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.重点单词 1. n运输工具;四轮马车;客车车厢 2. adj.私人的;私有的 n独处;隐私 3. n定居;解决 4. n印象;感想;印记 vt.给以印象;使铭记 adj.给人深刻印象的 5. adj.时常发生的;连续不断的 n坚定性;持久性,carriage,private,privacy,settlement,impression,impress,impressive,constant,constancy,6. vt.提醒;使想起 7. adj.在前的;早先的 8. n周围的事物;环境;adj.环绕的;周围的 9. vi.&vt.缺乏;没有;n.缺乏 10. vi.&vt.按;压;n.按;压;印刷;新闻 n压力 11. n(出入的)通道;开口;开端,remind,previous,surrounding,lack,press,pressure,opening,12. adv.向一侧;侧着;侧面地 13. adj.乐观的 n乐观;乐观主义 n乐观主义者 14. vt.系牢;扎牢 15. n瞬间;片刻;adj.立即的;立刻的 16. n生态;生态学 17. adj.贪婪的;贪心的 18. vt.回收利用;再利用 19. n代表;典型人物 20. n动机,sideways,optimistic,optimism,optimist,fasten,instant,ecology,greedy,recycle,representative,motivation,.重点短语 1. up 拿起;从事(工作);接受;开始;继续 3.lose of . 忽略/看不见 4. sight of 看见;瞥见 5. all directions 从四面八方;全面地 6. up 打扫;横扫 7.speed 加速 8. in 帮助;援助;协助 9.space 宇航局;航天局,take,sight,catch,in,sweep,up,assist,agency,10. . to . 把递给 11.be about 对感到乐观 12.be to 与很相似 13.be for 对很重要 14. no time 立刻;马上 15.be with 装备着,hand,optimistic,similar,essential,in,equipped,.重点句型 1. ,I was unsettled for the first few days. 因为担心这次旅行,头几天我感到心绪不宁。 2. I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached a large market. 当我们到了一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,我看不见王平了,Worried about the journey,what looked like,3. This the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbackes from your previous time period. 这就与你乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似,所不同的是,在你的脑子里似乎会不断地闪现以前的时光。,is similar to,.语篇练习 根据课文First Impressions完成下列短文。 Li Qiang couldnt believe that he had traveled to the year AD 3008_1_a time capsule. Because this was his_2_time trip,he was worried and_3_(settle)and he suffered_4_“time lag”. Besides,he was hit by the lack of fresh air. His guide, Wang Ping, who was very_5_(understand), gave him some green tablets and a mask,,_6_helped him solve the problems. However, Li Qiang experienced something new. He flew_7_the ground in a hovering carriage._8_(arrive) home, he was shown into a large bright,clean room_9_a wall of trees. After eating something, he fell sound asleep in the bed that_10_(produce)from the floor. 答案 1. in 2. first 3. unsettled 4. from 5. understanding 6. which 7. above 8. Arriving 9. with 10. was produced,.重点词汇及短语 1require v需要;要求 They require the same atmosphere as humans and are great engineers.(回归课本P22),要点导航 (1)require sb.to do.要求某人做 (2)requirement n要求;必要条件 meet/satisfy a requirement满足;达到要求,完成句子 (1)我们学校的条例规定:未经班主任许可,学生不得离开学校。 Our school regulations require that the school without headteachers permission. (2)所有乘客都必须出示车票。 All the passengers to show their tickets.,students not,leave,are required,(3)为了缓解交通压力,现在在一些城市中规定不准骑摩托车。 To ease increasing traffic pressure, in some cities that people shouldnt ride their motorbikes. (4)我要求你按时完成这项工作。 is to finish the work on time. (5)我的MP3出毛病了,恐怕需要修了。 Something is wrong with my MP3;Im afraid .,its required,All I require of you,it requires repairing/to be repaired,2lack vi.&vt.缺乏;没有;n.缺乏;短缺的东西 Confused by the new surrounding,I was hit by the lack of fresh air.(回归课本P18) 要点导航 lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时常与介词for或者in连用。 lack (for) sth.缺少 be lacking (in) sth.缺乏 for/by/from/through lack of sth.因缺乏,因没有,(a) lack of.方面的短缺 have no lack of.不缺乏 no lack of充足的(形容词词性) supply the lack补缺,完成句子 (1)他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。 They are so rich that they . (2)因证据不足,他被宣告无罪。 He was acquitted evidence. (3)他不够负责。 He is responsibility. (4)战争期间石油严重短缺。 There was petroleum during the war.,lack for mothing,for lack of,lacking in,a severe shortage of,3remind vt.提醒;使想起,使记起 I have to constantly rub my eyes to remind myself that I have travelled to the year AD 3005.(回归课本P17) 要点导航 remind sb.of/about sth.使某人想起某事 remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事 remind sb.that.提醒某人 注意:remind的主语可以是人也可以是物,但remember的主语必须是人。,完成句子 (1)她打电话来要我提醒你不要忘了赴宴。 She asked me over the telephone to . (2)学生应该时时提醒自己上课不要迟到。 A student should always for class.,remind you about the party,remind himself not to be late,(3)这使我想起我们在假日共同做的事。 what we did together during our holidays. (4)他的话使我想起了何时该保持沉默。 His words when I should keep silent.,This reminds me of,reminded me,4assist vt.帮助;援助 They have assisted in the discovery of planets round the fourth star in the Pleiades system.(回归课本P22),要点导航 (1)assist sb.with sth.帮助某人某事 assist sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事 assist (sb.) in (doing) sth.帮助(某人)做某事 (2)assistance n帮助;援助 come to sb.s assistance援助某人 with the assistance of.在帮助下 (3)assistant n助手,助理;adj.助理的,完成句子 (1)好词典会帮你理解英文。 A good dictionary will English. (2)美国直升机参与了救援。 U. S. helicopters the rescue effort.,assist you to understand,assisted in,(3)那位年轻助手第一次协助做实验时非常紧张。 was very nervous when he first performing the experiment. (4)您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。 the project is greatly appreciated.,The young assistant,assisted in,Your technical assistance in,5settlement n定居;解决;居民区 Location of settlement.(回归课本P17),要点导航 come to/make/reach a settlement达成协议 the settlement of a dispute纷争的解决 settle on/over sth.在某处停歇或停留一时 settle sth.with sb.与某人解决某事 settle down定居;安顿;安心 settle down t
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