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江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语下学期个性化作业4一、词汇(1115 为动词填空) 1. May I _(介绍) my best friend Amy to you, Sandy?2. I think its our_(职责) to protect the environment.3.The little boy kept _(沉默) when he was asked some questions. 4.The angel spoke to the little girl in a gentle _(声音). How sweet it was!5. He _ (似乎)to be very angry when his father ordered him to turn off the computer.6. Spring Bud project is an_(organize) that helps poor young girls return to school.7. These wonderful_ (perform) will give us a musical performance.8. The cinema has_(exit) on its three sides.9. Which company is the _(produce) of this new CDROM?10. His parents are proud of his _(successful).11. A new road_(build) in the town.next year12. Before the performance, the curtain must _(hang) in front of the stage.13.My computer needs_(repair).14. His job was_(provide) the performers with water.15. His home work_(not finish) yet. 二、单项选择:( )1. After hearing the bad news, he seemed_. A. sad B. to sad C. sadly D. be sad( )2. Be_, please. You should practice speaking_. A. loud, loud B. loudly, loudly C. loud, loudly D. loudly, loud( )3. I thought I _ climb the top of the mountain. A. will be able to B. am able to C. would be able to D. could be able to( )4. I was happy because I was chosen_ of the charity show. A. be the host B. being the host C. to be the host D. was the host( )5. Many kids find_ interesting to play computer games. A. this B. that C. it D. it was( )6. His bike_ so he had to take a taxi. A. is broken B. was broken C. broke D. broken( )7. Now mobile phones can take pictures_ cameras. A. with B. of C. as D. like( )8.- Look, its going to rain. -Really? _. I dont take an umbrella with me. A. Please dont B. I think so C. Good idea D. I hope not( )9. I hope my parents_ ask me about my studies. A. not B. not to C. wont D. dont( )10. We dont believe_ little children can do_ much work. A. so, so B. so such C. such, so D. such, such( )11. _ the story sound_? A. Is, interesting B. Is, interested C. Does, interesting D. Does, interested( )12. Our English teachers_ is very sweet, do you think so? A. sound B. noise C. voice D. sing( )13. Im sorry to keep you waiting. _. A. Thank you B. Really, I dont think so C. It doesnt matter D. I never mind( )14. TV and radio programmes_ the other of the world with the help of satellites. A. can send to B. can send to C. can be sent on D. can be sent to( )15. He feels nervous the exams. A. because B. so C. because of D. why( )16. Do you hope all of us_ the test? A. to pass B. passing C. will pass D. A and C( )17. Who_ out the wet raincoat? Li Lei did. A. hung B. hanged C. is hung D. was hung( )18. It is such_ that you must_ on it. A. hard work, work hard B. a hard work, hard work C. hard working, work hard D. work hard, work hard( )19. The TV is still on, please tell him_. A. not to forget to turn it on B. not to forget to turn it off C. to not forget to turn on it D. not to forget to turn off it( )20. His class held a meeting to talk about to Inner Mongolia yesterday. A. travel B. traveled C. traveling D. to travel三、完形填空: No.1 Hospital is in the middle of the town. All the doctors are busy 1 their work every day. A few days 2 a new 3 began to work in this hospital. She is very clever,4 she never speaks. She can work all the day and never gets 5,she is one metre tall and has a face 6 a TV screen. She is Dr. Robot.机器人Doctors often need to ask their 7 a lot of questions. 8 doctors can only spend a few minutes on a patient(病人). But Dr. Robot can ask a patient 9 an hour if it s 10. 11 the help of Dr. Robot,a human doctor can 12 a lot of useful information when he meets his patient.How can Dr. Robot do it? A computer in it “tells” her 13 to do. Dr. Robot can do a lot of things people can do,though she cant completely(完全地) 14 the place of 15 doctors.( )1. A. with B. atC. onD. in ( )2. A. beforeB. in C. agoD. after( )3. A. dog B. doctor C. student D. patient ( )4. A. whetherB. if C. andD. but ( )5. A. tireB. tired C. tiring D. is tired ( )6. A. inB. atC. likeD. for
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