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任务型读写(建议用时:30分钟)1(2013安庆模拟)阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。In every aspect of business, communication holds the key to improving cooperation(合作)and understanding. Here are some of the most important effects of encouraging communication on business. Building a good team requires a leader that communicates with each individual who is a part of it. Through direct communication, a leader can create a team that can perform perfectly in every department. With regular communication, many misunderstandings can be removed. This makes it easier for any employee to cut out unnecessary friction(摩擦)and free his mind to focus on the task at hand. No business process is perfect and there is always room for improvement. There are various separate departments that work together to create a product and each member of the team has concerns and suggestions regarding how they could improve the process. If communication channels are opened through weekly or monthly meetings and issues are discussed, a more smooth and efficient business process can be developed. Positive communication among the various team members that make up business departments helps sort out problems quite easily in a business process. Most importantly, when doubts, misunderstandings and other such issues are sorted out, a positive atmosphere is automatically created as everyone focuses his mind on his work and feels like he is a part of the big picture. Communicating with the customers through surveys can help understand the market conditions in a better way. What a product is lacking is best pointed out by a customer. When the management team has a better understanding of market conditions and reads the mind of the consumers, coming up with the right product is easier. To conclude, communication is the key to building up and managing successful business. Developing your business team and encouraging the opening of communication channels among your team members can eliminate(消除)much of the friction that may slow down the business process. Title: The(1)of good communication in businessThemeCommunication helps people to improve cooperation and(2)in business. (3)of goodcommunicationHelping build a good teamA team can have a(4)performance through direct communication. Regular communication helps team members. (5)misunderstandings and work whole-heartedly. Helping improve the business processSeparate departments(6)together to improve the process of creating a product. A more smooth and efficient business process can be developed through weekly or monthly meetings. Helping create a positive(7)Problems, doubts, and misunderstandings are sorted out by positive communication. Feeling like a part of business, everyones mind is(8)on his work. Helping understand market conditions betterAfter communicating with the customers, the team can better know the(9)of its product and think out the right product. ConclusionIf you want to(10)in your business, you should encourage communication. 2(2013皖南模拟)阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。Hearing a child say their first word is a magical moment. Children are eager to learn, and the more they are encouraged, the more they will try. All children develop at different paces, however, with speech there are many ways to help encourage a child to expand their vocabulary. It is important to speak to a child from their newborn stage. When we speak to babies early on, they will gain a better understanding of language. As babies grow and develop, they continue to practice good speech to be an excellent model. Pronounce words clearly so that children can grasp the spoken word. This will help them learn to speak. Children practice more when it is fun and interesting, and when their efforts are acknowledged. Be positive! Praise them when new words are learned, and emphasize how exciting these moments are. Never pay too much attention to mistakes, and instead strengthen correct pronunciation by repeating the word directly after the child. Children are often attracted by music. Nursery rhymes are fun to sing, as they are simple with catchy tunes that make them memorable. Singing nursery rhymes will often encourage speech development, as children tend to be able to learn and memorize the words when they are singing. Always give eye contact when speaking to a child. Project a clear voice to enable them to hear how the words are pronounced. Repetition is important to help encourage speech development. Facial expressions and gestures are just important to provide understanding. Learning to speak and communicating with others is a milestone that brings much joy to parents, and it is a fun journey for the child. Giving children encouragement and finding different ways to enhance speech development can greatly enrich their vocabulary. Enjoy this magical time, and ensure to use every moment to teach and lead t
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