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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 高考系列复习02,02一轮课本复习课件 必修一 Unit 2 English around the world ,Unit 2 English Around the World,基础知识自测,一单词拼写 请根据给出的读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1. _ 5AktFuElI adv. 事实上 2._ beis vt. 以基础 3. _5rAdjJElI adv. 逐渐地 4. _ aidenttin. 本身, 身份 5. _ f lu;nt adj. 流利的 6. _ 5fri:kwEnt adj. 频繁的,经常的 7. _ rikwest vt. n. 要求,请求 8._ 5rekEnaiz vt. 认出,承认 9. _ streitadj. 直的 10. _ lt adj. n. 后者,actually,base,gradually,identity,fluent,frequent,request,recognize,straight,latter,11._inri vt. 使充实, 使丰富 12. _5eliveitE n. 电梯 13. _5kCNkE vt. 占领,征服 14. _5AksEnt n. 口音 15. _vE5kAbjulEri n. 词汇 16 ._ ju;zidn. 使用,用法 17._E5fiFEl adj. 官方的,正式的 18. _ iks5preFEn n. 词语,表达 19. _ 5mid5westEn adj.中西部的 20. _kE5mB:nd vt./n. 命令,指令,enrich,elevator,conquer,accent,vocabulary,usage,official,expression,Midwestern,command,二单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Our school has organized a lot of activities in order to our school life. 2. He knew this city with _ visits throughout the year. 3. Can you these twin sisters? 4. I showed two books to you just now. Which one do you prefer, the former or the ?,enrich,Gradually frequent,recognize,latter,5. The chairman that we should show our card when leaving here. 6. This stick looks as if it were bent in the water, but it is . 7. English is on frequent practice. 8. The date for the celebration has been _ announced. (official) 9. The general gave a _ that all soldiers should go to the front. 10. Mastering words and _ is a very important part in English learning.,requested,identity,actually straight,Fluent based,officially,command,expressions,三词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Some _ came to our _ yesterday. (office) 2. The _ thought they won after they conquered this land but in fact, they could not conquer peoples mind. (conquer) 3. We should base the ways of our behaviors on some _ moral principles. (base) 4. We go camping from time to time to enrich our life. And these _ bring a lot happiness to us indeed. (enrich) 5. These two tigers _ accepted each other after the keepers had taken gradual and effective steps. (gradual),officials offices,conquerors,basic,enrichments,gradually,6. The police failed to_ that criminals identity, which led to his release. (identity) 7. _ in English may contribute to fluent French as they share a lot of similarities. (fluent) 8. I would like to express my gratitude to you all though some more feelings are beyond _. (express) 9. If you want to use these words, you should first master their _. (use) 10. Most of the dead were recognized by their relatives but some were beyond _ as the explosion was too strong.( recognize),identify,Fluency,expression,usages,recognition,四词组互译 将下列词组或短语翻译成中文或英语。 1. _ _ 由于 2. _ 提出,走近 3. _ 现在,目前 4. _ 利用 5. _ 例如 6. _ 扮演角色,充当作用 7. _ 在尽头 8._ 即使 9. _ 以为基础 10. _ 起初,开始 11. _ 从一个地方到另外一个地方,because of,come up,at present,make use of,such as,play a part in,at the end of,even if,be based on,at first,from one place to another,12. without a second thought _ 13. make voyages to a place _ 14. English as an international language _ 15. a large number of _ 16. enrich the English language_ 17. believe it or not_ 18. neighboring towns _ 19. recognize sb as _ 20. become less like German _,没有经过深思熟虑,乘船到一个地方,英语作为一门国际语言,大量的,丰富英语这门语言,信不信由你,邻近的市镇,公认某人为,变得没有那么像德语了,五词组运用 (1)根据句子所提供的语境,从第四大题中选出一个适当的词组并用其适当形式填空。 1. He _a good idea and shared with us at the meeting. 2. The accident happened _ his carelessness. 3. _, we have to focus on our study as the exams are coming. 4. If you want to succeed, you must _ your time. 5. There are many kinds of books on the shelf, _ novels, poems and so on.,such as,came up with,because of,At present,make good use of,6. Computers are _ our society. 7. Mr. Li gave a speech _conference. 8. I will not go to the wedding party _I am invited. 9. My guess _what I had seen. 10. He took the action _ and so he deserved the failure. 11. The beggar went _ to try his luck. 12. _, we did not know each other. But now we have become good
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