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Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1He parked his car _ (在旁边) the fence.2After a fire broke out in the lab,a lot of _ (设备) was damaged.He was _ (委派) to look into the matter.3I cant _ (评价) her ability without seeing her work.4Although it is impossible to _ (绝对地) predict that a volcano will _ (爆发) at some minute,it is possible in some period.5The _ (实际的) cost was much higher than we had expected.6He _ (挥手) goodbye to his friend.7We should develop the childrens _ (潜力) while theyre young.8Ive found a job that _ (适合) me down to the ground.词义辨析1用suit,fit,match的适当形式填空(1)Her shoes _ her dress;they look very well together.(2)How about eight oclock outside the cinema?That _ me fine.(3)Do you think this colour _ me?(4)I tried the dress on but it didnt _ me.It was too small.2用force,strength,power,energy的适当形式填空(1)I did everything in my _ to help her.(2)The army took control of the region by _.(3)He hasnt got enough _ to lift the box.(4)As we all know,knowledge is _.(5)You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.完成句子1如果你想和他见面,你得预约。If you want to meet him,_.2我们沿着小路朝山顶上走。We _ along the path _.3在大火中,这所房子被烧成了灰烬。In the fire,the house _.4他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。He is wearing sunglasses _.5我们正要出去散步这时天下起了雨。_ it began to rain.单项填空1People who dont smoke have less_ of suffering from lung disease than those who do so.Apotential Bcause Chope Dproblem2Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often_ to finish some challenging tasks.Aappreciated BapproachedCappointed Dagreed3Although the shirt_ me well,but the colour doesnt_ me.So I dont want to buy it.Afits;fit for Bfits;suitCfits for;suit Dis fit for;fit4Mr.Smith,_ of the_ speech,started to read a novel.Atired;boring Btiring;boredCtired;bored Dtiring;boring5His house was_ due to the big fire,_ made him homeless.Aburnt to the ground;whichBrebuilt;whatCpainted;thatDrun out of;which6We were just_ calling you up_ you came in.Aabout;whenBon the point of;whileCon the point of;whenDon the point;as7_ in the field all day,I felt very tired.AWorking BHaving workedCWorked DWork8_ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.ACompare BWhen comparingCComparing DWhen compared9The young man rushed out of the room,_ into his car and started it hurriedly,_ to get to the hospital as soon as possible.Agot;hoped Bgetting;and hopedCgot;hoping Dgetting;hoped10Do you think there is possibility that they will win the game?_.They dont cooperate with each other well.AAbsolutely BAbsolute notCAbsolutely not DCertainly.完形填空Scientists have searched for many years for a_1_to tell whether a volcano_2_will be small or large.Now,four scientists say they have discovered something in_3_that will help do this.They_4_the research on Mount Unzen on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu.Mount Unzen exploded_5_November,1990.Since then,more explosions_6_43 people and destroyed the homes of more than 2,000 others.The volcano is still_7_today.The scientists say the lava of the volcano_8_high level of an element (成分),_9_is a sign of the presence of the lava from deep in the earth,not from the surface.They say it shows that the lava_10_directly from inside the earth is_11_with huge explosions instead of smaller ones.The scientists examined the lava from 18 explosions of Mount Unzen that took place during many_12_of years.They_13_studied the lava from other volcanoes in the area that are older than Mount Unzen.The lava studied came from_14_large and small explosions.The scientists found that large explosions contained_15_of the element than small_16_.The scientists say if they_17_this two years earlier,they_18_the people living in the area_19_Mount Unzen and saved many_20_.1A.glanceBmethodCmotorDpanic2A.eruptionBclimateCaspectDdistrict3A.lungBashClavaDcrater4A.statedBteasedCcomparedDdid5A.inBonCfromDoff6A.have quittedBhave utteredChave focusedDhave killed7A.activeBabstractCridiculousDmental8A.triesBmanagesCstressesDcontains9A.whichBthatCifDwhen10A.goingBcomingCendingDlosing11A.decreasedBboredCswallowedDconnected12A.hundredBtenCnumberDthousands13A.alsoBeitherCtooDas well as14A.o
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