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New words,Text,Think about it,Lets do it,permission n. 答应;允许 receive v. 收到 invite v. 邀请 month n. 月 idea n. 想法;主意,Do you know someone who has lived overseas? Do you want to study overseas? Why or why not? What are Li Mings parents worried about?,Li Ming receives an e-mail. Jenny wants him to come to Canada. Li Ming is exited! But first, he must ask for permission. L: Mom? Dad? P: Yes, Li Ming? L: Here! These are for you! They are pictures of my in Beijing. ML: Thank you, Li Ming. Ill put this one above my desk. ML: Nice pictures! L: OhandMom and Dad? P: Yes, Li Ming? L: May I go to stay with Jenny and Danny in Canada? Jennys parents have invited me. ML: Mmmm I dont know, Li Ming. You are very busy at school. ML: And we will miss you very much! How long will you stay? L: Jenny says itll be about five months. And I can go to her school. My English will become very good! ML: Youre right, Li Ming. Its a wonderful idea. You can go. L: Yay! Thanks, Dad! Ill write to Jenny now!,Imagine you want to study overseas. Write a letter to your parents to ask for their permission. Think about why they might say no. Try to convince them.,Li Ming receives an e-mail. 李明收到了一封电子邮件。 receive 接到,收到,接受(与 give, send是反义词)。例如: I received Jacks letter last week. 我上周收到了杰克的来信。 Mr. Wang received the foreign friends. 王先生接待了那些外国朋友。 The television set receives well. 电视机接收性能良好。,Jenny wants him to come to Canada. 詹妮想让他来加拿大。 want 想,打算。可以构成不同的短语:want sth. (想要某物),want to do sth. (想要做某事)或 want sb. to do sth. (想要某人做某事)。例如: I want a new bike. 我想要一辆新自行车。 Danny wants a glass of tea. 丹尼想要一杯茶。 Mrs Zhao wants to buy some vegetables. 赵太太想去买些蔬菜。 Jenny wants to send an e-mail to her friend. 詹妮想给他的朋友发一封电子邮件。 以上两句中,to do sth. 为动词不定式短语作谓语动词want 的宾语。 I want you to help me. 我想让你帮我一下。 Mike wants his father to buy him a new football. 麦克想让他爸爸给他买个新足球。 以上两句中,动词不定式短语 to do sth. 作宾语补足语。,Li Ming is excited! 李明很兴奋! excite v. 使激动,使兴奋,这样的动词,可以分别加后缀-ing 和-ed 变为形容词。一般情况下,表示人的状态用 “v.+ed” 形式,在句中作表语。修饰事或物,则用 ”v.+ing” 形式,在句中作定语或表语。例如: That is exciting news! We are excited. 那是一条令人兴奋的消息,我们都很兴奋。 拓展:类似的用法还有: surprise (使人惊奇) surprising (令人惊奇的) surprised (惊奇的) interest (使人感兴趣) interesting (有趣的) interested (感兴趣的) amaze (令人惊讶) amazing (令人惊讶的) amazed (惊讶的) That book is interesting. I am interested in it. 那本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣。,But first, he must asks for permission. 但是,首先它必须征得同意。 ask for 要求,请求。可能构成 ask sb. for sth. 向某人要求谋事(物) David often asks his father for money. 大卫经常向他爸爸要钱。 The old woman is lost. She is asking the policeman for help. 那位老妇人迷路了,她正在向一位警察求助。 permission n. 许可,准许。 ask for permission 征求同意(许可)。to give sb. permission to do sth. 许可某人做某事 Mr Brown gives Tom permission to watch TV for an hour every day. 布朗先生允许汤姆每天看一个小时电视。 I took away the book with Mr Zhangs permission. 我拿走这本书得到了张老师的许可。,Ill put this one above my desk. 我 要把这张放在我的书桌的上方。 above “在之上”,表示上下的位置关系(不一定垂直);反义词:below 在下面。例如: The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机在云层之上飞行。 辨析:above, over 与 on above 指不一定垂直的上面,与物体表面不接触。 over 表示 “(垂直地)在上方”;反义词:under在下面。 on 指在物体的表面上,与该物体接触。例如: A lamp hangs above us. 在我们上面悬挂着一盏灯。(不一定垂直) There is a bridge over the river. 河的上方有一座桥。(垂直) There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有本书。(表面接触),Jennys parents have invited me. 詹妮的父母已经邀请我了。 这是一个现在完成时的句子。 现在完成时表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,现在完成时句子不能与一般过去时的时间状语连用,只关心现在的结果或状态,而不考虑动作的时间。 现在完成时的结构为:助动词 have (has)+过去分词。例如: I have seen the movie. 我看过那部电影了。(我对电影内容已经有所了解。但什么时候看电影,已不是关键了。) Kate has bought a new dictionary. 凯特已买了一本新词典。(结果是她已有了一本词典,不需要证明何时购买。),How long will you stay? 你将要呆多久? 就时间段提问用特殊疑问词,How long? 意为 “多久”,表示一段时间。例如: How long did you stay in Beijing? 你在北京住了多久? I stayed there for a week. 我在那住了一周。 How long did it take you to do your homework? 做作业用了你多长时间? It took me near an hour. 用了我将尽一小时。,Its a wonderful idea. 这是个好主意。 wonderful adj. 神奇的,绝妙的,极好的。例如: Im sure youll have a wonderful time. 我肯定你将玩得很愉快。 Its wonderful to go swimming in summer. 夏天游泳绝妙无比。 拓展:wonderful 组成的词组: a wonderful box 一个神奇的盒子 a wonderful idea 一个极好的主意,
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