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Section Learning about Language a general tendency in the way a situation is changing 形 势变化的总的趋势 1tendency n倾向;趋势,典例,There is a growing tendency for people to work at,home instead of in offices. 人们在家里而不是在办公室工作的趋势日益增长。,拓展 tendency (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事的倾向,tendency towards/to sth.的倾向/趋势,运用 完成句子,He has _ ( 逃跑的倾向) standing on the,stage facing so many people.,The _ ( 和平的趋势) can be seen,clearly now.,a tendency to run away,tendency towards/to peace,On the whole the warming of the earth is a phenomenon that causes great concern.地球变暖基本上是一个 引起巨大关注的现象。 2on the whole 大体上;基本上,典例,No citizens pay attention to the effects they have on,the environment on the whole. 基本上,没有市民去关注他们对环境造成的影响。 拓展 as a whole 作为一个整体;整体来看 the whole of 整个,运用 用 whole 构成的短语填空 This article is well written _.,We,must,look,at,the,educational,problem,_. _ the morning was wasted trying to find the documents.,on the whole,as a whole,The whole of,Low-lying countries feel their very existence is in,danger from rising sea levels.低洼的国家感到他们完全生存在 海平面上升的危险中。 3existence,解析 existence 是动词 exist 的名词形式,多用作不可数名,词,表示“生存;存在”。如:,Its impossible to prove the existence of God. 无法证明上帝的存在。,拓展 in existence 存在的;现有的,come into existence (come into being) 产生;成立 bring/call.into existence 使产生/成立,运用 完成句子,This is the tallest building _ ( 现有的) in,the world.,The company_ (成立) 20 years ago.,in existence,came into existence,it 的用法,本单元的语法点是 it 引导的强调句。it 可以用来对句子的 某一成分进行强调,其基本句型结构为“It is/was被强调的成 分that/who/whom其他成分”。该结构的强调成分仅限于主 语、宾语和状语。,1强调主语,It was I that/who met Jack on the way to school this morning.,是我今天早晨在上学的路上碰到了杰克。,2强调宾语或介宾,It is Mary who/whom/that you should ask. 你应该问的是玛丽。,It was to me that she gave the money.她那钱是给我的。,3强调状语,(1)强调地点状语,It was in Shanghai that I studied four years ago. 我四年前就是在上海读书。 (2)强调时间状语,It was four years ago that I studied in Shanghai. 就在四年前我在上海读书。 (3)强调方式状语,It was in this way that they won the game. 就是用这种方法他们赢得了比赛。,注意:,(1)强调人时,连接词可用 that,也可用 who (作从句的主语) 或 whom (作从句的宾语);强调物或状语时,连接词只能用 that。 (2)原句的谓语动词时态是过去时,用“It was.”,其余用“It,is.”。如:,It is English that Mr.Wang teaches us. 王老师教我们的是英语。,It was English that Mr.Wang taught us last year. 王老师去年教我们的是英语。,(3)从结构上看,把强调句的结构去掉,剩下的仍是完整的,句子。,(4)强调句的一般疑问句为“Is/Was it.that.”;否定句为“It isnt/wasnt.that.”;特殊疑问句为“特殊疑问词is/wasit that.”。如:,Is it tomorrow that we will have a meeting? 是不是明天我们将有一个会议?,It isnt tomorrow but the day after tomorrow that we will have,a meeting.不是明天而是后天我们将有一个会议。,When was it that you caught a cold? 你究竟是什么时候感冒的?,一、完成句子,1 _ along the Mississippi River _ ( 正 是 ) Mark Twain spent much of his,childhood.,2What _ (是) his daughter needs most? 3 It was Mike and Jim _ ( 帮 助) the old,man last week.,4 It _ ( 是 她 ) people took to a nearby,hospital last night.,5It was _ he came back _,(直到才) he knew the news.,It was,that,is it that,who/that helped,was her that/whom,not until,that,二、句型转换,1It was at 9 that I called you yesterday.(对画线部分提问),_,2I visited the museum with Mary on Sunday.(强调句,强调,时间状语),_,3I often help my mother with the housework.(强调句,强调,宾语),_,When was it that you called me yesterday?,It was on Sunday that I visited the museum with Mary.,It is my mother that/who/whom I often help with the housework.,4 It was not until ten oclock last night that my father,returned.(陈述句),_,5Its the third time that I have been here.(强调句的一般疑问,句),_,My father didnt return until ten oclock last night.,Is it the third time that you have been here?,
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