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综合模拟卷(二)(90分钟120分)第卷(选择题, 共85分). 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. He wrote down the numbers inhurry incase he would forget them later. A. /; theB. a; theC. a; /D. the; a2. From hison his face, I knew he didnt want me to ask this question. A. expressionB. expectationC. explanationD. impression3. that is a good solution depends on how you look at it. A. ThatB. WhatC. WhetherD. It4. At present I cant remember the exact words but I couldnt beabout the general idea. A. curiousB. mistakenC. worriedD. clear5. Sam lent me his new bike, andI treated him chocolates. A. in chargeB. in placeC. in returnD. in turn6. He alwaysthe high spirits and wears smiles even if he is in great trouble. A. holds upB. keeps upC. sets upD. takes up7. in the hospital twice a year is necessary for people, especially the middle-aged and the aged. A. ExaminingB. ExaminedC. Being examinedD. Having been examined8. More and more high-speed railways have been built in China, it much easier for people to travel. A. to makeB. madeC. havingD. making9. Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? Yes, he had never praised himhe became one of the top students in his grade. A. afterB. unlessC. untilD. when10. Harry, we want to know what you think about the reform being carried out in our school. OK, Ito that. A. cameB. have comeC. am comingD. was coming11. Childrendiet is high in fat or who are not active will gain weight quickly. A. whatB. whoseC. whoD. that12. Thank you so much for changing the flat tire for me. Dont mention it. I only did what anyone elsein my place. A. must doB. should doC. may have doneD. would have done13. (2013重庆模拟)Good morning. A table for two? We are looking for a hotel. A. Sorry to hear that. B. It doesnt matter. C. No, thank you. D. Yes, sounds good. 14. Maybe you have travelled to many parts of the world, but nowhere elsestriking attractions. A. you can see so manyB. can you see such manyC. you can see such manyD. can you see many such15. When you go back home, please ring me up to let me know yousafely. A. are arrivingB. had arrivedC. have arrivedD. will arrive. 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)ChiChi, the Chihuahua is the Hero Pet of the Year. At 13 pounds, ChiChi might be most at home in a handbag. “Hes so16that I can take him up with one hand, ”says Mary Lane of her energetic pet. “Most people see him and think hes17. ”But last October, the Chihuahua18to be more than just a pretty face. Mary and her husband, Rick, were19on the beach one afternoon while on vacation in North Carolina. As usual, ChiChi was20on his blanket in his own little beach chair. “We had our21buried in books, ”recalls Rick, “when suddenly the22became extremely disturbed. His23was different from anything we had heard before. And he would not let us24him. ”ChiChi ran back and forth in front of his25, pulling at his leash(绳索)as if to run down the beach. The Lanes sat up to see two elderly26in the ocean, about 10 feet offshore. One was on her back, her27tipping under the waves. The other was28trying to keep her friends head above the surface. The Lanes29across the sand and into the surf. Rick swam to the woman in danger of drowning, while Mary held fast to the other one and30her up on the beach. “Then I went back to help Rick, ”Mary recalls. “The sand dropped off steeply, and a riptide(激流)was31the woman under. She was completely disoriented(无判断力的). ”Still recovering from recent knee surgery, the woman had been unable to32or push herself up. “Her friend had been in danger too, ”Mary says. “The waves were pushing her around. Theres no way she could have33much longer. ”The women hadnt called out for help. “They were34so hard, and there was no time for screaming, ”Mary recalls. But ChiChi had sensed danger nonetheless. “The dog knew. Ive35over how. ”Duty done, ChiChi was back in his chair, asleep. 16. A. smartB. tinyC. weakD. lovely17. A. uselessB. carelessC. kindD. crazy18. A. wantedB. decidedC. provedD. agreed19. A. workingB. swimmingC. quarrelingD. relaxing20. A. practicingB. lyingC. barkingD. eating21. A. handsB. mouthsC. earsD. noses22. A. ownerB. dogC. fishD. crowd23. A. barkB. biteC. yellD. roar24. A. feedB. noticeC. watchD. ignore25. A. deskB. boardC. chairD. shelf26. A. menB. fishermenC. womenD. students27. A. legsB. headC. armsD. feet28. A. madlyB. calmlyC. unexpectedlyD. excitedly29. A. walkedB. wanderedC. rushedD. raced30. A. pulledB. direc
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