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People on the move,Project,The wandering Roma,Who are they?,They are the Roma,They are wandering,What does the word wander mean?,What does the title The wandering Roma mean?,It means to move about or from place to place without any purpose,The Roma keep moving from place to place,1.把与联系在一起 2.打算做某事 3.在有共同点 4.做的倾向 5.建造定居家园,be associated with L1,(have/be) a tendency to do sth L15,aim to do L1,have sth in common L14,make permanent homes L16,6. 顺从,听任 7.徒劳 8.衣衫褴褛 9为某人赢得名声 10.算命,submit to L17,in vain L20,in rags L25,earn sb a reputation as L26,fortune telling L26,11.文化冲突 12.未经公平的申诉 13.放弃游牧生活方式 14. 向申请 15.实践某人的传统,the collision of cultures L35,without a fair hearing L38,abandon ones nomadic lifestyle L43,apply (to sb)for sth L43,practis/ce ones traditons L45,16.开始从事,喜欢 17.对有偏见 18.将归类为 19.密谋消灭/除去某人 20.处于恐怖中,plot to wipe sb out L50,in terror L52,have a prejudice against L48,take to L46,classify sth/sb as L49,21.大量地 22.一线光明 23.因为给某人补偿 24.部分地,in large numbers L50,a ray of light L57,compensate (sb) for L58,in part L60,Read the article again and finish the task-based reading,history,lived,left,passed,abandon,apply,attend,taken,Killed,recognized,meaning,objected,forced,submit,resisted,sent,preferring,collision,wipe,identified,Consolidation:,The Roma have been _ Europe and Asia since the 11th century, They were _ lived in northern India and they were _ even then. Because of this tradition, they couldnt find a permanent job. Although the Roma have developed differently in various places, they have something in _. They resisted making permanent homes, choosing to move. And they refuse to _ to any government,so they have no right to _. The Roma tried _ _ to find a country to live in.Throughout their travels, they experienced problems, Some Europeans treated them badly. Fortune telling, one of their traditions, earned them a _ as liars and witches. Many Europeans even did not want the Roma as their neighbours.,wandering,originally,nomadic,common,submit,vote,in vain,reputation,At the beginning of the 19th century, many countries changed their laws _the Roma. They wanted to make the Roma _ their nomadic lifestyle. Unable to practise their traditions, many young Roma _ _ illegal behaviour, they were often considered as the main _ when anything went missing. But now ,everything has changed a lot. Modern nations begin to recognize the Roma as a unique group, they want to _for past prejudice,they are trying to help the Roma _ their history, language and culture. The Roma and Europeans are on the way to becoming friends!,concerning,abandon,took to,suspects,compensate,preserve,Language points,1.Although the Roma have developed differently in various places,one thing they all have in common is a tendency to live in closed groups.The Roma have traditionally resisted making permanent homes,chooosing to move rather than become citizens of any one country.By refusing to submit to any government,the Roma cannot vote,but they also cannot be forced to pay taxes.(P30Lines14-18) 尽管罗姆人在许多地方经历着不同的发展,但他们相同的一点是倾向于居住在紧密的群体中。罗姆人历来抵制建造定居家园,他们宁愿搬迁,而不愿成为任何一个国家的公民。由于拒绝屈从于任何政府,罗姆人不能投票,但他们也不能被强迫纳税。 have sth. in common:有共同点 我们(彼此)有很多共同之处。 We have a lot in common (with each other). common 常用于以下短语中: (与.)没有共同之处 have nothing in common (with) out of (the) common 不寻常的, 特殊的,submit to submit to 有以下三种用法: submit + oneself +to + 名词 “屈服于(vt ./ vi.)” 他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。 They refused to submit (themselves) to the unjust decision. submit + 名词 + to + 名词 “提出,提交(vt.) ” 他向委员会提交了那份案件的报告。 He submitted the report on the case to the committee. submit + (that) “提议,主张,认为(vt.)” 我认为这个判决是错误的。 I submit that this judgment is wrong.,2.After leaving India,the Roma continued to move,trying in vain to find a country where they could live and trade peacefully.(P30Lines20-21) 离开印度后,罗姆人一直在迁徙,徒然地尝试着寻找一个国家。 in vain徒然,枉然 他的努力没白费。 His effort was not in vain. His effort was rewarded. His effort paid off. 令我非常失望的是,我努力想要说服父亲戒烟但没有成功。 Much to my disappointment,I tried in vain to persuade Father to quit smoking. Much to my disappointment, I tried to persuade Father to quit smoking,but in vain.,其它in+名词的词组 衣衫褴褛 in rags (P30Line25) 处于恐惧状态 in terror(P31 Line51) 大量地 in large numbers(P31Line51) 部分地 in part(P31Lines60) 处于危险之中 in danger 负债 in debt 坐牢,被监禁 in prison 在某些情况下 in some cases 首先,一开始 in the first place,3.Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behavior, such as stealing, and were usually the main suspects when anything went missing. (P32Lines45-47) 由于无法继续奉行他们的传统,许多年轻的罗姆人染上非法恶习,比如偷窃,而每当有东西丢失 时 ,他们常常就是重点怀疑对象。 take to 开始从事,喜欢,沉溺于 他五年前开始学英语。 He took to studying English 5 years ago. 李先生的儿子沉溺于网吧,深夜不归。 Mr.lis son has taken to staying out very late in the Internet bar. (be addicted to沉溺于) 安妮一见到新邻居就喜欢上了他们。 Anne took to her new neighbors the moment she saw them.,take advantage of (P27) 利用,欺骗,占便宜 (make the best of make the most of make ful
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