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课后达标检测21Unit 2Fit for life(建议用时:70分钟).单项填空1(2015长沙一中高三月考)He accidentally_ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.Alet outBtook careCmade sure Dmade out2If you _ this newspaper,youll receive an extra magazine.Asubmit to Bsubscribe toCtake to Dapply to3(2015常德模拟)When did you get there yesterday?We arrived there at eight oclock_.Asharply BrightCsharp Drightly4As a result of destroying the forest,large quantities of desert _ covered the land.Ais BhasChave DAre 5To his disappointment,the opinion he had stuck to _ out wrong.Aturn BturningCturned Dbe turned6It is required that all traffic participants should _ the traffic rules to make traffic safer and faster.Aperform BpossessCobserve Dsupport7What do you think of the present business conditions?Good,but also many_ risks.Ainfluential BconfidentialCpotential Dpreferential8Whats the response of the children_?Quite a number of them say they are addicted to _computer games during the vacation.Asurveyed;playing Bsurveyed;playCsurveying;playing Dsurveying;play9(2015江苏南通如东县四校调研检测)Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water_.Ahave polluted Bis being pollutedChas been polluted Dhave been polluted10To our puzzlement,the written record of our conversation doesnt_what was actually said.Acontribute to Bsubscribe toCcorrespond to Dsubmit to 11I love to go to the seaside in summer.It _ good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea.Adoes BfeelsCgets Dmakes12Do let your father know all the truth.He appears _ everything.Ato tell Bto be toldCto be telling Dto have been told 13Interest is as_to learning as the ability to understand,even more so.Avital BavailableCspecific Dsimilar14It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any _.Asymptom BsimilarityCsample Dshadow15Im a bit nervous about speaking in public this afternoon._!Im sure you can make it.AGo ahead BNever give upCGood luck DTake it easy.完形填空(2015湖南高考命题研究专家原创卷)I was taking a walk in the woods on a late August evening. Suddenly, a cool wind started to blow and a single red maple leaf broke off from its tree and _1_ down and around until it landed _2_ upon the top of my head. I took the leaf in my hand and looked at it with a smile. I knew that soon the _3_ mountains of my home would be painted by Gods own hand. Soon every leaf on every tree would become a masterpiece. Bright and beautiful reds would come first, _4_ by sunny yellows and glorious golds. Brilliant oranges and earthy browns would _5_ complete this colorful canvas (画布)As I walked on, my mind was filled with _6_ of autumns past. I remembered the crisp sound as I walked on the _7_ fallen leaves. I remembered the _8_ dry leaf smell that filled the air. I remembered huge piles of leaves that my children hid in, jumped on, and ran through. I even remembered dancing on that colorful _9_ while it crackled underneath my feet. I also thought of how autumn is the most bittersweet of seasons. It is so beautiful and yet so brief. It is so _10_ and yet also a sign of winter to come. It is the last reminder that our time on Earth is short and that we need to cherish it before it is gone. That is why I plan to take more walks in the woods while the colors _11_. That is why I plan to dance on the leaves again this _12_. I love this beautiful season and I plan to love more, share more and smile more in the days I have left here.1.A.flowed BjumpedCrushed Dcircled2A.peacefully BexcitedlyCtemporarily Dtightly3A.brown BgreenCgold Dred4A.set BcontainedCfollowed Dsurvived5A.previously BfrequentlyCdeliberately Dfinally6A.opinions BmemoriesCattitudes Dsuggestions7A.freshly BfortunatelyCswiftly Ddamply8A.colorful BstrangeCridiculous Ddelightful9A.picture BearthCcarpet Dcloth10A.essential BjoyousCdisappointing Denthusiastic11A.disappear BspreadCchange Dlast12A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter.语法填空(2015湖南高考命题研究专家原创卷)One old man was fishing while a kid was looking. The old man was 1._ skillful that the basket was full of fish soon. The old man wanted to give all the fish to the lovely kid, but the kid refused that. The old man asked 2._ surprise, “Why dont you accept them?” The kid said, “I want your fishing rod.” “3._ do you want to do with the rod?” the old man asked. “Well,” the kid answered, “This basket of fish will be eaten up in 4._ short time, but if I get your
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