to4By coincidence5.on the other hand6.appeal to7.figure out8.lie in.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1从爱迪生身上,我们能学到很多东西(a great deal)。_2老师曾预言(predict)他将一事无成(accomplish nothing)。_3他的妈妈不相信(faith)老师的话。_4她发现孩子拥有(possess)丰富的想象力(rich imagination)。_5在妈妈的帮助下,发明成了爱迪生的爱好(preference)。_6尽管他还是个孩子,但他想成为(aim to)一个伟大的发明家。(含有as的倒装句)_7为了一项新的发明他会做很多次尝试(attempt v)。_8他发明了许多东西,使得他举世闻名(reputation)。_(二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇_答案:(一)1.From Thomas Edison,we could learn a great deal.2His teacher once predicted he would accomplish nothing.3His mother had no faith in the teachers words.4She found her child was possessed of rich imagination.5With his mothers help,invention became his preference.6Child as he was,he aimed to become a great inventor.7He attempted many times for a new invention.8He invented many things,and he had a good reputation all over the world.(二)参考范文:From Thomas Edison,we could learn a great deal.His teacher once predicted he would accomplish nothing.However,his mother had no faith in the teachers words and soon found her child was possessed of rich imagination.With his mothers help,invention became his preference.Child as he was,he aimed to become a great inventor.He attempted many times for a new invention,and eventually,he invented many things,such as the light,and he had a good reputation all over the world.
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